• https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmbrmHjyJCEpg1FH...-4slr?e=X45PGII have developed a userform, for record taking and it inserts new line on top of table everytime new "case" is formed.
  • These data are then displayed on listbox underneath the userform.
  • I am trying to EDIT the data entered in table earlier.
  • So far, I have worked out that if I CLICK on particular data from listbox, then userform gets populated with relevant fields of data, along with small box at bottom which indicates what row that data contains from masterlist.
  • Now, if I edit the data in userform and press UPDATE button, it should enter the NEW data at the same place of masterdata list in sheet.
  • So, ideally my steps were to delete that data from selectedrow and enter new data in selected row.
  • It keeps on deleting the data but unable to enter the new data when pressed update.

Please help.
Here's the code for
Listbox click event
' ListBox Click Event
Private Sub ListBox_Click()
    Dim selectedRow As Long
    selectedRow = Me.ListBox.ListIndex + 8 ' Adjust for header rows
    ' Populate form fields with data from the selected row
    Me.TextBox1.Value = selectedRow - 7
    Me.cmbwf.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 1).Value
    Me.txtwtg.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 2).Value
    Me.txtwindspeed.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 3).Value
    Me.txtalarmcode.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 4).Value
    Me.txtalarmdes.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 5).Value
    Me.txtstoptime.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 6).Value
    Me.txtstarttime.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 7).Value
    Me.ComboBox1.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 9).Value
    Me.cmballocation.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 10).Value
    Me.cmbattend.Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(selectedRow, 11).Value
    ' Populate other form fields similarly
    ' ...
End Sub
Code for Save() button

Private Sub cmdsave_Click()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim lr As Long
    Dim dataRange As Range
    Dim timeDiff As Variant
    ' Set worksheet and find the last row
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet")
    lr = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    ' Define the range containing the existing data
    Set dataRange = sh.Range("A8:L" & lr)
    ' Insert a new row at the top of the table
    sh.Rows("8:8").Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrBelow
    If Me.txtwtg.Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Please enter the WTG No.", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If IsNumeric(Me.txtwindspeed) = False Then
        MsgBox "Please enter the wind speed", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If IsNumeric(Me.txtalarmcode) = False Then
        MsgBox "Please enter the alarm code", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Add Data in Excel Sheet
    ' Calculate time difference only if starttime is not empty
    If Me.txtstarttime.Value <> "" Then
        ' Calculate time difference
        timeDiff = DateDiff("n", Me.txtstoptime.Value, Me.txtstarttime.Value) ' Returns difference in minutes
        ' Convert minutes to hours and minutes format
        Dim hours As Long
        Dim minutes As Long
        hours = Abs(timeDiff \ 60) ' Get hours
        minutes = Abs(timeDiff Mod 60) ' Get remaining minutes
        ' Format the time difference as hh:mm
        Dim formattedTimeDiff As String
        formattedTimeDiff = Format(hours, "00") & ":" & Format(minutes, "00")
        formattedTimeDiff = "" ' If starttime is blank, leave the new column blank
    End If
    Dim userInput As Variant
    userInput = txtstoptime
    Dim userInput1 As Variant
    userInput1 = txtstarttime
    ' Convert the user input to a date using CDate function
    Dim dateVariable As Date
    dateVariable = CDate(Me.txtstoptime.Value)
    Me.txtstoptime.Value = dateVariable
    ' Check if txtstarttime is not empty
    If Me.txtstarttime.Value <> "" Then
        Dim dateVariable1 As Date
        dateVariable1 = CDate(Me.txtstarttime.Value)
        ' Update the value of txtstoptime with formatted date and time
        Me.txtstoptime.Value = dateVariable
        Me.txtstarttime.Value = dateVariable1
    End If
    With sh
         ' Copy format from the row below the inserted row
        .Rows(8).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
        ' Copy values from the userform to the inserted row
        .Cells(8, "A").Value = Me.cmbwf.Value
        .Cells(8, "B").Value = Me.txtwtg.Value
        .Cells(8, "C").Value = Me.txtwindspeed.Value
        .Cells(8, "D").Value = Me.txtalarmcode.Value
        .Cells(8, "E").Value = Me.txtalarmdes.Value
        .Cells(8, "F").Value = dateVariable
        .Cells(8, "G").Value = dateVariable1
        .Cells(8, "H").Value = formattedTimeDiff
        .Cells(8, "I").Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value
        .Cells(8, "J").Value = Me.cmballocation.Value
        .Cells(8, "K").Value = Me.cmbattend.Value
    End With
    'Clear Boxes
    Me.cmbwf.Value = ""
    Me.txtwtg.Value = ""
    Me.txtwindspeed.Value = ""
    Me.txtalarmcode.Value = ""
    Me.txtalarmdes.Value = ""
    Me.txtstoptime.Value = ""
    Me.txtstarttime.Value = ""
    Me.txtdowntime.Value = ""
    Me.cmballocation.Value = ""
    Me.cmbattend.Value = ""
    Me.txtnotes.Value = ""
    Me.ComboBox1.Value = ""
    Call Refresh_data
    MsgBox "Data has been added to the worksheet", vbInformation
    Call Refresh_data
End Sub

Private Sub cmdupdate_Click()
    ' Set worksheet and find the last row
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Worksheet")
    ' Determine the last row in column A
    Dim lr As Long
    lr = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    ' Convert the value in TextBox1 to a numeric data type
    Dim rowToMatch As Long
    If Not IsNumeric(Me.TextBox1.Value) Or Me.TextBox1.Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Please enter a valid row number.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    rowToMatch = CLng(Me.TextBox1.Value)
    ' Check if the row number is within the valid range
    If rowToMatch < 1 Or rowToMatch > lr Then
        MsgBox "Row number is out of range.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
   End If
    ' If necessary, adjust the row number to match Excel's row numbering
    If rowToMatch > 1 Then
        rowToMatch = rowToMatch + 7 ' Adjust for header rows
    End If
    ' Validate mandatory fields
    If Me.txtwtg.Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Please enter the WTG No.", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtwindspeed.Value) Then
        MsgBox "Please enter a valid wind speed.", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtalarmcode.Value) Then
        MsgBox "Please enter a valid alarm code.", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Calculate time difference if necessary
    Dim formattedTimeDiff As String
    If Me.txtstarttime.Value <> "" Then
        Dim timeDiff As Long
        timeDiff = DateDiff("n", Me.txtstarttime.Value, Me.txtstoptime.Value)
        Dim hours As Long
        Dim minutes As Long
        hours = Abs(timeDiff \ 60)
        minutes = Abs(timeDiff Mod 60)
        formattedTimeDiff = Format(hours, "00") & ":" & Format(minutes, "00")
        formattedTimeDiff = ""
    End If
    With sh
         ' Copy values from the userform to the inserted row
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "A").Value = Me.cmbwf.Value
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "B").Value = Me.txtwtg.Value
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "C").Value = Me.txtwindspeed.Value
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "D").Value = Me.txtalarmcode.Value
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "E").Value = Me.txtalarmdes.Value
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "F").Value = dateVariable
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "G").Value = dateVariable1
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "H").Value = formattedTimeDiff
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "I").Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "J").Value = Me.cmballocation.Value
        .Cells(rowToMatch, "K").Value = Me.cmbattend.Value
    End With
    ' Display a message indicating successful update
    MsgBox "Row updated successfully.", vbInformation
    ' Clear form fields
End Sub

Private Sub ClearFormFields()
    ' Clear form fields
    Me.cmbwf.Value = ""
    Me.txtwtg.Value = ""
    Me.txtwindspeed.Value = ""
    Me.txtalarmcode.Value = ""
    Me.txtalarmdes.Value = ""
    Me.txtstoptime.Value = ""
    Me.txtstarttime.Value = ""
    Me.txtdowntime.Value = ""
    Me.cmballocation.Value = ""
    Me.cmbattend.Value = ""
    Me.txtnotes.Value = ""
    Me.ComboBox1.Value = ""
    ' Optionally, add additional form fields to clear
End Sub

Your valuable 2 cents will be appreciated. Is there a problem with my logic or its just coding bit?