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Thread: Get number of records in a table

  1. #21
    VBAX Expert
    Oct 2012
    I haven't given up, but I wont be around for a week or so after today.
    Giving the field names in the sql statement should work. If it doesn't I don't know why but then I don't understand the way you are opening the recordset. I've never seen it done that way before, I always use the sort of code I wrote in post #4.

    So you are connecting to Access. Is the database that you are connecting to another file or the same file that you're coding in?
    I would suggest that you build the application in one Access file to start off with. Tables, queries, forms, everything all together.
    Then, as I said before, you don't need to bother with connections. All you need to write to add, delete or update data is, for example

    currentdb.execute fcnGetStrSQL

    Once you have everything working the way you want you can split it up and use whatever connection method you like.

  2. #22
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005

    Thanks. What I thought was a solution turned out to be false. The column names were listed alphabetical instead of in the order they appear in the table to so the data was going to the wrong fields :-(. I've cobbled together a partial work around, the only requirement is that there be at least one record defined in the database. Before I post that code and ask a different question, I'll try to address your comments.

    I am writing the code in Word, because that is what I know and the final product will be a Word template add-in. I don't know how to write code in Access or know if there is such a thing as a Access template Add-in. I don' t know how to create Com addins and I don't want to learn at this point.

    Here is the code that is working best so far. It has one unresolved issue.

    The Access data base has two tables "Table1" and "Table2" Table1 has four fields, the default "ID" autonumber fields, and three shorttext fields Field1, Field2 and Field3. Table2 has three shorttext fields Field1, Field2 and Field3 (I deleted the default ID field).

    Both databases have 0 records

    When I run Sub Demo, the attempt to write data to Table1 errors because there 1) The number of query items does not match the number of fields in the database and, 2) there is no record to parse for column names. The attempt to write data to Table2 is successful

    If I manually add a record to Table1 and run Sub Demo again then data is written to both tables as expected.

    The remaining question is: Is there a way to determine the column names of a table "in the order they appear in the table" if the database is empty (contains 0 records)? All of the other methods I've found return the column names in alphabetical order.

    Option Explicit
    Const strDBFile As String = "D:\Demo Database.accdb"
    Sub Demo()
      DemoWriteToDB "Table1"
      DemoWriteToDB "Table2"
    End Sub
    Sub DemoWriteToDB(strTableName As String)
    Dim oConnection As Object
    Dim strConnection As String
    Dim arrData(2) As String
    Dim rsRecords As ADODB.Recordset, rsColumns As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim lngINdex As Long, lngColumns As Long
    Dim strColumnNames As String, strSQL As String
        arrData(0) = "111"
        arrData(1) = "222"
        arrData(2) = "333"
        strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & strDBFile & ";"
        Set oConnection = New ADODB.Connection
        With oConnection
          On Error GoTo Err_Connect
          .Open strConnection
          Set rsRecords = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
          rsRecords.Open "SELECT * From " & strTableName & ";", oConnection, adOpenStatic
          'Create columns record set.
          Set rsColumns = .OpenSchema(adSchemaColumns, Array(Empty, Empty, "" & strTableName))
          'Get columns count.
          lngColumns = 0
          Do While Not rsColumns.EOF
            lngColumns = lngColumns + 1
          'It appears that the only way to get the column names in the order that appear in the table _
           is to use the fields name property.  This requires there to be at least one record.
          If rsRecords.RecordCount > 0 Then
            'If the number of columns in the table don't match the number of data elements in the data array then _
             then we have to write to target columns by name:
            If Not UBound(arrData) + 1 = lngColumns Then
              'Get the column names.
              strColumnNames = ""
              For lngINdex = 0 To lngColumns - 1
                strColumnNames = strColumnNames & ", " & rsRecords.Fields(lngINdex).Name
              'If an autonumber "ID" column exists, we need to strip it out.
              strColumnNames = Replace(strColumnNames, ", ID", "")
              If Left(strColumnNames, 2) = ", " Then
                strColumnNames = Mid(strColumnNames, 3, Len(strColumnNames) - 2)
              End If
            End If
          End If
        End With
        strSQL = fcnGetStrSQL(strTableName, arrData, strColumnNames)
        oConnection.Execute strSQL
      Set oConnection = Nothing
      Set rsRecords = Nothing
      Set rsColumns = Nothing
      Exit Sub
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case -2147467259
          MsgBox "The number of data elements in the extracted data do not match the number of fields in the data base." & vbCr + vbCr _
               & "This is often the result of the default ""ID"" autonumber field in an Access database." & vbCr + vbCr _
               & "This condition cannot be resolved because there are no records in the database to evaluate." & vbCr + vbCr _
               & "To resolve this issue, you can manually define the first record in your database and try again."
        Case Else
         MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
      End Select
      Resume lbl_Exit
    End Sub
    Function fcnGetStrSQL(strTableName As String, varData, strHeadings) As String
    Dim strField_Values As String
    Dim strData As String
    Dim lngINdex As Long
      'Initialize SQL statement variable values.
      strField_Values = ""
      For lngINdex = 0 To UBound(varData)
        'Get field data
        strData = varData(lngINdex)
        'Build SQL statement.
        Select Case lngINdex
          Case Is = UBound(varData)
            strField_Values = strField_Values & "'" & strData & "'"
          Case Else
            strField_Values = strField_Values & "'" & strData & "'" & ", "
        End Select
      Next lngINdex
      If Not strHeadings = vbNullString Then
        fcnGetStrSQL = "INSERT INTO " & strTableName & " (" & strHeadings & ") VALUES (" & strField_Values & ")"
        fcnGetStrSQL = "INSERT INTO " & strTableName & " VALUES (" & strField_Values & ")"
      End If
      Exit Function
    End Function

  3. #23
    VBAX Expert
    Oct 2012
    I created a table (table1), added an autonumber (id) and three text fields (x, y and z)

    In the below code, the table is emptied, field names are queried and a new record is added with field names defined in reverse order.

    Sub test()
        'create new connection object
        'Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
        Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        'define connection string and open the connection
        conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\test.accdb;"
        'delete all data from the table to test that field names are still available
        conn.Execute "delete * from table1"
            'open a recordset and get list of field names
            'Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
            Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
            rs.ActiveConnection = conn
            rs.Open "select * from table1"
            For Each f In rs.Fields
                Debug.Print f.Name, f.Type
            Set rs = Nothing
            'result =
                'ID 3
                'x 202
                'y 202
                'Z 202
        'insert new record - (fields defined in reverse order)
        conn.Execute "insert into [table1] (z,x,y) values ('zzz','xxx','yyy')"
        Set conn = Nothing
    End Sub

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