I don't have Acrobat so I used the free Foxit Reader to create a txt file of all those tickets.
- Each ticket is luckily divided (when exported to txt) with ------ Page x ------- , so each page is a ticket
- Each ticket is a worksheet in the workbook
- Problem is the spaces in between food and quantity
- Problem are special characters to get rid of importing
- Problem are inconsistencies
- Another problem ...

I came up with a somewhat clean import for each ticket for your bulk file (12 tickets will be imported for now)
There is a limit on the sheets in a workbook (ticketnumber = 434)

Sub GET_TXT_INFO()'strFilename = name of the file
'strTextLine is value of a readline from textfile
Dim strFilename As String, strTextLine As String
'strTextPartial is used to loop strTextLine when split with 3 spaces
Dim strTextPartial As Long
'fileno to handle your file, we do not know the no
Dim iFile As Long
Dim mywb As Workbook
Dim myws As Worksheet
'current row
Dim myrow As Long
'the workbook
Set mywb = ActiveWorkbook
'the sheet where you start this macro
'sheets will be added after last added sheet
Set myws = mywb.ActiveSheet

'the ticketnumber
Dim myticketno As Long
'number of tickets to be processed : 12 tickets
Dim mycounter As Long

'get free fileno
iFile = FreeFile
'choose the file to open ie. txt file
strFilename = Application.GetOpenFilename
Open strFilename For Input As #iFile
'loop until end of file
Do Until EOF(iFile)
'read line
    Line Input #iFile, strTextLine
    'search for text in line to determine if new record
    'if the length is > 2 And not 30 spaces
    If Len(strTextLine) > 2 And _
       InStr(1, strTextLine, Space(30), vbTextCompare) <> 1 Then
       'if readline contains page = new ticketnumber
       If InStr(1, strTextLine, "Page ", vbTextCompare) > 1 Then
            'Debug.Print "--- new ticket"
            mycounter = mycounter + 1
            myticketno = myticketno + 1
            'add a worsheet for new ticket as last sheet
            Set myws = mywb.Sheets.Add(after:=mywb.Sheets(Sheets.Count))
            'rename the worksheettab to ticket + no
            myws.Name = "Ticket " & myticketno
            'first row to use for ticket = 1
            myrow = 1
            'column = 1
            mycolumn = 1
            'put -- Ticket & no in cell
            myws.Cells(myrow, mycolumn).Value = "-- Ticket " & myticketno
            'row = +1
            myrow = myrow + 1
            'Debug.Print strTextLine
            'no new ticket, just write readvalue in new row
            'added a subcheck for lots of spaces between food and quantity
            For strTextPartial = LBound(Split(strTextLine, "   ")) To _
                                 UBound(Split(strTextLine, "   "))
                    'if length of partial string that is trimmed from spaces > 1 then use it
                    If Len(WorksheetFunction.Trim(Split(strTextLine, "   ")(strTextPartial))) > 1 Then
                        myws.Cells(myrow, mycolumn).Value = WorksheetFunction.Trim(Split(strTextLine, "   ")(strTextPartial))
                        'name of food next to quantity with blank column in between
                        mycolumn = mycolumn + 2
                    End If
                'End If
            Next strTextPartial
            'myws.Cells(myrow, mycolumn).Value = strTextLine
            'setting column back to one for next food or next ticket
            mycolumn = 1
            'myrow one higher for next food, will be set to 1 if new ticket occurs
            myrow = myrow + 1
       End If
    End If
    'Stop '--- used for printing to debug window
    'Only process 13 tickets for now
    If mycounter = 13 Then Exit Do
'close the handler of your file
Close #iFile
End Sub