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Thread: How can I create product keys for VBA add-ins and store it in the system?

  1. #1
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2020
    Cochin, Kerala

    How can I create product keys for VBA add-ins and store it in the system?

    Dear Experts,

    Is there any simple way to create product keys and store the info somewhere in the pc for a VBA add-in to restrict the usage with in the organization ?
    I saw the following post - activation key generated with a combination of user details, cpu number and hard disk number. But it is not working for me and also it seems to be very complicated
    excel - How can I create product keys for VBA applications so that illegal distribution of software is prevented? - Stack Overflow

    Thanks for your time!

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert Logit's Avatar
    Sep 2016
    I didn't read the link you provided ... having said that ... you could create a small text file with a "key" - place that text file somewhere on the computer's hard drive and name the file something that doesn't reflect back to your
    add-in. Example : If your add in is called "Press Button To Copy Files To Selected Folder" .... name the small text file something like "300487GDH.txt"

    Then in your Add In have it check the existence of that small text file first before running. If the text file isn't there, advise your user they are not licensed for its use.

    Creating a KEY in the system registry is not that difficult. This is another possibility, where your Add In will check the registry first for the required key.

  3. #3
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2020
    Cochin, Kerala
    Thanks for your response Logit!
    It would be very helpful if you could share some sample codes.
    Thanks for your time!

  4. #4
    VBAX Expert Logit's Avatar
    Sep 2016
    I don't have any codes to share. If you GOOGLE the titles you will receive tons of answers.

    For the TEXT file, search for "Creating A Text File". Then something like "How to copy a text file to a specific Directory". There really doesn't need to be anything in the text file (unless you really want there to be). Your project only
    needs to check for the existence and if it does exist, the user is good to go. If the text file does not exist, advise the user they are not licensed.

    For the Registry Keys ... search for "Creating a Registry Key". Also search for "Reading A Registry Key". The 'reading' will be the verification your program needs before running the add in.

  5. #5
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2020
    Cochin, Kerala
    Thanks Logit!
    I will check it out.

  6. #6
    you should be able to do it in the workbook's Open event.

    paste this in a Module:
    Function getMyCustomDocProperty() As String
         '   ============================================
         '   Save a value in CustomDocumentProperties
         '   ============================================
         '   Constant string for the property we are adding
        Const szVersion As String = "_HD"
         '   ========================================================================
         '   If the name doesn't exist, we create it and set the initial value to 1
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim szDocVal As String
        Dim cstmDocProp As DocumentProperty
        Set cstmDocProp = ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties(szVersion)
        If Err.Number > 0 Then
            szDocVal = GetPhysicalSerial() & ""
            ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add _
            Name:=szVersion, _
            LinkToContent:=False, _
            Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, _
             '   ========================================================================
             '   ========================================================================
             '       if our name exists, we need to increment the value in it by 1
             '       to do this, we parse the name's RefersTo value:
            szDocVal = ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties(szVersion).Value
             '       Reset the name to refer to our new value
            'ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties(szVersion).Value = CLng(szDocVal) + 1
             '   ========================================================================
        End If
         '   Explicitly clear memory
        Set cstmDocProp = Nothing
        getMyCustomDocProperty = szDocVal
    End Function
    Function GetPhysicalSerial() As Variant
        Dim obj As Object
        Dim wmi As Object
        Dim SNList() As String, i As Long, count As Long
        Set wmi = GetObject("WinMgmts:")
        For Each obj In wmi.InstancesOf("Win32_PhysicalMedia")
            If obj.SerialNumber <> "" Then count = count + 1
        'ReDim SNList(1 To Count, 1 To 1)
        ReDim SNList(1 To count)
        i = 1
        For Each obj In wmi.InstancesOf("Win32_PhysicalMedia")
            'SNList(i, 1) = obj.SerialNumber
            SNList(i) = Trim(obj.SerialNumber & "")
            Debug.Print Trim(obj.SerialNumber & "")
            i = i + 1
            If i > count Then Exit For
        GetPhysicalSerial = SNList(1)
    End Function
    add code to Workbook's Open event:
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
        Dim hd As String
        hd = GetPhysicalSerial() & ""
        If hd <> getMyCustomDocProperty() Then
        End If
    End Sub
    save your workbook as .xlsm

    to test close and re-open the workbook.
    you Enable the macro if you are presented with a message.

    close, the workbook again and copy and open it in
    different computer.

  7. #7
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2020
    Cochin, Kerala
    Hi arnelgp, Thanks for your time!
    I'm getting run-time error '-2147217400(80041008)': Automation error on line
    Set wmi = GetObject("WinMgmts:")

  8. #8
    can you google why you have that error and what is your os?

  9. #9
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2020
    Cochin, Kerala
    Thanks arnelgp!
    I will try to check it out. My OS is win 10Pro 64bit

  10. #10
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2020
    Cochin, Kerala
    I have created a simple one which saves the key in excel add-in folder , request your suggestions for improvements
    Thanks Logit for your inputs above!

    Option Explicit
    Dim Key        As String
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    End Sub
    Sub CreateActivationKey()
        Dim Strg   As String
        Dim i      As Long
        Me.TB_CompName.Text = Environ("ComputerName")
        Me.TB_UsrName.Text = Environ("UserName")
        Strg = Trim(Me.TB_CompName.Text) & Trim(Me.TB_UsrName.Text)
        For i = 1 To Len(Strg)
            Key = Key & Hex((Asc(Mid(Strg, i, 1)) Xor 100))
        Next i
        ActiveSheet.Range("A1") = Key
    End Sub
    Sub CheckActivation()
        Dim ActivationFileName As String, ActivationFileExists As String
        ActivationFileName = Application.UserLibraryPath & Key & ".txt"
        ActivationFileExists = Dir(ActivationFileName)
        If ActivationFileExists = "" Then
            MsgBox "This Add-in is not activated"
            MsgBox "This Add-in is already activated"
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Btn_Activate_Click()
        Dim ActivationCode As String
        Dim FSO    As Object
        Dim ActivationFile As Object
        ActivationCode = Me.TB_ActivationCode.Text
        If Len(ActivationCode) = 0 Then
            MsgBox "Please enter the activation code.", vbInformation
        ElseIf ActivationCode = Key Then
            Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            Set ActivationFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(Application.UserLibraryPath & Key & ".txt", True, True)
            With ActivationFile
                .Write "Registered Computer Name : " & Me.TB_CompName.Text & vbNewLine
                .Write "Registered User Name : " & Me.TB_UsrName.Text & vbNewLine
                .Write "Activation Code : " & Key & vbNewLine
            End With
            MsgBox "Successfully Activated.", vbInformation
            Unload Me
            MsgBox "Invalid Activation Code.", vbInformation
        End If
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files

  11. #11
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I don't understand how you're planning to use this

    I'm guessing / assuming that there's a ABCD1234.XLAM that you want to protect and that when it starts it will check to see if it's properly activated by checking 'something'

    How does the activation code get loaded onto the PC in order to be checked?


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  12. #12
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2020
    Cochin, Kerala
    Hi Paul,
    I was just thinking, how can an addin be restricted from using in other pcs.
    Yes, your guessing is correct. CreateActivationKey and CheckActivation procedures from my above code can be called on loading the add-in and the activation form also can go to the add-in for activation.
    Request your advice

    Thanks for your time!

    Replied from mobile. Hence please ignore typo errors if any

  13. #13
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Hi Paul,
    I was just thinking, how can an addin be restricted from using in other pcs.
    Yes, your guessing is correct. CreateActivationKey and CheckActivation procedures from my above code can be called on loading the add-in and the activation form also can go to the add-in for activation.
    Request your advice

    Thanks for your time!
    I don't see how having your add-in both generate the activation key and check it will do what you want

    Any number of users can generate a key and check it

    Having your add-in check to see if it's 'activated' before running is easy to do but easy to bypass by anyone who knows a little VBA

    One cumbersome way might be to

    1. Let user load add-in

    2. If NOT activated

    2a. Ask for Activation Code, OR Tell user that you generated some kind of PC hardware code (like in post #1)
    2b. Send YOU the above code
    2c. You generate a hash of the user's code
    2d. Mail back
    2e. User tries to run add-in again, and this time enters the hash from 2c
    2f. Hash code stored in registry

    3. If activated

    3a. Generate PC hardware code (like in post #1)
    3b. Hash it
    3c. Compare to stored registry value (2f)
    3d. If they match them let add-in load


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  14. #14
    VBAX Expert Logit's Avatar
    Sep 2016
    Last part of my comment in #4 ....

  15. #15
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Logit View Post
    Last part of my comment in #4 ....
    How does the registry key get there?

    If it's added by the add-in, then everyone whoever installs the add-in will have a valid activation code. That doesn't meet the objective in post #1

    to restrict the usage with in the organization


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  16. #16
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2020
    Cochin, Kerala
    Thanks for your feedback and advice Paul!
    I agree, it is easy to bypass by anyone who knows a little VBA including protecting the VBA project
    I didn't search much for the option to store the key in registry. Because I think, the registry location depends on the OS and found this txt file version is an easy one.
    I will check out the option of PC hardware code and saving the key in registry. Thanks for your time!

  17. #17
    VBAX Expert Logit's Avatar
    Sep 2016
    Paul :

    Very similar to what you said in your previous post. There would have to be a separate Registry Key for each installation.

    Reminds me of previous times when software was sent via 'floppy' disk. Each disk had a unique installation/registration code.
    If the purchaser shared the software with others then of course the registration code wasn't worth much. That would be the
    same thing here when the user receives the hashed registration code.

    All in all its just an additional step to slow down the devious minded. Honest folks will be kept honest with the registration key.
    And then there are those who like to tinker with the VBA code. That cannot be protected no matter what you do. If the user
    knows enough ... the code will get broken.

  18. #18
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Reminds me of previous times when software was sent via 'floppy' disk. Each disk had a unique installation/registration code.
    If the purchaser shared the software with others then of course the registration code wasn't worth much. That would be the
    same thing here when the user receives the hashed registration code.
    Sure, but that means each copy of the add-in would need the OP to generate and insert a unique key (probably a GUID is best)

    1. Ten people need the add-in

    2. OP makes 10 copies of add-in

    3. OP makes GUID in each of 10 and distributes

    4. User 1 gets their copy, and installs it and the GUID in the XLAM is added to the registry (SaveSetting)

    5. User 1 opens Excel to use add-in, add-in checks it's embedded GUID against registry (GetSetting)

    5. Add in says "I'm good" and runs

    But, ...

    User 1 says, "Hey User 11. You'll like this"

    GoTo 4

    Without some central registration authority, I think it won't work


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  19. #19
    VBAX Expert Logit's Avatar
    Sep 2016
    Yup ... problems, problems, problems.

    Perhaps matching the key to the user's HD serial number would be better.

  20. #20
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2020
    Cochin, Kerala
    I have revised the codes based on the hard disk volume id. I have also got sample codes to read and write the registry keys. However, not sure how to make it work and request some help in making it work.

    Option Explicit
    Public Key        As String, Strg   As String
    Sub CreateActivationKey()    
    Dim i      As Long
        Strg = DiskVolumeId(Environ("SystemDrive"))
        For i = 1 To Len(Strg)
            Key = Key & Hex(Asc(Mid(Strg, i, 1)))
        Next i
    End Sub
    Function DiskVolumeId(Drive As String) As String
        Dim sTemp  As String
        Dim iPos   As Long
        iPos = InStr(1, Drive, ":")
        Drive = IIf(iPos > 0, Left(Drive, iPos), Drive & ":")
        sTemp = Hex(CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") _
        DiskVolumeId = Left(sTemp, 4) & "-" & Right(sTemp, 4)
    End Function
    Function RegKeyRead(i_RegKey As String) As String    
    Dim myWS   As Object
        On Error Resume Next
        Set myWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        RegKeyRead = myWS.RegRead(i_RegKey)
    End Function
    Sub RegKeySave(i_RegKey As String, _
        i_Value As String, _
        Optional i_Type As String = "REG_DWORD")
        Dim myWS   As Object
        Set myWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        myWS.RegWrite i_RegKey, i_Value, i_Type
    End Sub
    Function RegKeyExists(i_RegKey As String) As Boolean
        Dim myWS   As Object
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        Set myWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        myWS.RegRead i_RegKey
        RegKeyExists = True
        Exit Function
        RegKeyExists = False
    End Function
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