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Thread: Accessing Help Files - Office 2000

  1. #1
    Chat VP
    VBAX Guru johnske's Avatar
    Jul 2004
    Townsville, Australia

    Accessing Help Files - Office 2000

    I've recently upgraded to Off2000 and when I go to the VBA help files for details I often got an error message along the lines 'blah blah blah....script not enabled...blah blah you wish to continue?'

    Guessing it may have something to do with 'microsoft script editor' I activated it. The situation is a little better in that the error message is now shorter and goes along the lines '...does not support this method...'

    Can someone tell me what is going on here please? Have I got to install something else? Do I need a later version of windows to access this? (using win98SE)

    N.B. As an example, the specific error comes in when I click the 'click for more details' (in the RH pane) with respect to "Pivot tables".

    (The reason I was looking at this particular help file is that I so often see references to things like "this's best done using a pivot table"....I've never used a pivot table and this is basically because I don't even know what the hell they are, let alone what they're used for and what they do. (If I can't access the ms help files on this one I guess I never will learn what they are))

  2. #2
    Site Admin
    Urban Myth
    VBAX Guru
    May 2004
    Oregon, United States
    Hi John,

    I'd look at the Microsoft Support Page first off. They have known bug's in the help files; although I haven't heard/read of this one in particular. The other thing you might try is, and it's summed up much better here, go to Read, especially, the part about Run -> %TEMP%, & deleting all the files. I'd suggest you do this w/ Excel OFF. A reinstallation may also help; this would be in part (maybe) to an incomplete installation, which I've more often than not found is due to a dirty installation CD.


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