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  1. [SOLVED:] Merge multiple .txt files into one .txt thru Excel VBA
  2. Solved: Hyperlinking photos from directory
  3. Create Sheet
  4. export word tables into excel
  5. Solved: Find key words in a column and color the row
  6. Array or Collection - building a file summary
  7. next number in column
  8. Sum unknown rows with know columns
  9. Copy data from several worksheets to one existing worksheet with VBA
  10. Solved: deleting blank rows in a specific range
  11. expression for the code "cells.find(..)"
  12. Help perfecting some VBA from a recorded macro
  13. Removing Punctuation Macro Also Removing Leading Zeroes
  14. Creating a control
  15. Solved: Hyperlinking to bookmarks in a word document
  16. Solved: Display Message after Submission on a Data Validation List
  17. Change format of Variable to Time
  18. filter data and than load it into master file
  19. [SOLVED:] Run time error 424 object required
  20. [Excel 2010 VBA] Get events of an object created on a Frame, OLEObjects.
  22. Solved: AlphaNumber Formula
  23. Solved: VBA VLookup not working
  24. VBA Problem taking cell data from IE
  25. Solved: evaluate some numbers
  26. [SLEEPER:] Pivot table multiple filters
  27. Reference a word doc embedded into excel
  28. invalid property value error with combobox
  29. Solved: Chr(34) returning ""
  30. SQL statements with VBA
  31. Shell with an array result - check items 1 by 1
  32. Who Can Solve This Problem?
  33. Solved: VBA code for number sequence excel
  34. Cumulative mismatch records to single one
  35. How to add calender controls button in toolbox
  36. Criteria Based web query in excel
  37. Solved: Enter Times Without the Colon
  38. [SLEEPER:] Excel VBA - load and search a Word Doc?
  39. Back to user form
  40. Worksheet_Change and DDE
  41. Password encrypted
  42. How can I let the macro determine if the contents of a cell is numeric or text
  43. VBA Code for Calendar Date Button
  44. Cell Tab Order
  45. textbox to integer
  46. Run macro at different intervals based on cell date's distance from today's date
  47. [SOLVED:] Infinite Loop problem
  48. Solved: VBA Code for Sum by condition for each date
  49. Solved: Incorporating dynamic ranges into CORREL function using VBA
  50. Solved: Simple Segregation of Sums
  51. Clear out static variables
  52. error when changing font color with VBA based on cell value
  53. regex function isn't working
  54. Email with updated spreadsheet attached
  55. Solved: Lotus Notes
  56. macro to generate next serial NO
  57. Hyperlink problem
  58. expression for offset()
  59. skipping ahead in for loop
  60. insert empty row where the content between two lines are different
  61. Solved: Msg Box on 1st of every month
  62. Copying from only cells with data in range
  63. Solved: trying to dynamically create a userform
  64. Solved: Print Selective Area
  65. check if workbook open - if not open it
  66. Adv Data Seperation
  67. Prevent Clear Contents
  68. pivot help
  69. if sheets("sheet1") doesn't exist, then a message box will appear
  70. Solved: VBA If statement using and OR function
  71. Solved: the last cell in each column
  72. VBA Generating List
  73. need vbd string to number
  74. Solved: Auto Numbering Alternative Column using VBA Macros
  75. cut, paste, blank cell....
  76. Solved: Vlookup help filling combo box
  77. Help to Create Addins XLA for user control access
  78. Open a File from a folder Excel Vba
  79. Increase row number
  80. Array to fill combobox
  81. Userform_activate from immediate window?
  82. Solved: Running a Function from a Worksheet
  83. Concatenate Data with Column Headings
  84. Solved: Need help to understand this code
  85. [SOLVED:] Problem Reading Text file with Excel Macro (VBA)
  86. How to use variable column number in vba
  87. Solved: Add amount everyday
  88. Solved: Pivot Table Source and Filter
  89. Solved: Code that returns the full path of a link
  90. Solved: Copying excel cell content into word template table
  91. Port to word doc
  93. select columns A through D for each cell value in column A that equals a variable
  94. Excel Macro Code Run without Button Click
  95. Use a macro to stop to run other macros.
  96. Solved: Too next Together?
  97. Random
  98. Solved: Assign Cell Value to array
  99. Data Sequence like sheet1
  100. Problem with Macro printing code
  101. Solved: Silly Ques: What is the Underscore btwn listed variables?
  102. Runtime Error '9' Subscript out of range
  103. Error handler
  104. Solved: Too many nested loops in excel
  105. Solved: Controlling a webpage dropdown
  106. Interesting observation about evaluate command
  107. Web Query from Logon and password protected web page
  108. Copy non continuous ranges and paste it new word file
  109. Convert format cell to text
  110. [SOLVED:] Compare Two Columns and return text
  111. Close ss with confirmation
  112. Solved: output excel rows to txt files
  113. Solved: Copy and Paste in next available row
  114. Highlight Cell if it contains a specific character in specific position.
  115. Help with VB in Excel 2010
  116. Mass file renaming
  117. Solved: copy only used rows to another sheet
  118. Advanced onsheet Goal Seek
  119. send mail automatically on a specific date
  120. Need for Speed
  121. First empty row in given range (i.e. C3:G16)
  122. Solved: Update current url
  123. find worksheet based on selection from dropdown list
  124. First experience with VBA - hoping to get tips on streamlining my macro!
  125. Open each file in ary and transpose range
  126. Today() to send email.
  127. SUMPRODUCT confusion
  128. Help w/ Comparing Lists using IF's and vLookup
  129. Conditional statement does not work
  130. VBA to open, copy data from one workbook to another
  131. Solved: Excel file only to open on designated computers
  132. My first VBA
  133. Solved: Can you determine row number from Activecell
  134. ActiveWorkbook.Path
  135. Opening CSV-files as new sheets in current workbook
  136. Solved: enable more options in userform with password
  137. Please kindly help!
  138. highlighting precedent cell
  139. Solved: Sorting
  140. Solved: Found data in another Column using Formula
  141. Open Excel and do vlookup.
  142. Detect Excel Version of a closed file.
  143. Solved: Sumproduct Question
  144. Command Bar Control Error
  145. ActiveSheet.ShowAllData
  146. Solved: Coloring alternate rows
  147. Possible via vba to check the datetime stamps on files in a directory?
  148. Setup column to require unique entry
  149. Solved: duplicate record count and paste in new sheet
  150. Populating combo box using dynamic range - run time error 1004
  151. Error handling
  152. unhide and activate worksheet based on entry in other cell
  153. Solved: Understand and Modify Code
  154. When there is an advanced filter, clear it.
  155. Solved: Need a tutorial on Array Redim Preserve
  156. Solved: SUM a range based on user selection
  157. VBA Security / Encrypt VBA Code
  158. How to fill the number in the cells.
  159. How to change the code to search by row instead of by column?
  160. Fill listbox then update same row
  161. Thank You All...
  162. Functions Within Functions...
  163. Leave only numbers in a column
  164. [SLEEPER:] Save as csv file format
  165. Solved: Naming a worksheet for all subs in project
  166. Solved: Excel Macro Copy cells and pastes them in another sheet
  167. Selection.OnAction = "macro1"
  168. Populating an array with a userform
  169. Search Multi workbook with multi sheet and copy
  170. Time Calculation
  171. Solved: Environ("USERNAME") - Can't find Project or Library error
  172. List of all Application. methods
  173. [SOLVED:] Close Excel Window
  174. Vba To Fill Web Page Form
  175. saving tab as file
  176. Solved: Looping
  177. Compare Data in two excels
  178. Solved: It copy one row not all needed rows
  179. Series of IF conditions
  180. Trouble with Userforms
  181. [SOLVED:] Initiate .xlsm file with task scheduler
  182. Solved: SUMPRODUCT HELP
  183. Insert empty columns
  184. Solved: Reading a binary file into Excel with VBA code?
  185. Change cell color after using copy command
  186. Solved: Move every Nth cell up without affecting the rest of the columns
  187. Solved: Splitting addresses into multiple columns
  188. Excel 2007 automate calendar appointment in Outlook shared calender
  189. Import xml web page
  190. [SLEEPER:] Legend.LegendEntries issue - Object doesn't support
  191. Solved: Copying Data from Multiple Excell Files - Range function problem Help
  192. Solved: VBA Coding not Updating in Excell Run`s
  193. Open all Excell files in subfolders without specifying Name of Files
  194. Passing variables inside the dynamically created form
  195. Macro very slow while generating output
  196. [SOLVED:] Save file and a standalone read-only version
  197. Solved: Copy Formula from cell above and Paste only values: help required
  198. Solved: Calling a user form
  199. Solved: Pop Up Window to Select Range
  200. exclude holidays when calculating between dates
  201. VBA Check for Duplicates in Multiple Columns from Userform
  202. [SOLVED:] Controls combobox selection activating WebBrowser control.
  203. Solved: Color rows based on value
  204. Help Defining an ARRAY and c00 code
  205. Solved: Who can solve my matter
  206. Solved: Search document for words in keyword list
  207. Solved: Help with my code
  208. VBA comma method?
  209. Solved: Find last row
  210. Reading a binary file into Excel at certain hexadecimal addresses
  211. Solved: Entering same info twice
  212. Solved: Consecutive Numbers Define range
  213. Macro Excel
  214. Solved: Index for Macros
  216. Why runs code twice in case of Mousedown event.
  217. Solved: Call cell by its name - not R1C1
  218. can't create object
  219. Unlock all VBA projects
  220. Copy Template to sheets
  221. Solved: Coloring rows
  222. Dropdown to change between spreadsheets
  223. Using hot button to export new Workbook
  224. Solved: Apply dates depend on Month/Year
  225. Macro to send email with multiple attachment
  226. Macro Recorder Error
  227. if workbooks("a") exist and is close, then open it.
  228. Solved: Comparing Array contents?
  229. Setting named ranges using a macro
  230. Solved: Splash Screen with no title bar "X"
  231. Solved: Autofill
  232. ExecuteExcel4Macro fails in Excel 2010
  233. If I put a password on my code is it safe?
  234. user form without excel
  235. Sleeper: Filter Languages Charactor Eng/Rus
  236. Solved: Assign a variable to sheet name
  237. Solved: Open PDF
  238. check and fill in the values to another sheet
  239. Format only the header data for all the sheets in workbook
  240. Solved: not every cell but every i cel
  241. Show avarage of cells with zero value in selected range
  242. PDF to word
  243. A VBA Question related to DATE
  244. Using Share Drive/Point to access Macros
  245. Solved: range
  246. Opening files simultaneously
  247. Autofill Macro from EXCEL to WORD
  248. Renaming the files in all the folders
  249. I need a macro file that could recognize the same rows With similar data and remove t
  250. data from all the html files in an excel