View Full Version : [SLEEPER:] Hide the Zero's in a new Window

02-08-2012, 10:07 AM
I tried the code from the post 'Hide the Zeros' by johnske, and also the accompanying test program in 'KillZeros.zip' (uses 'ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros = False' in ThisWorkbook / Sub Workbook_SheetActivate).

Whilst they work when opening my programs, and in the test program, if I open a New Window (Excel 2007) whilst the original is still running, zero's are not suppressed on the first sheet of the new window. On changing sheets, zero's are displayed momentarily before clearing. Upon returning to the first sheet, they are again displayed momentarily, before clearing.

How can I avoid these zeros showing at all?


PS. I don't have the date of the post referred to, found it through Google, and no historical information was available. It was approved by 'mdmackillop'.

02-08-2012, 02:20 PM
In Advanced Options you can choose not to show 0 values.

02-10-2012, 11:52 AM
My original file does have the Advanced option set to not show zeros, and does behave accordingly.

It is only when I open a new window on the same file that zeros are displayed in the new window (in calculated cells only). They do disappear on changing sheets, as I first described. I would prefer them not to show at all, and would like to achieve this through VBA, with which I am reasonably familiar, having used VB for many years within Visual Studio.