I am wanting to make a multi choice dropdown to select a data range for the Primary series in a chart, but the following returns an error 424 object required. What have I done wrong?

Data Sources are named tables (tblCharlevilletemps, tbleDalbyTemps, tblToowoombaTemps, tblWarwickTemps) and consist of three columns A:C on 4 sheets named (Charleville, Dalby, Toowoomba and Warwick), respectively. Similar to the other threads where a chemical was a multi select choice as the secondary axis.

Sub Create_Dynamic_Chart()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim chrt As Chart
Dim data_rng As Range
Set sht = ActiveSheet
Set data_rng = Range("A2").Value
Select Case dRange
    Case Range("A2").Value = "Charleville"
        data_rng = tlCharlevilleTemps
    Case Range("A2").Value = "Dalby"
        data_rng = tblDalbyTemps
    Case Range("A2").Value = "Toowoomba"
        data_rng = tblToowoombaTemps
    Case Range("A2").Value = "Warwick"
        data_rng = tblWarwickTemps
End Select
Set chrt = sht.Shapes.AddChart2(Style:=-1, Width:=900, Height:=200, Left:=Range("G2").Left, Top:=Range("G2").Top).Chart
With chrt
    .SetSourceData Source:=data_rng
    .ChartType = xlLineStacked
    .ChartTitle.Text = Range("A2").Value & " Min & Max Temps"
    .SetElement msoElementDataLabelOutSideEnd
    .SetElement msoElementPrimaryValueGridLinesMajor
    .SetElement msoElementLegendBottom
    .SetElement msoElementPrimaryCatergoryAxixTitleBelowValue
End With
End Sub