I can't find anything on NetWorkDays within VBA. Closest I came to was some truncated code here, which I took a stab at (seems to work)

Sub Populate()
Dim rFund As Range, PayDate As Range
Dim Fund As Long
Dim rTot As Range
Dim FirstAddress As String
With Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(1)
'Find first Paid & Wait (P&W)
Set rTot = .Find(What:="PAID & WAIT TOTAL", _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
FirstAddress = rTot.Address
'If no P&W value then find next
If Not rTot Is Nothing And rTot.Offset(, 1) < 1 Then
Set rTot = .FindNext(rTot)
Loop Until Not rTot.Offset(, 1) < 1
'With P&W value, find Fund value
Set rFund = .Find(What:="FUND #:", LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlPart, After:=rTot)
Fund = Mid(rFund, 9, 4)
'Check PayDate and infill data
Set PayDate = rTot.End(xlUp)
If BizDateDiff(PayDate, Date, 1) <= 8 Then
Call GetData(rTot, PayDate, Fund)
End If
End If
'Find new P&W value
Set rTot = .Find(What:="PAID & WAIT TOTAL", _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart, After:=rTot)
Loop While Not rTot Is Nothing And rTot.Address <> FirstAddress
End With
End Sub

Sub GetData(rTot As Range, PayDate As Range, Fund As Long)
Dim tgt As Range
Set tgt = Sheets("Paid & Wait").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(, 10)
tgt(1) = Fund
tgt(2) = Split(rTot)(0)
tgt(3) = PayDate
tgt(4) = Split(PayDate.Offset(-1))(2)
tgt(5) = Split(PayDate.Offset(-1))(3)
tgt(6) = PayDate.Offset(-1, 1)
tgt(7) = PayDate.Offset(-1, 2)
tgt(8) = PayDate.Offset(-1, 5)
tgt(9) = PayDate.Offset(-1, 6)
End Sub

Public Function BizDateDiff(ByVal varDateStart As Date, ByVal varDateEnd As Date, DayNumber) As Integer
' DayNumber (sunday =1,monday=2…)
Dim varNextDate As Date
'This function calculates the weekdays between two dates.
'Exit if variables not a valid date
If Not IsDate(varDateStart) Or Not IsDate(varDateEnd) Then
BizDateDiff = 0
Exit Function
End If
varNextDate = varDateStart
BizDateDiff = 0
While Not varDateEnd < varNextDate
If Weekday(varNextDate) <> 1 And Weekday(varNextDate) <> 7 Then
BizDateDiff = BizDateDiff + 1
End If
varNextDate = varNextDate + 1
End Function
