I am actually not having any trouble with the Oracle table - it is reading from it correctly. Now to your questions:
When you had the Combo for Order # did it display them OK?
Yes it displayed correctly pulling all the Order numbers from the Oracle table field [REF]
Was the Combo Bound to the Orders_Table Order # Field?
I don't understand what you mean. The Control Source for the Combo was Orders_Table.[Order#] field
and the row source was the WMS_PKO_HD.[REF] field
Remember, I want it to read the order number from WMS_PKO_HD.[REF] and then save it to Orders_Table.[Order#]. It should not save, edit or delete from WMS_PKO_HD.[REF]
Did it put the Order # in that Field?
The Order # would show in the Combobox after the user typed it in or picked it from the drop down but then when they exit the combo the whole line dissapears. Also, after you typed it in Customer and Storer are not showing up in the other fields. This makes me think that the problem is it is not storing to my table.
Did you try VBA to in the Combo's After Update event procedure to put the Order # in tot an Unbound text box, to see if the order # is actually being "Selected"?
It will not work because the minute you exit the field it dissapears.
You are doing this on a Form, based on your Access Orders Table or Appointments Table?
It is a form based on my Orders table. Each appointment may have multiple Orders attached to it.