View Full Version : Copy & paste based on value after stripping characters

07-11-2010, 07:44 PM
I have a similar problem, but I need to modify the code to strip off the characters that are not numbers. I've attached the data I am working with and I need to have the name of the servo, which is on the far left, column and one row down, along with the numbers (oz, oz-in, & sec) associated with it in order to create a chart. Apparently Excel doesn't like anything in the cell but numbers when you try to make a chart.

I attempted to make sense of the code posted above in order to modify it but my coding must be really simple, because I usually can't tell what's going on. I usually work with embedded systems. In one of my attempts at modification, I wound up printing garbage in rows instead of columns, in another I created an infinite loop.

Thank you for any help you might be able to offer.