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Thread: There is not enough memory to complete this operation

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Jul 2011

    There is not enough memory to complete this operation

    I'm running into an unusual problem. I have an application with a multipage that contains about 10 pages and every page contains another multipage with 3-5 pages. The problem was that the app was too "heavy" and I wanted to break it into multiple forms (a form for every page).
    In the initial app the form had as I said about 10 pages, with another 3-5 pages on every one of them and on every page there were about 3-20 comboboxes, 4-40 textboxes. All of them were loaded at initialization by executing a piece of code.
    Now... I copied the piece of code for every page and added it in the initializations of the form that replaced it.
    The code is something like this:
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim ws1 As Worksheet
    Dim pagini As range
    Set ws1 = Worksheets("Config")
    Dim cControl As Control
    Set cControl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Multipage.1", "oly", True)
    With cControl
    .Width = 650
    .Height = 380
    .Top = 0
    .Left = 0
    End With
    Me.Controls("oly").Pages.Remove (Page1)
    Me.Controls("oly").Pages.Remove (Page2)
    For Each pagini In ws1.range("pagoly")
    Me.Controls("oly").Pages.Add (pagini)
    Next pagini
    i = 0
    Do While i < 5
    Set cControl = Me!oly.Pages(i).Add("Forms.Frame.1", "iooly" & i, True)
    With cControl
    .Caption = "IO"
    .Width = 210
    .Height = 340
    .Top = 2
    .Left = 5
    End With
    Set cControl = Me!oly.Pages(i).Add("Forms.Frame.1", "niooly" & i, True)
    With cControl
    .Caption = "nIO"
    .Width = 210
    .Height = 340
    .Top = 2
    .Left = 220
    End With
    Set cControl = Me!oly.Pages(i).Add("Forms.Frame.1", "descriere" & i, True)
    With cControl
    .Caption = "Descriere"
    .Width = 210
    .Height = 340
    .Top = 2
    .Left = 435
    End With
    End Sub[/VBA]

    So far it just adds the frames on every of the 5 pages of this form. The problem is that I get the "There is insufficient memory available to complete this operation" when I want to run it and I really don't know why. Yet on the previous version which loaded 50 times more stuff there was no problem. Do you have any idea where's the problem because I really don't understand it. Here is the file that loads tons of stuff and works fine
    And here is the file that loads pretty much nothing and gives me this error. (Alt+F11 to start the form on this one because I didn't add the macro so far)

  2. #2
    VBAX Newbie
    Jul 2011
    I found the problem... I forgot to increment the i. Damn how stupid I am..

  3. #3
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Been there, Done that

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