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Thread: Excel macro to fill web form using excel data

  1. #1

    Excel macro to fill web form using excel data

    Hi there,

    I am new to this but learning from the experts like you, kindly ignore if the question look naive here.

    I wanted to open a web site from the excel data and then fill the data as per the web page element ID's and submit the form, close the IE page and more to next web site in excel and repeat the steps.

    (Separated every thing with a line to clear the thought process)
    website name    =====    ***x (from Excel sheet)
    -option value="114948"-Test 1-/option-    =====    To select Test 1 option from drop down
    -input type="text" id="monitor_date" name="monitor_date" value="" /-    =====    to paste data from excel cell in text box
    -div class="email_to"-        
    -label-Email To-/label-        
    -input type="text" name="mail_to" value="" /-    =====    Email address from excel to be pasted here
    -input type="submit" class="submit" value="Submit" /-    =====    Click on submit button
    (Wait for 5 sec to page to load)
    -div class="select_question" id="question_5441810_response"-        
    -select name="question_5441810"-        
    -option value="29240457" -Choose-/option-    =====    select Option from the excel sheet (here it will be Yes)
    -option value="29240458" -Yes-/option-        
    -option value="29240459" -No-/option-        
    -option value="29240460" -NA-/option-        
    -div class="select_question" id="question_5441815_response"-    =====    select Option from the excel sheet (here it will be Yes)
    -select name="question_5441815"-        
    -option value="29240503" -Choose-/option-        
    -option value="29240504" -Yes-/option-        
    -option value="29240505" -No-/option-        
    -div class="text_question" id="question_5441812_response"-    =====    enter TEXT as mentioned in excel data sheet
    -input type="text" name="question_5441812" value="" /-        
    -div class="checkbox_question" id="question_5441823_response"-    =====    Check Box question to be selected with id 5441823
    -input type="submit" value="Review" class="submit"- ==== Submit the page (wait for 5 sec)
    Close the IE page after 10 sec.
    Move to next value in excel sheet and loop

    Thanks to all here in helping me, (I tried to paste or attach the excel for better understating but it dont work here)

    Excel VBA macro to fill web form using excel data

  2. #2
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2018

  3. #3
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Yep, yet another posted to the wrong forum.
    Remember To Do the Following....
    Use [Code].... [/Code] tags when posting code to the thread.
    Mark your thread as Solved if satisfied by using the Thread Tools options.
    If posting the same issue to another forum please show the link

  4. #4
    I think that this can best be solved by using the automation tool Selenium, check out this article Selenium VBA Excel Tutorial: Chrome Web Scraping Example (
    edit: forgot thse urls as well How to Set Text Value in TextBox In Selenium WebDriver - MySkillPoint Seleniumbasic (

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