View Full Version : Solved: Indirect not working with sme Yahoo tickers

11-09-2008, 07:35 PM
Hi, I have downloaded data fm Yahoo tickers -eg ^DJI, ^IXIC. And these are saved as ^DJI.csv, ^IXIC.csv files with the "^" symbols.
However I noticed that when I used the command INDIRECT to fetch data fm these files, I got #REF error. I need to remove the "^" fm these files & saved it as DJI.csv, IXIC.csv in order to fetch the data. Wondering how I can use a formula or modify the INDIRECT command to accept the "^" symbol that is inherent in the Yahoo tickers.

Attached is a file for easy reference.

Thanks in advance for any help rendered.
murf fm S'pore

11-10-2008, 06:36 AM

What happens if you enclose ^DJI.csv in single quotes, like this: '^DJI.csv'!$A5:$E50000 in $C$8?


11-11-2008, 12:44 AM
Hi Ron, thanks, that works!