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Thread: help - copy tasks to other file

  1. #1

    help - copy tasks to other file

    hi all,
    i'm new here

    i need to copy some tasks with the same name from one file to a new file.

    i want to do it with userform acordding to a task name that insert by user into a textbox and also to copy only the tasks without there summmry task.

    recording macro with filtter didnt help me.

    for example: copy task "c"



    -c <--



    c <---

    the result is: new file will show



    my code:
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim ts As Tasks
    Dim t As Task
    Dim j As Integer
    i = 0
    Set ts = ActiveSelection.Tasks
    For Each t In ts
    If Not t Is Nothing Then
    If t.Name = TextBox1.Value And ts.Count >= i Then
    SelectRow row:=i
    End If
    End If
    Next t

    End Sub

    plz help me.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    hope someone help

  4. #4
    not yet.

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