Hi everyone,
I have some code that allows me to amend Good day, to whatever it should be, depending on the time of day.

I now have the need to add a BCC as I use 3 different computers, and whilst the IMAP syncs all incoming mail, it does not for outgoing mail.

This is the code I am trying to use, however the SenderEmailAddress is empty, so it fails all the time.

How can I implement this extra option please.

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
    Dim strGreeting As String
    Dim iTime As Integer
    Dim strBody As String, strDivCode As String
    strGreeting = ""
    strDivCode = "<div class=WordSection1><p class=MsoNormal>"
    iTime = Val(Format(Now(), "hh"))
    ' Quit if not a mail item
    If TypeName(item) <> "MailItem" Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Select Case iTime
         Case Is < 12
             strGreeting = "morning "
         Case Is < 17
             strGreeting = "afternoon "
         Case Else
             strGreeting = "evening "
    End Select
    strGreeting = "Good " & strGreeting
    ' Now add a BCC if JAG email address
    If item.SenderEmailAddress = "xxxx@yyyyy.co.uk" Then
        item.BCC = item.BCC & ";ttttttttt@gmail.com"
    End If
    If Left(item.BCC, 1) = ";" Then item.BCC = Mid(item.BCC, 2)
    strBody = item.HTMLBody
    strBody = Replace(strBody, "Good day", strGreeting)
    'strBody = Replace(strBody, strDivCode, strDivCode & strGreeting)
    item.HTMLBody = strBody
End Sub