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Thread: Excel Slow performance

  1. #21
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Paul, I am a lazy typist.
     Dim WsF as Object
    Set WsF = Applcation.WorksheetFunction
    .Cells(14).Value = "WK" & Wsf.WeekNum(.Cells(2).Value)
    For daily use
    Sub AddData(Optional NewData As Range)
    If Not NewData is Nothing Then NewData.Select
        If Not TypeOf Selection Is Range Then Exit Sub 
    Public Sub Run_AddData_On_NewData()
    Dim NewData As Range
    Set NewData = AppropriateColumn.Find(First Formula) 'Edit to Code
    Set NewData = Range(NewData, NewData.End.(xlDown))
    AddData NewData
    End Sub
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  2. #22
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by offthelip View Post

    As I said earlier the way to really speed up the code is to avoid accessing the worksheet in a loop. You are still doing multiple accesses to the worksheet in a loop, all you have really done is reduce the loop to what has changed by selecting the rows that have changed. Unfortuantely I don't have time to rework this using variant arrays at the moment, but I am sure it would be much faster.
    Yes, but as I said doing it in a daily batch would not take a lot of wall clock time

    The first run of 100K+ rows might take some time of course, but I opted for the simplest, most easily understood and most easily maintained approach for the OP to self-maintain so I made it 'Formula-like'

    I deliberately avoided a complicated, sophisticated VBA array approach since (while some members here could maintain it) I wanted the OP to have something simple that worked, even if not the highest performance

    Personal Opinion: 99.9999% of the time, I see no value / need to have just a few lines of complicated, obscure, hard to read / maintain VBA.
    Last edited by Paul_Hossler; 09-11-2017 at 06:37 AM.


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  3. #23
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Quote Originally Posted by snb View Post
    100% Arrays:

    Sub M_snb()
       sn = Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion
       sp = Sheets("Mapping").UsedRange
       For j = 2 To UBound(sn)
           For jj = 2 To UBound(sp)
              If sn(j, 3) = sp(jj, 1) Then
                 sn(j, 17) = sp(jj, 2)
                 sn(j, 18) = sp(jj, 4)
                 sn(j, 19) = sp(jj, 5)
                 Exit For
              End If
           For jj = 2 To UBound(sp)
              If sn(j, 3) = sp(jj, 16) Then
                 sn(j, 20) = sp(jj, 20)
                 sn(j, 21) = sp(jj, 21)
                 Exit For
              End If
          w_00 = sn(j, 2) - Weekday(sn(j, 2))
          For jj = 22 To 28
            If jj < 27 Then sn(j, jj - 10) = Format(Choose(jj - 21, sn(j, 2), sn(j, 2), sn(j, 2), _
              w_00 + 1, w_00 + 7), Choose(jj - 21, "dddd", "'mmm-yy", "\Wk ww", _
              "\WB dd-mm-yyyy", "\WE dd-mm-yyyy"))
            sn(j, jj) = Choose(jj - 21, sn(j, 4) * sn(j, 5), sn(j, 4) * sn(j, 6), sn(j, 4) _
             * sn(j, 7), sn(j, 4) * sn(j, 8), sn(j, 9) / 600, sn(j, 10) / 60, sn(j, 11) / 60)
       Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Offset(19) = sn
    End Sub
    Sheet "mapping" columns I:N are redundant.
    You don't even need screenupdating =false.
    Does this do the same thing
        sn = Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion 
        sp = Sheets("Mapping").UsedRange 
        For j = 2 To UBound(sn) 
            For jj = 2 To UBound(sp) 
                If sn(j, 3) = sp(jj, 1) Then 
                    sn(j, 17) = sp(jj, 2) 
                    sn(j, 18) = sp(jj, 4) 
                    sn(j, 19) = sp(jj, 5) 
    If jj > 21 And jj < 29 Then GoTo jj2228
                    Exit For 
                 ElseIf sn(j, 3) = sp(jj, 16) Then 
                    sn(j, 20) = sp(jj, 20) 
                    sn(j, 21) = sp(jj, 21) 
    If jj > 21 And jj < 29 Then GoTo jj2228
                    Exit For 
                End If 
    If  jj > 21 And jj < 29 Then
            w_00 = sn(j, 2) - Weekday(sn(j, 2)) 
                 If jj < 27 Then 
    sn(j, jj - 10) = Format(Choose(jj - 21, sn(j, 2), sn(j, 2), sn(j, 2), w_00 + 1, w_00 + 7), _
    Choose(jj - 21, "dddd", "'mmm-yy", "\Wk ww", "\WB dd-mm-yyyy", "\WE dd-mm-yyyy")) 
    End If
    sn(j, jj) = Choose(jj - 21, sn(j, 4) * sn(j, 5), sn(j, 4) * sn(j, 6), sn(j, 4) * sn(j, 7), sn(j, 4) _
    * sn(j, 8), sn(j, 9) / 600, sn(j, 10) / 60, sn(j, 11) / 60) 
    End If
        Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Offset(19) = sn 
    End Sub
    Last edited by SamT; 09-11-2017 at 06:11 AM.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  4. #24
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Svmaxcel View Post
    Fantastic work!!!!!
    Had some questions here.
    1) should we use Vlookup or Index/Match, people usually say that Index/Match is much more faster.
    2) Iferror is not used in any formula, in case there Is an error(values not found), what will happen.
    3) Can we create a new Sheet after the execution is done with the format attached.

    1 - People say that. VLookup is simpler

    2 - This fills in a "-" just in case, and the On Error Resume Next says to ignore any error, which leaves the "-"

                For i = 12 To 28
                    .Cells(i).Value = "-"
                Next I
                On Error Resume Next

    3 - Yes. See 'Roster' in the attachment

    I don't like having to VLookup() the WB and WE values since they can be computed from the Date -- what are the rules to determine WB and WE?

    Then you wouldn't need Mapping I:N at all

    Option Explicit
    '     1       2      3    4            5                  6                   7                   8                      9                           10                             11
    'Skill Group Date    ID  Calls   Avg Handle Time In  Avg Talk Time In    Avg Hold Time In    Avg Wrap Time In    Not Ready Time (Per Agent)  Logged On Time (Per Agent)  Available Time (Per Agent)
    ' 12  13      14         15             16           17          18            19           20          21            22                  23             24               25              26                  27                      28
    'Day Month   Week    Week Beginning  Week Ending Agent Name  Team Manager    Location    SkillSet    Language    Total Handle Time   Total Talk Time Total Hold Time Total Wrap Time Not Ready Time(min) Logged On Time(min) Available Time(min)
    Sub AddData()
        Dim rData As Range, rRow As Range, rDates As Range, rNames As Range, rSkills As Range, rRoster As Range, rRoster1 As Range
        Dim i As Long
        Dim oWSF As WorksheetFunction
        If Not TypeOf Selection Is Range Then Exit Sub
        Set rData = Worksheets("Data").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
        Set rDates = Worksheets("Mapping").Range("I1").CurrentRegion
        Set rNames = Worksheets("Mapping").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
        Set rNames = rNames.Cells(1, 2).Resize(rNames.Rows.Count, rNames.Columns.Count - 1) ' emp number is in A
        Set rSkills = Worksheets("Mapping").Range("P1").CurrentRegion
        Set oWSF = Application.WorksheetFunction
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For Each rRow In Intersect(Selection.EntireRow, rData).Rows
            With rRow
                If .Row = 1 Then GoTo GetNext
                If Len(.Cells(1).Value) = 0 Then GoTo GetNext
                For i = 12 To 28
                    .Cells(i).Value = "-"
                Next i
                On Error Resume Next
                '  1      2    3      4           5               6
                'Date    Day Month   Week    Week Beginning  Week Ending
                .Cells(12).Value = Format(.Cells(2).Value, "DDDD")
                .Cells(13).Value = Format(.Cells(2).Value, "MMM-YY")
                .Cells(14).Value = "WK" & oWSF.WeekNum(.Cells(2).Value)
                .Cells(15).Value = oWSF.VLookup(CLng(.Cells(2).Value), rDates, 5, False)
                .Cells(16).Value = oWSF.VLookup(CLng(.Cells(2).Value), rDates, 6, False)
                '         1   2          3          4          5            6
                'EMP ID  ID  Name    Designation Supervisor  Location    Team Name
                .Cells(17).Value = oWSF.VLookup(.Cells(3).Value, rNames, 2, False)
                .Cells(18).Value = oWSF.VLookup(.Cells(3).Value, rNames, 4, False)
                .Cells(19).Value = oWSF.VLookup(.Cells(3).Value, rNames, 5, False)
                '    1            2         3        4             5
                'Skill_Name  Department  Product Skill_LOB   Skill_Language
                .Cells(20).Value = oWSF.VLookup(.Cells(1).Value, rSkills, 4, False)
                .Cells(21).Value = oWSF.VLookup(.Cells(1).Value, rSkills, 5, False)
                If .Cells(5).Value <> 0 Then .Cells(22).Value = .Cells(4).Value * .Cells(5).Value
                If .Cells(6).Value <> 0 Then .Cells(23).Value = .Cells(4).Value * .Cells(6).Value
                If .Cells(7).Value <> 0 Then .Cells(24).Value = .Cells(4).Value * .Cells(7).Value
                If .Cells(8).Value <> 0 Then .Cells(25).Value = .Cells(4).Value * .Cells(8).Value
                .Cells(26).Value = .Cells(9).Value / 600
                .Cells(27).Value = .Cells(10).Value / 60
                .Cells(28).Value = .Cells(11).Value / 60
                On Error GoTo 0
            End With
        'make roster worksheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        On Error GoTo 0
        Worksheets.Add.Name = "Roster"
        With rData
            .Columns(2).Copy Worksheets("Roster").Range("A1")
            .Columns(3).Copy Worksheets("Roster").Range("B1")
            .Columns(17).Copy Worksheets("Roster").Range("C1")
            .Columns(18).Copy Worksheets("Roster").Range("D1")
        End With
        Set rRoster = Worksheets("Roster").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
        With rRoster
            Set rRoster1 = .Cells(2, 1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count)
        End With
        With Worksheets("Roster").Sort
            .SortFields.Add Key:=rRoster1.Columns(1), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
            .SortFields.Add Key:=rRoster1.Columns(2), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
            .SetRange rRoster
            .Header = xlYes
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files


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  5. #25
    @Sam T


    the first 2 loops filter in array sp (the counter jj represents the rows in array sp)

    the last loop is independent of array sp. The counter jj represents the 'column' in array sn.

  6. #26
    No words to describe your hard and superb work.
    You guys are God of Excel and VBA

  7. #27
    Sub M_snb() 
      sn = Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion 
      sp = Sheets("Mapping").UsedRange 
      sf= split("dddd_'mmm-yy_\Wk ww_\WB dd-mm-yyyy_\WE dd-mm-yyyy","_")
      For j = 2 To UBound(sn) 
        For jj = 2 To UBound(sp) 
          If sn(j, 3) = sp(jj, 1) Then Exit for
        sn(j, 17) = sp(jj, 2) 
        sn(j, 18) = sp(jj, 4) 
        sn(j, 19) = sp(jj, 5) 
        For jj = 2 To UBound(sp) 
          If sn(j, 1) = sp(jj, 16) Then exit for
        sn(j, 20) = sp(jj, 20) 
        sn(j, 21) = sp(jj, 21) 
        w_00 = sn(j, 2) - Weekday(sn(j, 2)) 
        For jj = 22 To 28 
          If jj < 27 Then sn(j, jj - 10) = Format(Choose(jj - 21, sn(j, 2), sn(j, 2), sn(j, 2), w_00 + 1, w_00 + 7), sf(jj - 21)) 
          sn(j, jj) = Choose(jj - 21, sn(j, 5) * sn(j, 4), sn(j, 6) * sn(j, 4), sn(j, 7) * sn(j, 4), sn(j, 8) * sn(j, 4), sn(j, 9) / 600, sn(j, 10) / 60, sn(j, 11) / 60) 
      Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Offset(19) = sn 
    End Sub

  8. #28
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    I deliberately avoided a complicated, sophisticated VBA array approach since (while some members here could maintain it) I wanted the OP to have something simple that worked, even if not the highest performance

    Personal Opinion: 99.9999% of the time, I see no value / need to have just a few lines of complicated, obscure, hard to read / maintain VBA.
    I agree with you totally except in this case where the title of the thread is "Excel Slow performance" in which case I believe the OP has expressed interest in knowing what is the fast way of doing things.

  9. #29
    When you apply F8 and the local window, I think the array approach is much easier to follow than the Excelformulae-in-VBA approach.
    Maybe it takes some time the first time, but when grasping the code sets in, the learning process is much faster ( own experience).

  10. #30
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by offthelip View Post

    I agree with you totally except in this case where the title of the thread is "Excel Slow performance" in which case I believe the OP has expressed interest in knowing what is the fast way of doing things.

    I agree with you agreeing with me, and if each day or every time 300K+ lines might have to be processes, I'd re-think.

    Since IN THIS CASE it appears that a relatively small amount data was appended incrementally daily or several times a day, IMVVVHO a simple, user-maintainable approach seemed best

    It's a tradeoff


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  11. #31
    Thanks buddy.
    You are write Vlookup is Simpler, but does it actually slows down things when compared to Index Match, if Vlookup is better option I don't mind using it.

    There are no specific rules in WB and WB,
    WB dates starts From Sunday
    WE dates starts from Saturday

    Attaching file from reference
    Attached Files Attached Files

  12. #32
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by snb View Post
    When you apply F8 and the local window, I think the array approach is much easier to follow than the Excel formulae-in-VBA approach.
    Maybe it takes some time the first time, but when grasping the code sets in, the learning process is much faster (own experience).
    For a very experienced coder (such as yourself) who is familiar with your coding style and arrays processing, and who codes for a living (or hobby??) I'd probably agree

    However, for us regular people who might not look at the macro for a year (and only when there's a problem, or something had to be added) , I believe that it's better to err on the side of wordy-ness and simplicity as much as possible, even if performance takes a hit.

    To mitigate the performance impact, I made the macro 'smart' (OK, only my opinion) enough to just use the selected 1,000 rows, instead of recalculating the other 299,000 rows

    Running the non-array macro on the 1000 rows just added, would most likely have an imperceptible delay

    Just my $0.02


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  13. #33
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Svmaxcel View Post
    Thanks buddy.
    You are write Vlookup is Simpler, but does it actually slows down things when compared to Index Match, if Vlookup is better option I don't mind using it.

    There are no specific rules in WB and WB,
    WB dates starts From Sunday
    WE dates starts from Saturday
    Well, I don't know if VLookup is slower than Match/Index, but I added the VBA equivalent (using arrays for the Mapping tables) A collection or dictionary seems like over-kill

    I compute the WB/WE dates -- note that you have different formats for some

    If you still need more performance, then I think you should go with one of the totally array approaches that others have suggested

    Option Explicit
    '     1       2      3    4            5                  6                   7                   8                      9                           10                             11
    'Skill Group Date    ID  Calls   Avg Handle Time In  Avg Talk Time In    Avg Hold Time In    Avg Wrap Time In    Not Ready Time (Per Agent)  Logged On Time (Per Agent)  Available Time (Per Agent)
    ' 12  13      14         15             16           17          18            19           20          21            22                  23             24               25              26                  27                      28
    'Day Month   Week    Week Beginning  Week Ending Agent Name  Team Manager    Location    SkillSet    Language    Total Handle Time   Total Talk Time Total Hold Time Total Wrap Time Not Ready Time(min) Logged On Time(min) Available Time(min)
    Sub AddData()
        Dim rData As Range, rRow As Range, rNames As Range, rSkills As Range, rRoster As Range, rRoster1 As Range
        Dim i As Long
        Dim oWSF As WorksheetFunction
        Dim vIDs As Variant, vNames As Variant
        Dim vSkill As Variant, vSkills As Variant
        If Not TypeOf Selection Is Range Then Exit Sub
        Set oWSF = Application.WorksheetFunction
        Set rData = Worksheets("Data").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
        Set rNames = Worksheets("Mapping").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
        Set rNames = rNames.Cells(1, 2).Resize(rNames.Rows.Count, rNames.Columns.Count - 1) ' emp number is in A
        vIDs = oWSF.Transpose(rNames.Columns(1).Value)
        vNames = rNames.Value
        Set rSkills = Worksheets("Mapping").Range("I1").CurrentRegion
        vSkill = oWSF.Transpose(rSkills.Columns(1).Value)
        vSkills = rSkills.Value
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For Each rRow In Intersect(Selection.EntireRow, rData).Rows
            With rRow
                If .Row = 1 Then GoTo GetNext
                If Len(.Cells(1).Value) = 0 Then GoTo GetNext
                For i = 12 To 28
                    .Cells(i).Value = "-"
                Next I
                On Error Resume Next
                '  1      2    3      4           5               6
                'Date    Day Month   Week    Week Beginning  Week Ending
                .Cells(12).Value = Format(.Cells(2).Value, "DDDD")
                .Cells(13).Value = Format(.Cells(2).Value, "MMM-YY")
                .Cells(14).Value = "WK" & oWSF.WeekNum(.Cells(2).Value)
                .Cells(15).Value = "WB " & Format(.Cells(2).Value - oWSF.Weekday(.Cells(2).Value) + 1, "dd-mmm")
                .Cells(16).Value = "WE " & Format(.Cells(2).Value - oWSF.Weekday(.Cells(2).Value) + 7, "dd-mmm")
                '         1   2          3          4          5            6
                'EMP ID  ID  Name    Designation Supervisor  Location    Team Name
                i = oWSF.Match(.Cells(3).Value, vIDs, 0)
                .Cells(17).Value = vNames(i, 2)
                .Cells(18).Value = vNames(i, 4)
                .Cells(19).Value = vNames(i, 5)
                '    1            2         3        4             5
                'Skill_Name  Department  Product Skill_LOB   Skill_Language
                i = oWSF.Match(.Cells(1).Value, vSkill, 0)
                .Cells(20).Value = vSkills(i, 4)
                .Cells(21).Value = vSkills(i, 5)
                If .Cells(5).Value <> 0 Then .Cells(22).Value = .Cells(4).Value * .Cells(5).Value
                If .Cells(6).Value <> 0 Then .Cells(23).Value = .Cells(4).Value * .Cells(6).Value
                If .Cells(7).Value <> 0 Then .Cells(24).Value = .Cells(4).Value * .Cells(7).Value
                If .Cells(8).Value <> 0 Then .Cells(25).Value = .Cells(4).Value * .Cells(8).Value
                .Cells(26).Value = .Cells(9).Value / 600
                .Cells(27).Value = .Cells(10).Value / 60
                .Cells(28).Value = .Cells(11).Value / 60
                On Error GoTo 0
            End With
        'make roster worksheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        On Error GoTo 0
        Worksheets.Add.Name = "Roster"
        With rData
            .Columns(2).Copy Worksheets("Roster").Range("A1")
            .Columns(3).Copy Worksheets("Roster").Range("B1")
            .Columns(17).Copy Worksheets("Roster").Range("C1")
            .Columns(18).Copy Worksheets("Roster").Range("D1")
        End With
        Set rRoster = Worksheets("Roster").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
        With rRoster
            Set rRoster1 = .Cells(2, 1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count)
        End With
        With Worksheets("Roster").Sort
            .SortFields.Add Key:=rRoster1.Columns(1), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
            .SortFields.Add Key:=rRoster1.Columns(2), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
            .SetRange rRoster
            .Header = xlYes
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files


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  14. #34
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    @ sb,

    Oh, I see. THanks for checking me.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  15. #35
    Using 2 two-dimensional arrays and 1 1-dimensional array I can't call 'complicated'.
    Nor maintaining 22 lines of code of which most of the lines have the pattern x=y.
    Even after 7 seven years.

  16. #36
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    @ Paul
    However, for us regular people who might not look at the macro for a year (and only when there's a problem, or something had to be added) , I believe that it's better to err on the side of wordy-ness and simplicity as much as possible,
    Just rename his variables to meaningful names and it is much easier to read and parse.

        arrData = Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion 
        arrMapping = Sheets("Mapping").UsedRange 
        arrFormats= split("dddd_'mmm-yy_\Wk ww_\WB dd-mm-yyyy_\WE dd-mm-yyyy","_") 
        For DataRow = 2 To UBound(arrData) 
            For MappingRow = 2 To UBound(arrMapping) 
                If arrData(DataRow, 3) = arrMapping(MappingRow, 1) Then Exit For 
            arrData(DataRow, 17) = arrMapping(MappingRow, 2) 
            arrData(DataRow, 18) = arrMapping(MappingRow, 4) 
            arrData(DataRow, 19) = arrMapping(MappingRow, 5) 
            For MappingRow = 2 To UBound(arrMapping) 
                If arrData(DataRow, 1) = arrMapping(MappingRow, 16) Then exit For 
            arrData(DataRow, 20) = arrMapping(MappingRow, 20) 
            arrData(DataRow, 21) = arrMapping(MappingRow, 21) 
            A_Day = arrData(DataRow, 2) - Weekday(arrData(DataRow, 2)) 
            For MappingRow = 22 To 28 'Possibly, no, probably, misnamed
                If MappingRow < 27 Then arrData(DataRow, MappingRow - 10) = Format(Choose(MappingRow - 21, arrData(DataRow, 2), arrData(DataRow, 2), arrData(DataRow, 2), A_Day + 1, A_Day + 7), arrFormats(MappingRow - 21)) 
                arrData(DataRow, MappingRow) = Choose(MappingRow - 21, arrData(DataRow, 5) * arrData(DataRow, 4), arrData(DataRow, 6) * arrData(DataRow, 4), arrData(DataRow, 7) * arrData(DataRow, 4), arrData(DataRow, 8) * arrData(DataRow, 4), arrData(DataRow, 9) / 600, arrData(DataRow, 10) / 60, arrData(DataRow, 11) / 60) 
        Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Offset(19) = arrData
    If you want to go farther, you can take most of the Magic Numbers and replace them with Constants/Enums named after the respective Column heads
    Last edited by SamT; 09-11-2017 at 02:41 PM.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  17. #37
    VBAX Expert
    May 2016
    When you apply F8 and the local window, I think the array approach is much easier to follow than the Excelformulae-in-VBA approach.
    Maybe it takes some time the first time, but when grasping the code sets in, the learning process is much faster ( own experience).
    I think snb has a very good point, when you look at the code it doesn't look any more complicated. If one has any experience using other programming languages then using arrays looks perfectly normal, it is the EXCEL bit, of ranges and cells that looks different.
    Also because using arrays is so much faster than using ranges, I think it is worth learning how to do it. This is partly because doing things differently only when you need extra speed is not a very efficient way of working, especially when you only discover you need the extra speed having programmed it the slow way. Thus requiring reprogramming.
    I always use variant arrays whenever I can. I never know when I might reuse a bit of code which was orignally coded as a once through routine but now becomes a multi loop routine.
    Note; I do accept that my opinion is totally biased since I have been using computers for 49 years, in more languages than I could possibly count.

  18. #38
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Note; I do accept that my opinion is totally biased since I have been using computers for 49 years, in more languages than I could possibly count.
    @offthelip --

    And my opinion isn't????

    I mended punch paper tapes with scotch tape to feed them into the reader

    Then they came out with the new fangled 'key-to-disc' technology that eliminated having to punch cards and worry about dropping the box in the hallway

    @SamT --

    po-ta-to, po-tah-o

    Yes, you and snb are perfectly correct -- you and snb and I could figure it out. Maybe the OP could also

    If I were doing it for myself, I would have done it differently: Consts or eNums, an array (possibly) for the row, intelligent determination of what new data requires filling in, etc.

    The examples and suggestions all seem to recompute data that has be computed.

    My approach allows the selection of data to be computed. Yes, I'm sure that logic could be added to build the data array with only data that needs to be computed and logic to build the requested Roster sheet

    Bottom Line:

    I agree that we disagree
    Last edited by Paul_Hossler; 09-11-2017 at 06:45 PM.


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  19. #39
    We can't disagree on:

    using 'select' slows down the code
    using 'activate' slows down the code
    worksheet interaction slows down the code

    In the perspective of 'speed' (see the thread title) these ar the first 3 most influential recommendations: avoid 'select', avoid 'activate', avoid worksheet/document interaction.

    After that improvements can be obtained by restructuring data, reducing loops,etc. but these are minor compared to the first 3 recommendations.

    If you add the perspective 'TS knowledge' you introduce a perspective that is highly based on assumptions.
    I can't tell by alias the competence level ot the TS.
    From the start I therefore assume 'complete competence'.
    That's why I give an answer without taking the 'TS competence' into account.
    Only after the reaction of the TS on the provided suggestion I can make some assessment of his/her competence level.
    If I get the impression the TS is intrigued by the suggestion and is willing to learn more I provide more explanation.

    I also keep in mind that our suggestions are not only meant to serve the TS but also the 'thousands' of visitors [irony]that are looking for 'excellent examples' of VBA solutions in the decades to come[/irony].
    The competence level of these visitors I am not aware of; so I prefer to provide them a suggestion that meets VBA criteria first.

    BTW. rereading my code I still found 1 error (since it is so simple to read it is very simple to debug):

    Sub M_snb() 
        sn = Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion 
        sp = Sheets("Mapping").UsedRange 
        sf= split("dddd_'mmm-yy_\Wk ww_\WB dd-mm-yyyy_\WE dd-mm-yyyy","_") 
        For j = 2 To UBound(sn) 
            For jj = 2 To UBound(sp) 
                If sn(j, 3) = sp(jj, 1) Then Exit For 
            sn(j, 17) = sp(jj, 2) 
            sn(j, 18) = sp(jj, 4) 
            sn(j, 19) = sp(jj, 5) 
            For jj = 2 To UBound(sp) 
                If sn(j, 1) = sp(jj, 16) Then exit For 
            sn(j, 20) = sp(jj, 20) 
            sn(j, 21) = sp(jj, 21) 
            w_00 = sn(j, 2) - Weekday(sn(j, 2)) 
            For jj = 22 To 28 
                If jj < 27 Then sn(j, jj - 10) = Format(Choose(jj - 21, sn(j, 2), sn(j, 2), sn(j, 2), w_00 + 1, w_00 + 7), sf(jj - 22)) 
                sn(j, jj) = Choose(jj - 21, sn(j, 5) * sn(j, 4), sn(j, 6) * sn(j, 4), sn(j, 7) * sn(j, 4), sn(j, 8) * sn(j, 4), sn(j, 9) / 600, sn(j, 10) / 60, sn(j, 11) / 60) 
        Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Offset(19) = sn 
    End Sub

  20. #40
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
            For jj = 2 To UBound(sp) 
                If sn(j, 3) = sp(jj, 1) Then Exit For 
    You use that construct twice:
            For jj = 2 To UBound(sp) 
                If sn(j, 1) = sp(jj, 16) Then exit For 

    since it is so simple to read

    I had 4 questions about one line of your code. After reading the help files and rereading that line, (and some of the preceding ones,) many, many times, I answered all of them

    Don't get me wrong, I've "stolen" more of your code than any one else's, but the first thing I do is Ctrl+H every variable.
    Last edited by SamT; 09-12-2017 at 07:42 AM.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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