
This is my 1st post. I am new to this.

I am in EXCEL VBA, and want to run an ACCESS query, obtain the results from the desired query, select all (or specific records/fields), and then
PASTE the selected data into specific EXCEL workbook and worksheet.

Then of course, I'll choose another query, and repeat the process as needed.

I can get the ACCESS database opened, select the desired query, and then I dont know how to get that data into Excel.

Very basic stuff... I know... but I can't find any examples in the forums.

Here is my example VBA. See my QUESTIONS in the VBA.

Sub Access_test()
' Access_test Macro
Dim aApp As Access.Application

Dim path_to_AccessDataBase As String

Dim Year_Month As String
Dim fullfilepathname As String
Dim MonthlyOpsReport_filename As String

Set aApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")

aApp.DoCmd.SetWarnings False
path_to_AccessDataBase = "C:\ADB Files\DATABASES\2008.mdb"

aApp.OpenCurrentDatabase path_to_AccessDataBase

' HERE IS WHERE I have to manually activate the just-opened Access application,
' and click the ALLOW users...
' HOW TO AVOID THIS from happening when running this program?
aApp.Visible = True

aApp.DoCmd.OpenQuery "Raw Data_Blogs_2008", acViewNormal, acEdit

' IS THE ABOVE line the proper way to 1) select the desired query,
' and 2) run the query?
' it seems to work okay, but not sure if this is the best way?
' HOW TO SELECT from the just opened Access results from the above query?

' How to select the entire results?
' or, also, how to select only certain columns and rows?

' and then, HOW TO 'copy' the desired data, and then go back to EXCEL,
' in the workbook and worksheet and specific place on that sheet
' to PASTE this data??

Workbooks.Open filename:=Ops_Review_Data_Feed_filename

' NOW HERE IS WHERE I NEED TO PASTE the data. HOW to do it?

aApp.DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Set aApp = Nothing
End Sub


THANK YOU so much.