Greg Maxey recently published a section of code that purports to create a multi level list format on the fly. No one was able to respond at the other forum, but I was wondering if anyone here might be able to assist him. Apologies Greg, if I haven't given the correct description.
Option Explicit
'Note - change names to suit.
Private Const m_strListStyleName As String = "My ML Numbered List"
Private Const m_strStyleLevelPrefixName As String = "LL_"
'Note - change the global indent value to suit. Value is in points e.g., half inch is 36 points.
Private Const m_lngIndent As Long = 21
Sub Create_EditMultiLevelListStyle()
Dim oListStyle As Style
Dim oStyle As Style
Dim oLL As ListLevel
Dim lngPoints As Long, lngLevelIndex As Long
Dim bRedefine As Boolean, bUpdate As Boolean
'I created this VBA procedure because I think the built-in multilevel lists (MML) in Word look absolutely stupid. I realize that is
'a broad brush statement for out of 6 plus billion souls out there, some may feel the look of the MLL list this procedure creates is even worse.
'Here we are.
'I don't normally comment code heavily but make an exception here as I want any potential user to understand the mechanics and what is going on.
'Trust me, some weird things go on. Those are commented as well in hopes some smart guy or gal out there will jump in with suggestions
'for improvement, explainaitons or fixes.
'The primary goals of this code are to:
'a) Produce a MML that is linked to 9 different paragraphs styles (one for each list level)
'b) Produce a MML that has a unique list member index for each list level
'c) Produce a MML with "lesser" indents that the built-in MML provided with Word
bRedefine = False '***
bUpdate = True
On Error Resume Next
'Get (or since it won't exist initially, create) the named list style.
Set oListStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles(m_strListStyleName)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'If the named list style didn't exists then we create it now.
Set oListStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(m_strListStyleName, wdStyleTypeList)
bRedefine = True '***
bUpdate = False
End If
'Initialize the indent value
lngPoints = 0
On Error GoTo 0
'Define the ListTemplate associated with the list style.
With oListStyle.ListTemplate
For lngLevelIndex = 1 To 9
'Global actions for all nine list levels
Set oLL = .ListLevels(lngLevelIndex)
oLL.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
'Note - the value of lngPoints is increased by the value you set with the constant m_lngIndent with each iteration of the this For ... Next loop
oLL.NumberPosition = lngPoints
oLL.TabPosition = lngPoints + m_lngIndent
oLL.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
oLL.ResetOnHigher = True
'Link the list level to a unique paragraph style. Note - If that style doesn't exists, we create it with the error handler.
On Error GoTo Err_Style
Set oStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles(m_strStyleLevelPrefixName & lngLevelIndex)
oLL.LinkedStyle = oStyle.NameLocal
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case lngLevelIndex
Case 1
'Note - for levels 1 - 3, I want my second line text to align under list member number/letter
'To align under first character of list member text, append + m_lngIndent to .Text Position line.
oLL.TextPosition = lngPoints '+ m_lngIndent
oLL.NumberFormat = "%1."
oLL.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
Case 2
oLL.TextPosition = lngPoints '+ m_lngIndent
oLL.NumberFormat = "%2."
oLL.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleUppercaseLetter
Case 3
oLL.TextPosition = lngPoints '+ m_lngIndent
oLL.NumberFormat = "%3)"
oLL.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
Case 4
oLL.TextPosition = lngPoints + m_lngIndent
oLL.NumberFormat = "%4."
oLL.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleLowercaseLetter
Case 5
oLL.TextPosition = lngPoints + m_lngIndent
oLL.NumberFormat = "%5."
oLL.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
oLL.Font.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle
Case 6
oLL.TextPosition = lngPoints + m_lngIndent
oLL.NumberFormat = "%6)"
oLL.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleLowercaseLetter
Case 7
oLL.TextPosition = lngPoints + m_lngIndent
oLL.NumberFormat = "%7]"
oLL.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
Case 8
oLL.TextPosition = lngPoints + m_lngIndent
oLL.NumberFormat = "%8."
oLL.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleLowercaseLetter
oLL.Font.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle
Case 9
oLL.TextPosition = lngPoints + m_lngIndent
End Select
lngPoints = lngPoints + m_lngIndent
Next lngLevelIndex
End With
'*** Here is the wierdness.
'For whatever reason, when this procedure first creates the list style and associated linked paragraphs, the resulting linked LL_1 style paragraph assumes a mysterious
'.25 inch hanging indent. The only way I have found to work around this issue is to repeat ListTemplate definition steps.
If bRedefine Then
bRedefine = False
GoTo ReDefineAfterCreate
End If
If bUpdate Then
MsgBox "Defined changes to list and associated linked paragraph styles are completed.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "REPORT"
MsgBox "This list style and associated linked paragraph styles have been created." & vbCr + vbCr _
& "To reflect changes in the List Styles gallery please save, close and reopen the template file.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "REPORT"
'Does anyone know how to force the List Styles gallery to refresh with code?
Selection.Paragraphs(1).Style = m_strStyleLevelPrefixName & "1"
End If
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 5941
'Create a unique paragraph style to serve as the linked paragraph for the indexed level.
Set oStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(m_strStyleLevelPrefixName & lngLevelIndex, wdStyleTypeParagraph)
oStyle.BaseStyle = "List Paragraph"
Select Case lngLevelIndex
Case 4 To 9
'I specifically don't want additional white space after levels 4 through 9. You can adjust this to suit your own taste.
oStyle.NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle = True
End Select
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Select
End Sub
Sub DeleteStyleSet()
'Use this procedure to remove the list and associated linked paragraph styles.
'You should save and close the template, then reopen to reset the List Styles Gallery content.
Dim oStyle As Style
For Each oStyle In ActiveDocument.Styles
If Left(oStyle.NameLocal, "3") = m_strStyleLevelPrefixName Or oStyle.NameLocal = m_strListStyleName Then
End If
End Sub