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Thread: Copy text from word to excel - "Out of disk space" error

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2007

    Copy text from word to excel - "Out of disk space" error

    Hi evereryone,

    With the follwing procedure which intends to retrieve specific text (red square in the above image) from word documents:

    Sub Abrir()
    Dim FolderName As String
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim NewDoc As Object
    Dim NewWordFile As Object
    Dim A As String
    Dim r As Integer
    Range("A2:B1000").Value = ""
    r = 2
    FolderName = "C:\Users\njesus\Documents\Os meus documentos\"
    FileName = Dir(FolderName & "*.doc*")
    Do While FileName <> ""
    On Error Resume Next
        Set NewDoc = CreateObject("word.application")
        NewDoc.Application.Visible = False
        Set NewDoc = GetObject(FolderName & FileName)
        A = NewDoc.Range(12, 25)
        Range("A" & r).Value = A
        A = NewDoc.Range(200, 500)
        Range("B" & r).Value = A
    r = r + 1
        NewDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
    FileName = Dir()
    Set NewDoc = Nothing
    Set NewWordFile = Nothing
    End Sub
    works for folders with a few word documents, but for folders with more than 100 documents it is creating huge amount of data and I keep run out of disk space. Can anyone help me understanding why is this happening?

    Thank you!

    Microsoft 2010 | VBA 7.1

  2. #2
    Moderator VBAX Master georgiboy's Avatar
    Mar 2008
    Kent, England
    You could try it like the below, there were too many bits inside the loop:
    Sub Abrir()
        Dim FolderName As String
        Dim FileName As String
        Dim wdApp As Object
        Dim NewDoc As Object
        Range("A2:B" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
        FolderName = "C:\Users\njesus\Documents\Os meus documentos\"
        FileName = Dir(FolderName & "*.doc*")
        Set wdApp = CreateObject("word.application")
        wdApp.Application.Visible = False
        Do While FileName <> ""
            Set NewDoc = GetObject(FolderName & FileName)
            Range("A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1).Resize(, 2).Value = Array(NewDoc.Range(12, 25), NewDoc.Range(200, 500))
            NewDoc.Close SaveChanges:=False
            FileName = Dir()
    End Sub
    Last edited by georgiboy; 07-07-2022 at 08:41 AM.
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    Excel 365, Version 2405, Build 17628.20102

  3. #3
    Keep it simple.
    Avoid 'On error Resume Next'

    Sub M_snb()
      c00="C:\Users\njesus\Documents\Os meus documentos\"
      c01= Dir(c00 & "*.doc*")
      do while c01<>""
        with getobject(c00 & c01)
          c02=c02 & vblf & .paragraphs(7).range.text
          .close 0
        end with
      Msgbox c02
    End Sub

  4. #4
    VBAX Guru macropod's Avatar
    Jul 2008
    Undoubtedly, creating multiple Word instances that you don't kill has choked your system(Hint: NewWordFile.Quit does not relate to Set NewDoc = CreateObject("word.application")). Your code has other issues, too.

    Here's a more flexible approach that allows for the possibility that doesn't require knowing in advance which paragraphs contain your strings or, especially for the second string, how long it might be:
    Sub Abrir()
    Dim StrFldr As String, StrFlNm As Strin, WdObj As Object, WdDoc As Object, xlSht As Worksheet, r As Long
    StrFldr = "C:\Users\njesus\Documents\Os meus documentos\": r = 1
    Set WdObj = CreateObject("Word.Application"): WdObj.Visible = False
    Set xlSht = ActiveSheet: xlSht.Range("A2:B" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
    StrFlNm = Dir(StrFldr & "*.doc*")
    Do While StrFlNm <> ""
      r = r + 1
      Set WdDoc = WdObj.Documents.Open(StrFldr & StrFlNm)
      With WdDoc
        With .Range
          With .Find
            .MatchWildcards = True
            .Text = "N/O Ref[!\:]@:[!/]@/[! ]@>"
          End With
          If .Find.Found Then xlSht.Range("A" & r).Value = Split(.Text, ":")(1)
        End With
        With .Range
          With .Find
            .MatchWildcards = True
            .Text = "ASSUNTO:[!^13]@^13"
          End With
          If .Find.Found Then xlSht.Range("B" & r).Value = Split(.Text, "ASSUNTO:")(1)
        End With
        .Close False
      End With
      StrFlNm = Dir()
    Set WdDoc = Nothing: Set WdObj = Nothing: Set xlSht = Nothing
    End Sub
    Last edited by macropod; 07-07-2022 at 08:24 PM.
    Paul Edstein
    [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2007

    Thank you all for your reply!

    Quote Originally Posted by macropod View Post
    Undoubtedly, creating multiple Word instances that you don't kill has choked your system(Hint: NewWordFile.Quit does not relate to Set NewDoc = CreateObject("word.application")). Your code has other issues, too.
    True! In the meanwhile i remember to opened the windows task bar and saw a bunch of word documents tasks opened, it was that what was filling my disk, so I changed the "CreateObject("word.application")" to "GetObject("word.application")" and it worked, but since the code is not optimized it takes around 1h to do 150 documents....

    macropod it was that code that I was looking for, it works like a charm! thank you very much!!!

    Microsoft 2010 | VBA 7.1

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