Hey Pasha,
I have an addin that I have multiple language options. Could you translate it for me into Slovenian, Bosnian, and Croatian? That would be really cool! I already have German.
Hey Pasha,
I have an addin that I have multiple language options. Could you translate it for me into Slovenian, Bosnian, and Croatian? That would be really cool! I already have German.
Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum
Abusus non tollit usum
Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
James Thurber
hy xld... sorry for the late replay...i just now saw your post...wasn't looking to this threads...
and yes of corse... it's no problem ... i would be glad to help you ... finally i can make my self usefull ...
just send it to my mail or PM and i'm gonna try to translate it fast enough ... now i have time ... holidays and so on... so hear ya...
I like to help others... but sometimes i also need help ...
I can help if you need some help but you don't feel confident enough to ask in English and Polish is your native language.
I'm a VBA newbie, but I'm fluent in French and English ,so if you need help, I can always translate your post to English so the other amazing people on this forum can answer your question, and I can then translate the answer back to you (although I probably would need a private message to find your post )
Je suis nouveau a VBA, mais je parle courrament l'anglais et le francais (meme si je n'arrive pas a mettre d'accent ni de cedilles avec un clavier anglais ), donc si vous avez besoin d'aide, je peut toujours traduire votre post en anglais pour que les autres incroyables personnes de ce forum puissent repondre a votre question, et je pourrais ensuite retraduire la reponse en francais (mais je doit noter qu'il faudrais probablement que vous m'envoyez un message personnel afin que je retrouve votre post )
Portuguese Brazil here, if you need help.
Hey guys, greetings from usa! I just got myself an account here, looking forward to picking up some good info.
Sometimes you have to stop thinking too much and just go where Hollister takes you.
Français ... c'est ma langue mère
Benvenuti al Forum di VBA Express!
Questa è la sezione "Lingue straniere".
In caso non padroneggiaste l'inglese, in questa sezione potete scrivere le vostre richieste nella vostra lingua nativa.
Se siete Italofoni non esistate a chiedermi aiuto per qualsiasi cosa inerente questo Forum.
Sorry about my English mistakes!
Hello, I´m Jaime from Portugal. I can communicate in both English and Portuguese ( from Pt). The word Welcome, means "Benvindo" in portuguese(pt and br)