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Thread: VBA Assistance needed - lookup, match and copy command

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2022
    United Kingdom

    VBA Assistance needed - lookup, match and copy command

    VBA Command Example.xlsb


    I’m in some need regarding a command with the intention being to lookup, find and in turn match figures in three columns according to a set scale and then copy the corresponding cells to a different tab.

    I have tried and so far, ultimately failed to get my head around this, so any assistance given is appreciated.

    A full rundown of what is required is attached and below.

    Within Tab 1, what is required is detail from columns K, O and P to be automatically transposed into their corresponding columns on Tab 2 in line with Column C on Tab 1 and 2.

    The manner of this command is dependent on an existing scale (Very High, High, Moderate, Low, Very Low) and must be processed in order of;

    1. Very High
    2. High
    3. Moderate
    4. Low
    5. Very Low

    The command needs to look along column J in order of the scale above and copy the corresponding values from K, O and P into the cells on Tab 2.

    There could be an instance whereby a figure has appeared twice (1 and 2) in the set priority scale such as;

    Column J Column K
    1 High A13
    2 High A13

    3 High A21

    In this instance, the first instance of A13 (1) would be copied across and the second copied cell would be A21 (3) as it is the next best match in line with the priority scale that is not a duplicate

    Column J Column K
    1 High A13
    2 High A13
    3 High A21

    I.e. if Column J matches, copy detail from Column K into Tab 2 and move onto next row in line with set scale. If column J doesn’t match then move onto next row in line with set scale

    The command would then work down through the set scale (Very High, High, Moderate, Low, Very Low) until all entries are complete and copied over into the corresponding cells on Tab 2.

    An example output is on the attached sheet and coloured in yellow on Tab 2. If this needs a trigger button to run the command, I am comfortable with that.

    Many thanks for reading, any assistance will be very much appreciated.
    Last edited by Hurley; 01-28-2022 at 07:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator VBAX Master georgiboy's Avatar
    Mar 2008
    Kent, England
    Hi Hurley,

    Are you looking to empty the table on Tab2 and create new data in the order specified above?
    Do you want to lookup the values from tab 1 and find on tab 2 then add the values to the existing table?
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    Excel 365, Version 2405, Build 17628.20102

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2022
    United Kingdom
    Hi Georgiboy, first of all thanks for reading and replying.

    In regards to your question, it would be the second question; to lookup the values from tab 1 and add the values to table on tab 2 in line with the parameters labelled above.

    Row 16 on Tab 2 (highlighted yellow) is the best example of what is required after the process would have been completed.

  4. #4
    Moderator VBAX Master georgiboy's Avatar
    Mar 2008
    Kent, England
    Ok i think i may have missuderstood, the attachment below is where i got to with it, it may not be the best approach. Not to worry though as i am sure one of the others will be along with some more options. I generally don't work with tables (not sure why), might be because i am old
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    Excel 365, Version 2405, Build 17628.20102

  5. #5
    is this close to what you need?
    i am saving it to Tab3.
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  6. #6
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2022
    United Kingdom
    Hi georgiboy and arnelgp

    Thank you so much for your help! Both do the main crux of what I'm after (which is amazing thank you!).

    One element that may need to be added is if a person has already been accounted for he should be discounted from the calculations.

    For example, if person A13 is listed twice the first instance is added to the table/taken into account and the second should be discounted and not duplicated on the output table regardless of Group No. with the next best match by order of priority should be taken into account. If it then needs to be the first person in the next category this should then be actioned.

    Hope that makes sense and once again, thank you for your time and help.

  7. #7
    here is the modified version, will not include duplicate Group + Priority.
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  8. #8
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2022
    United Kingdom

    Thanks for this, I'm getting the following message however?

    Run Time Error '429' ActiveX component cant create object

    In the debug also the following is highlighted..

    Set vh = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

    Are you able to assist? - Thanks again for your help also

  9. #9
    it should work, unless there is problem with Microsoft Scripting, not properly installed..
    anyway, i changed it again to Collection (instead of Dictionary).
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  10. #10
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2022
    United Kingdom
    Hi Arnel (and georgiboy), thanks for that - appreciated. I think you have solved the problem! Really appreciate it

  11. #11
    Or, rather simply:

    Sub M_snb()
       sn = ListObjects(1).Range
       For j = 2 To UBound(sn)
         If InStr(c00, sn(j, 10) & sn(j, 11)) = 0 Then
            c00 = c00 & "_" & sn(j, 10) & sn(j, 11)
            sn(j, 10) = InStr("VHML", Left(sn(j, 10), 1)) - 4 * (sn(j, 10) = "Very Low") & sn(j, 10)
            sn(j, 11) = ""
         End If
       with Cells(30, 1).Resize(UBound(sn), UBound(sn, 2))
         .value= sn
         .Sort Cells(30, 10), , Cells(30, 11), , , , , 1
       end with
    End Sub

  12. #12
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2022
    United Kingdom
    Thanks snb.

    Arnelgb and Georgiboy - I've just sent you a message if you're able to assist. Just wary that I've marked this thread as solved.

  13. #13
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    @Hurley Please keep the thread going rather than using PM to the participants. Others trying to follow the thread will be blocked from the logic.
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  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Aussiebear View Post
    @Hurley Please keep the thread going rather than using PM the participants. Others trying to follow the thread will be blocked from the logic.
    Well, obviously the OP does not want anyone else get involved?
    i don't even have a chance to look and see what the message is?
    instead of deleting the Original message, just Add a note that you
    moved it to regular thread so the recipient can have a chance to read it.

  15. #15
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    @arnelgp, I would like to refer you to the FAQ's for a better understanding of how the forums operates;

    Can I contact someone privately (via PM) if I need help?

    Please don't PM other members directly with a question when there is a whole forum dedicated to the solving of such problems. We kindly ask that you post your question to the relevant subforum of this site as:

    • This is a free subscription forum and opens up your problem to many different viewpoints and levels of experience from which you can benefit;
    • Questions made public benefit the site and declare an unselfish wish to help others who may have a similar problem in the future by allowing them to search for a solution rather than post a question which has been answered before;
    • A direct enquiry, when unsolicited, is not regarded as proper netiquette as the person you are contacting may not have the time - or may not be willing - to help you;
    • Soliciting an individual response is akin to consultancy for which the person contacted may charge for their private services.

    Thanks for reading and good luck with your problem.

    If you believe this is wrong in any context, please forward your issue to the Admin.
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  16. #16
    to the OP, overwrite cpyByPriority sub with this one:
    Public Sub cpyByPriority()
        Dim colAll As New Collection
        Dim colOut As New Collection
        Dim sht As Worksheet
        Dim src_range As Range
        Dim trg_range As Range
        Dim start_row As Long
        Dim end_row As Long, i As Long
        Dim stat As String, ky As String
        Dim value As Variant, v As Variant, itm As Variant
        Set sht = Sheets("tab1")
        Set src_range = sht.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange
        start_row = src_range.Row
        end_row = start_row + src_range.Rows.Count - 1
        With sht
            On Error Resume Next
            For i = start_row To end_row
                stat = .Range("j" & i).value & ""
                ky = .Range("C" & i).value
                value = .Range("C" & i).value & "|" & .Range("J" & i).value & "|" & .Range("K" & i) & "|" & .Range("O" & i) & "|" & .Range("P" & i)
                itm = colAll.Item(ky)
                If Err Then
                    colAll.Add Key:=ky, Item:=1
                    colOut.Add Key:=(colOut.Count + 1) & "", Item:=value
                End If
        End With
        ' Change the sheet to your target sheet
        Set sht = Sheets("Tab3")
        Set src_range = sht.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange
        start_row = 2
        If Not src_range Is Nothing Then
            start_row = src_range.Row
        End If
        With sht
            For i = 1 To colOut.Count
                value = colOut(i)
                v = Split(value, "|")
                .Range("C" & start_row).NumberFormat = "@"
                .Range("C" & start_row) = v(0) & ""
                .Range("J" & start_row) = v(1)
                .Range("K" & start_row) = v(2)
                .Range("O" & start_row) = v(3)
                .Range("P" & start_row) = v(4)
                start_row = start_row + 1
        End With
        Set colAll = Nothing
        Set colOut = Nothing
        MsgBox "Done! Please goto Tab3 sheet."
    End Sub
    Note that Priority has no bearing now, since you need the "first occurrence" only.

    entry for a123
    first entry as "low"
    next enty as "very high"

    low priority will be considered since it is the first entry.

  17. #17
    VBAX Regular
    Jan 2022
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by arnelgp View Post
    it should work, unless there is problem with Microsoft Scripting, not properly installed..
    anyway, i changed it again to Collection (instead of Dictionary).
    My apologies Aussiebear, duly noted.

    Hi Arnel, I seem to have found a way around the duplication issue by changing the code to ky = .Range("K" & i).value

    The last remaining piece is there a way that the cells are not sorted by priority once copied over via the command - this is resulting in formulas being erroneous in other areas of the document.

    Example being currently the items are being copied over and sorted into order of priority on Tab 3 however can they be copied over in the order displayed on Tab 1?

  18. #18
    i remove the filtering on the table (to show all hidden row first).
    then remove the sorting before processing.
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