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Thread: Print multiple files where filename = recordname

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Aug 2009

    Print multiple files where filename = recordname

    Hi Iwould like to save my report file as individual pdf's
    Where each record contains a unique filename. How to do that?

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Master Oorang's Avatar
    Jan 2007
    If you have Acrobat installed, just print to "Adobe PDF" printer. It will output as a file.

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  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Aug 2009
    Hi Aaron,

    I know the function with Acrobat. But this will print my report as one file with 755 pages. I would like to print it as 755 separate pdf files where filename = recordname for each page. I can also split the pdf into 755 separate files in Acrobat but than the filename is like filename1,filename2,filename3 ect.


  4. #4
    The way I do this is to output to the standard default location that the pdf writer uses (I don't use Acrobat), then copy the output file to a different location and name it whatever I want to name it.

    I have a similar need to yours: I have a construction payroll that I want to divide the input into time sheets by job, even though the data is input by employee. After clean data is achieved, I run through a loop routine that outputs a single job's time sheet, then copy the time sheet as a pdf in a job folder for easy reference by the project managers.

    If you would like I could post the code I use to achieve this.

  5. #5
    VBAX Newbie
    Aug 2009
    I would like to have a look at yout code. Thanks.

  6. #6
    I use two functions residing in the modules objects.

    First I make a list of the individual reports I want to print (that is, the job numbers that get individual time sheets) and create a table (PayrollTimesheetControl_T) with a record for each job. I didn't include this code since you can create your own list table based upon whatever criteria you are looking for. I just wanted you to understand what the source table was.

    I execute this program from a form that has the appropriate payroll week ending date on it. The final output of the system will be a pdf file that is named something that looks like this:
    where J: = the drive where job information resides
    Acme = Customer Name subdirectory
    10287 = JobNumber subdirectory
    OtherDocuments = subdirectory where timesheets are stored
    081609 = week ending date

    I excute the program from form named: frmPayrollUpdate
    The VBA to execure the module is:
    dim iT as Integer
    iT = JobTimeSheet(frmWeekEndingDate)

    Here is the code that is executed:
    Public Function JobTimeSheet(MyDate As Variant)

    Dim MyWEDate As String, stOutPath As String, stLinkCriteria As String, stFileName As String

    ' ----- set up a standard string for the date in mmddyy format
    Dim MyD As String, MyM As String, MyY As String
    MyD = Day(MyDate)
    If Len(MyD) = 1 Then MyD = "0" & MyD
    MyM = Month(MyDate)
    If Len(MyM) = 1 Then MyM = "0" & MyM
    MyY = Year(MyDate)
    MyY = Right(MyY, 2)
    MyWEDate = MyM & MyD & MyY ' 8/15/2009 becomes 081509

    ' --- the pdf program (PDF995) requires some time to perform the function so I pause after every print to give it time to complete the print

    Dim Start, PauseTime

    PauseTime = 4
    Forms("frmPayrollUpdate").TimerInterval = 1000

    ' start at the beginning of the control file and work through one record at a time, printing one report for each record
    Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("PayrollTimesheetControl_T", dbOpenDynaset)
    'start with first record
    'when done, end it
    If rs.EOF Then GoTo Doners

    ' create the output path
    stOutPath = "J:\" & rs!CName & "\" & rs!JobID & "\OtherDocuments\"
    stFileName = "Timesheet_" & MyWEDate & ".pdf"

    ' set criteria to determine which report for which job is printed
    stLinkCriteria = "JobID = " & rs!JobID

    ' identify Access Report Name
    stDocName = "PayrollTimesheets_RPDF"

    DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal, , stLinkCriteria

    ' allow some time for the report print to occur
    Start = Timer ' Set start time.
    Do While Timer < Start + PauseTime


    ' copy the report to the hard drive using module PDFCopy (Code to follow)
    ' passing criteria:
    ' stOutPath = output path
    ' MyWEDate = Week Ending Date from original form modified to make a usable file name
    ' C:\PDF995\OUTPUT\PayrollTimesheets_RPDF.PDF = where the normal output of PDF995 writer goes to, along with the file name it is called (in Access that will be the standard report name followed by .pdf
    ' fill in your own report output path based upon the PDF writer you are using and where it places its output file
    ' stFileName = created above, the name of the final report as you want it to appear.

    iResponse = PDFCopy("Job", stOutPath, MyWEDate, "C:\PDF995\OUTPUT\PayrollTimesheets_RPDF.PDF", stFileName)

    ' give time for the writing to occur
    Start = Timer ' Set start time.
    Do While Timer < Start + PauseTime


    ' go to next record
    GoTo rers

    ' printing by record is completed
    Set db = Nothing

    End Function

    Here is function PDFCopy:
    After reading the top instructions, go to TagJob to see the output for the timesheets
    Public Function PDFCopy(stApp As String, stOutPath As String, stSubName As String, passit As String, stFileName As String)
    ' Pass from PDFCopy Command: stAPP = Payroll, Billing
    ' stOutPath = P:\Payroll\
    ' -or- P:\Billing\
    ' -or- J:\CustSort\JobiD
    ' stSubName - Payroll Only - W/E Date Becomes SubDirectory name
    ' stFileName - Billing - Job#/Invoice#
    ' stSubName = Timesheets - W/E Date becomes output file name: "Timesheet_" & MyDate
    Dim MyPath As String, MyDir As String, MyName As String
    Dim stFileOut As String
    If stApp = "PAYROLL" Then GoTo tagPR

    GoTo NoPr

    ' MsgBox (stApp & " " & stOutPath & " " & stSubName & " " & Passit & " " & stFileName)
    ' setup payroll path and file
    If IsNull(stSubName) Then
    MsgBox ("No Name for W/E SubDirectory")
    GoTo NoUpdate
    End If
    MyDir = stOutPath & stSubName
    ' MsgBox (MyDir)
    ' MkDir MyDir
    MyPath = MyDir
    stFileOut = MyPath & "\" & stFileName
    GoTo DonePR

    If stApp = "Job" Then GoTo tagJob

    'setup billing path and file
    stFileOut = "P:\Billing\" & stFileName
    GoTo DonePR

    stFileOut = stOutPath & stFileName

    ' copy files to shared drive
    FileCopy passit, stFileOut

    ' delete the file after copying
    Kill (passit)


    End Function

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