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Thread: VBA Macro integration with Chrome

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Sep 2024

    VBA Macro integration with Chrome

    Hello there, I hope everyone is well.

    My company has a lot of excel vba macros that work with IE. You might be aware that IE is getting discontinued on June 15th therefore the company has requested to transition these automation tools to support chrome.

    My question is will SeleniumBasic be able to support such macros considering that Selenium Type Library is enabled?

    I know that IE is dependant of OLE Automation reference, therefore I am wondering to what extend would I need to modify the script in order to make it work with SeleniumBasic.

  2. #2
    I would say that it depends on what functionality you're using with IE. You can interact with the web site, like click buttons and read information from it using Selenium. I helped someone on another forum to use Selenium to read some tables on a web site. Here is that code, maybe it helps shed some light on its usage.

    Private Sub btnRetrieveData_Click()
        ' using Selenium to grab the date from the website
        ' requires Selenium be installed from
        ' and a reference to Selenium Type Librarybe made
        Dim cDriver As chromeDriver
        Dim rfqDatesDict As Scripting.Dictionary
        Dim rfqDate As Variant
        Dim rfqResult As String
        Dim logRow As Long
        ' is the date to run from an actual date?
        On Error Resume Next
        If CDate(Sheet1.Cells(2, 2).Value) > Date Then
            If Err > 0 Then
                MsgBox "The 'Since' date is invalid"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        ' where to start writing the progress information
        logRow = Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
        ' create this and use this one instance throught the code
        Set cDriver = New chromeDriver
        ' get the dates and their associated links, any error here stops everything
        On Error Resume Next
            Sheet1.Cells(logRow, 1).Value = Format(Date, "MM-DD-YYYY") & " checking for RFQ dates from " & Sheet1.Cells(2, 2).Value
            Sheet1.Cells(logRow, 1).Font.Bold = True
            logRow = logRow + 1
            Set rfqDatesDict = GetRFQDates(cDriver)
            If Err <> 0 Then
                MsgBox "Error collecting the RFQ dates! Error: " & Error(Err), vbCritical, "ERROR"
                Set cDriver = Nothing
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Sheet1.Cells(logRow, 1).Value = Format(Date, "MM-DD-YYYY") & " checking for RFQ dates since " & Sheet1.Cells(2, 2).Value & " found " & CStr(rfqDatesDict.Count)
        On Error GoTo 0
        ' loop the links to extract the data from their page into
        ' a new sheet named as the date
        For Each rfqDate In rfqDatesDict.Keys
            ' show the progress
            Sheet1.Range("A" & CStr(logRow)).EntireRow.Font.Color = vbBlack ' reset font color
            Sheet1.Cells(logRow, 2).Value = rfqDate
            Sheet1.Cells(logRow, 3).Value = "Reading date's data..."
            ' call the function that retrieves the RFQ info & creates a new sheet
            rfqResult = GetRFQDatesData(rfqDatesDict(rfqDate), cDriver, rfqDate)
            ' anything but "" is an error
            If rfqResult <> "" Then
                ' error returned, write it to the log and color it red
                Sheet1.Cells(logRow, 3).Value = rfqResult
                Sheet1.Range("A" & CStr(logRow)).EntireRow.Font.Color = vbRed
                ' successful processing
                Sheet1.Cells(logRow, 3).Value = "New sheet created for " & rfqDate
            End If
            logRow = logRow + 1
        Next rfqDate
        ' clean up
        On Error Resume Next
        Set cDriver = Nothing
        Set rfqDatesDict = Nothing
        Sheet1.Cells(logRow, 1).Value = "All dates available have been processed"
        Sheet1.Cells(logRow, 1).Font.Bold = True
        MsgBox "Done."
    End Sub
    Private Function GetRFQDates(cDriver As chromeDriver) As Scripting.Dictionary
        ' first process is to gather the dates and their associated URLs
        Dim tblRow As WebElement
        Dim tblData As WebElement
        Dim rfqDateURLs As Scripting.Dictionary
        Dim fromDate As Date
        Dim pageDate As Date
        cDriver.Get ""
        ' wait 5 seconds to allow for chrome to load and display the page
        cDriver.Wait 5000
        cDriver.FindElementById("butAgree").Click ' try to click the Ok button
        ' wait 5 seconds to allow for chrome move to the next page
        cDriver.Wait 5000
        fromDate = CDate(Sheet1.Cells(2, 2).Value)
        Set rfqDateURLs = New Scripting.Dictionary
        ' get the table rows, loop through them to retrieve the data
        For Each tblRow In cDriver.FindElementById("ctl00_cph1_dtlDateList").FindElementsByTag("tr")
            ' get each row of data from the web page table
            For Each tblData In tblRow.FindElementsByTag("td")
                ' if the date is equal to or great than the date
                ' specified on sheet1 add it to the dictionary for processing
                If Trim(tblData.Text) <> "" Then
                    ' there is a date in the table cell
                    pageDate = CDate(tblData.Text)
                    If pageDate >= fromDate Then
                        rfqDateURLs.Add Format(pageDate, "MM-DD-YYYY"), tblData.FindElementByTag("a").Attribute("href")
                    End If
                End If
            Next tblData
        Next tblRow
        Set GetRFQDates = rfqDateURLs
    End Function
    Private Function GetRFQDatesData(dateURL As Variant, cDriver As chromeDriver, sheetName As Variant) As String
        ' each dates URL is passed in, this creates a new sheet, and then
        ' writes the table data found on the URL
        Dim rfqTable As WebElement
        Dim resultString As String
        cDriver.Get dateURL
        ' wait 5 seconds to allow for chrome to load and display the page
        cDriver.Wait 5000
        ' get the number of records found for the date
        Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row, "E").Value = cDriver.FindElementById("ctl00_cph1_lblRecCount").Text
        ' first look to see if the RFQ grid is available
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rfqTable = cDriver.FindElementById("ctl00_cph1_grdRfqSearch")
        If rfqTable Is Nothing Then
            ' the required table isn't available, is the okay button in the way?
            cDriver.FindElementById("butAgree").Click ' try to click the Ok button
            If Err = 0 Then
                ' wait 5 seconds to allow for chrome to load and display the page
                cDriver.Wait 5000
                ' successfully clicked the okay button, try to get the table again to move on
                Set rfqTable = cDriver.FindElementById("ctl00_cph1_grdRfqSearch")
                If Not rfqTable Is Nothing Then
                    ' all good go for it
                    resultString = CreateSheetWriteData(rfqTable, CStr(sheetName), cDriver)
                    ' give up on this page
                    resultString = "Issue during processing no Okay button or RFQ data grid found! Error: " & Error(Err)
                    GoTo UnableToProcessTheURLData
                End If
                ' encountered an unknown page or the link is wrong
                resultString = "Issue during processing no Okay button or RFQ data grid found! Error: " & Error(Err)
                GoTo UnableToProcessTheURLData
            End If
            ' the expected table is available
            resultString = CreateSheetWriteData(rfqTable, CStr(sheetName), cDriver)
        End If
        Set rfqTable = Nothing
        ' there was a problem trying to process the information on the page
        ' passed in for the RFQ date
        If Err <> 0 And Err <> 7 Then resultString = "Encountered an error : " & Error(Err)
        GetRFQDatesData = resultString
    End Function
    Private Function CreateSheetWriteData(rfqTable As WebElement, sheetName As String, cDriver As chromeDriver) As String
        Dim rowNum As Long
        Dim columCount As Integer
        Dim tblRow As WebElement
        Dim rfqDateWS As Worksheet
        Dim rfqTablePages As WebElement
        Dim cl As Range
        ' create a new sheet for the dates data
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rfqDateWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName)
        If Err <> 0 Then
            ' no sheet with this name exists, create it
            Set rfqDateWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
            rfqDateWS.Name = sheetName
            ' display sheet1 again
            ' there is a sheet in this workbook with this date
            If MsgBox("A sheet named '" & sheetName & "' exists. Delete all its data and rewrite the data?", vbYesNo, "Existing Sheet") = vbNo Then
                ' the user has selected to not overwrite the existing sheets data
                CreateSheetWriteData = "User cancelled overwrite of sheet: " & sheetName
                Set rfqDateWS = Nothing
                Exit Function
                ' clear out the current data on the existing worksheet
                rfqDateWS.Range("A1:I" & Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Clear
            End If
        End If
        ' format the table header row
        rfqDateWS.Cells(1, 1).ColumnWidth = 10
        rfqDateWS.Cells(1, 2).ColumnWidth = 20
        rfqDateWS.Cells(1, 3).ColumnWidth = 30
        rfqDateWS.Cells(1, 4).ColumnWidth = 15
        rfqDateWS.Cells(1, 5).ColumnWidth = 17
        rfqDateWS.Cells(1, 6).ColumnWidth = 15
        rfqDateWS.Cells(1, 7).ColumnWidth = 15
        rfqDateWS.Cells(1, 8).ColumnWidth = 12
        rfqDateWS.Cells(1, 9).ColumnWidth = 12
        For Each cl In rfqDateWS.Range("A1:I1").Cells
            cl.Interior.Color = RGB(22, 54, 92)
            cl.Font.Color = vbWhite
        Next cl
        ' loop through the tables rows to find the data to write to the sheet
        Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row, 3).Value = "Reading Page 1"
        rowNum = 1
        For Each tblRow In rfqTable.FindElementsByTag("tr")
            ' there are specific table rows to get data from
            If tblRow.Attribute("class") = "AwdRecs" Or tblRow.Attribute("class") = "BgWhite" Or tblRow.Attribute("class") = "BgSilver" Then
                ' get the column headers from the web page table
                On Error GoTo 0
                columCount = 1
                For Each tblHeader In tblRow.FindElementsByTag("th")
                    rfqDateWS.Cells(rowNum, columCount).Value = tblHeader.Text
                    columCount = columCount + 1
                Next tblHeader
                ' get each row of data from the web page table
                columCount = 1
                For Each tblData In tblRow.FindElementsByTag("td")
                    rfqDateWS.Cells(rowNum, columCount).Value = tblData.Text
                    columCount = columCount + 1
                Next tblData
                rowNum = rowNum + 1
            End If
        Next tblRow
        Set rfqTablesPages = Nothing
        ' check for pages on the RFQ data sheet
        Set rfqTablesPages = cDriver.FindElementByClass("pagination")
        If Not IsEmpty(rfqTablesPages) Then
            ' there is a page table present
            ' call the procedure that will handle writting each page to the current sheet
            ' starting at the last row used above
            WriteDataFromPages cDriver, rfqDateWS, rowNum, 2
            Set rfqTablesPages = Nothing
        End If
        Set rfqTablesPages = Nothing
        Set rfqDateWS = Nothing
        On Error GoTo 0
        CreateSheetWriteData = ""
    End Function
    Private Function WriteDataFromPages(cDriver As chromeDriver, rfqDateWS As Worksheet, rowNum As Long, rfqLoadPageNumber As Integer) As String
        ' the page for the RFQ date has a table that contains multiple pages
        Dim rfqTablesPages As WebElement
        Dim rfqPage As WebElement
        Dim rfqTable As WebElement
        Dim tblRow As WebElement
        Dim columCount As Integer
        Dim resultString As String
        Dim ignoreFirstElipse As Boolean
        On Error GoTo PageProcessingError:
        ignoreFirstElipse = False
        Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row, 3).Value = "Reading Page " & CStr(rfqLoadPageNumber)
        Set rfqTablesPages = cDriver.FindElementByClass("pagination")
        For Each rfqPage In rfqTablesPages.FindElementsByTag("td")
            If rfqPage.Text = CStr(rfqLoadPageNumber) Then
                ' make the website load the pagination page
                Set rfqTablesPages = Nothing
                cDriver.Wait 5000
                ' get the rows from the refreshed table for the page number
                Set rfqTable = cDriver.FindElementById("ctl00_cph1_grdRfqSearch")
                ' skipping the TH elements because they are already in the sheet
                For Each tblRow In rfqTable.FindElementsByTag("tr")
                    ' only include the rows of data as indicated by their background
                    If tblRow.Attribute("class") = "BgWhite" Or tblRow.Attribute("class") = "BgSilver" Then
                        ' get each row of data from the web page table
                        columCount = 1
                        For Each tblData In tblRow.FindElementsByTag("td")
                            rfqDateWS.Cells(rowNum, columCount).Value = tblData.Text
                            columCount = columCount + 1
                        Next tblData
                        rowNum = rowNum + 1
                    End If
                Next tblRow
                Set rfqTable = Nothing
                rfqLoadPageNumber = rfqLoadPageNumber + 1
                Set rfqTablesPages = Nothing
                WriteDataFromPages cDriver, rfqDateWS, rowNum, rfqLoadPageNumber
            ElseIf rfqPage.Text = "..." And ignoreFirstElipse = False Then
                ' encountered the "next group of pages" button
                cDriver.Wait 5000
                rfqLoadPageNumber = rfqLoadPageNumber + 1
                Set rfqTablesPages = Nothing
                WriteDataFromPages cDriver, rfqDateWS, rowNum, rfqLoadPageNumber
            ElseIf rfqPage.Text = "First" Then
                ' there is sometimes an elipses after the "First" navigation button, this can ge ignored
                ignoreFirstElipse = True
            End If
        Next rfqPage
        Set rfqTablesPages = Nothing
    Exit Function
        resultString = Error(Err)
    End Function

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Sep 2024
    Many thanks for your code. It's helpful to me.

  4. #4
    You're welcome, happy to help. Good luck with your project.

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