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Thread: Sleeper: Using intersect method

  1. #1
    2nd VP-Knowledge Base
    VBAX Master malik641's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    Florida baby!

    Sleeper: Using intersect method

    When using the Intersect method, do the column and row have to be selected to work correctly?

    Here's something similar to what I am using:

    Function Productivity(date1 as Range, name1 As Range)
    Application.Volatile True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim dateCol as Variant
    Dim nameRow as Variant
    Dim dateRng as Variant
    Dim nameRng as Variant
    Dim Total as Long
    Dim val as Long
    Total = 0
    On Error Resume Next 
    For each cell in Sheets("Sheet1").Cels.Range("A4:A31")
    If cell.value = name1.value then
    nameRng = cell.address(0,0)
    nameRow = Range(nameRng).Row
    End If
    Next Cell
    For each cell in sheets("Sheet1").Cells.Range("B1:HA1")
    If cell.value = date1.Value then
    dateRng = cell.Address(0,0)
    dateCol = Range(dateRng).Column
    End If
    Next Cell
    val = Intersect(dateCol, nameRow).Value
    Productivity = val
    End Function
    I can't get the Intersect to work to obtain the value in the intersect of the two ranges. What am I doing wrong?

    *Note: date1 and name1 are the arguements for the function. In the ranges given for sheet1 (in the VBE) if the arguements' contents match the cell's value, then obtain what column and row they are in. And then obtain the value in the intersect of that row and column.

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  2. #2
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    You have a code error that is not trapped as you don't have option explicit (you use Cels instead of Cells), and you are passing Intersect va row and a column number when it works on ranges.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

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    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  3. #3
    2nd VP-Knowledge Base VBAX Master malik641's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    Florida baby!
    Sorry about the Cels instead of Cells, I typed this in instead of copy and pasted.
    How would I select these columns and rows to be the ranges for the intersect method?

    Would it be something like:

    val = Intersect(dateCol.Column, nameRow.Row).Value

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  4. #4
    Knowledge Base Approver
    The King of Overkill! VBAX Master
    Jul 2004
    Rochester, NY
    Hi Joseph,

    The intersect method intersects two (or more) range objects and returns the intersected range. Your use of it is intersecting "dateCol" and "nameRow". I've made quite a few changes for you, commented out some lines that aren't necessary, and added some things as well:

    Function Productivity(date1 As Range, name1 As Range) As Long 'added "as long"
    Application.Volatile 'True
    ' Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    ' Dim dateCol As Variant
    ' Dim nameRow As Variant
    Dim dateRng As Range 'changed to Range
    Dim nameRng As Range 'changed to Range
    ' Dim Total As Long
    ' Dim val As Long
    ' Total = 0
    ' On Error Resume Next
    For Each Cell In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A4:A31") 'removed .Cells
    If Cell.Value = name1.Value Then
    Set nameRng = Cell
    ' Else
    ' 'Nothing
    '*** you may want to add/uncomment the following line, it will stop at first find
    ' Exit For
    End If
    Next Cell
    For Each Cell In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B1:HA1") 'removed .Cells
    If Cell.Value = date1.Value Then
    Set dateRng = Cell
    ' Else
    ' 'Nothing
    '*** you may want to add/uncomment the following line, it will stop at first find
    ' Exit For
    End If
    Next Cell
    If Not nameRng Is Nothing And Not dateRng Is Nothing Then 'added this line
    'changed val to Productivity
    Productivity = Intersect(dateRng.EntireColumn, nameRng.EntireRow).Value
    End If 'added this line
    ' Productivity = val
    End Function

  5. #5
    Site Admin
    Urban Myth
    VBAX Guru
    May 2004
    Oregon, United States
    You need to use a Range in the Intersect method. Pass these parameters, not integers (e.g. Row(s) or Column(s)).

  6. #6
    2nd VP-Knowledge Base VBAX Master malik641's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    Florida baby!
    Thanks mvidas for the help
    I adjusted it to meet my requirements.

    Here's what I ended up with:

    Function Productivity(date1 As Range, name1 As Range) As Long
    'On Error Resume Next
    Dim dateRng As Range
    Dim nameRng As Range
    Dim WS As Range
    Dim Total As Long
    Total = 0
    If date1 <= "25-Jun" Then
    For Each WS In Range("Employees")
    For Each cell In Sheets(WS.Text).Range("A4:A31")
    If cell.Value = name1.Value Then
    Set nameRng = cell
    End If
    Next cell
    For Each cell In Sheets(WS.Text).Range("B1:HA1")
    If cell.Value = date1.Value Then
    Set dateRng = cell
    End If
    Next cell
    Total = Total + Intersect(dateRng.EntireColumn, nameRng.EntireRow).Value
    If Not nameRng Is Nothing And Not dateRng Is Nothing Then
    Total = Total + Intersect(dateRng.EntireColumn, nameRng.EntireRow).Value
    End If
    Next WS
    For Each WS In Range("Employees")
    For Each cell In Sheets(WS.Text).Range("A37:A64")
    If cell.Value = name1.Value Then
    Set nameRng = cell
    End If
    Next cell
    For Each cell In Sheets(WS.Text).Range("B34:HB34")
    If cell.Value = date1.Value Then
    Set dateRng = cell
    End If
    Next cell
    If Not nameRng Is Nothing And Not dateRng Is Nothing Then
    Total = Total + Intersect(dateRng.EntireColumn, nameRng.EntireRow).Value
    End If
    Next WS
    End If
    Productivity = Total
    End Function
    There's still some bugs to work out, but those problems are probably from the worksheets that are called on. The function works like it should (at least, so far I have noticed).

    And thanks for the info firefytr.

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  7. #7
    2nd VP-Knowledge Base VBAX Master malik641's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    Florida baby!
    Okay, it's working pretty well now
    Some of the problems were from the worksheet's the function called on, but I did have to change a little bit with the function. Here's what I ended up with:

    Function Productivity(date1 As Range, name1 As Range) As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim dateRng As Range
    Dim nameRng As Range
    Dim WS As Range
    Dim Total As Long
    Const TableDate As Date = #6/25/2005#
    Total = 0
    If date1 <= TableDate Then
    For Each WS In Range("Employees")
    For Each cell In Sheets(WS.Text).Range("A4:A32")
    If cell.Value = name1.Value Then
    Set nameRng = cell
    End If
    Next cell
    For Each cell In Sheets(WS.Text).Range("B1:HA1")
    If cell.Value = date1.Value Then
    Set dateRng = cell
    End If
    Next cell
    If Not nameRng Is Nothing And Not dateRng Is Nothing Then
    Total = Total + Intersect(dateRng.EntireColumn, nameRng.EntireRow).Value
    End If
    Next WS
    For Each WS In Range("Employees")
    For Each cell In Sheets(WS.Text).Range("A37:A65")
    If cell.Value = name1.Value Then
    Set nameRng = cell
    End If
    Next cell
    For Each cell In Sheets(WS.Text).Range("B34:HB34")
    If cell.Value = date1.Value Then
    Set dateRng = cell
    End If
    Next cell
    If Not nameRng Is Nothing And Not dateRng Is Nothing Then
    Total = Total + Intersect(dateRng.EntireColumn, nameRng.EntireRow).Value
    End If
    Next WS
    End If
    Productivity = Total
    End Function
    Thanks again for all your help!

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  8. #8
    Knowledge Base Approver
    The King of Overkill! VBAX Master
    Jul 2004
    Rochester, NY
    Glad we could help, Joseph! Though I'm still not sure why you have the "on error resume next" in there, I'm just going to assume you need it for some reason.
    I made a little adjustment to your code, just to shorten it a little bit and remove the bit If block. Should have the same functionality, however:

    Function Productivity(ByVal date1 As Range, ByVal name1 As Range) As Long
        On Error Resume Next
    Dim dateRng As Range
        Dim nameRng As Range
        Dim RG1 As Range
        Dim RG2 As Range
        Dim WS As Range
        Dim Total As Long
        Const TableDate As Date = #6/25/2005#
    Total = 0
    For Each WS In Range("Employees").Cells
    If date1 <= TableDate Then
                Set RG1 = Sheets(WS.Text).Range("A4:A32")
                Set RG2 = Sheets(WS.Text).Range("B1:HA1")
                Set RG1 = Sheets(WS.Text).Range("A37:A65")
                Set RG2 = Sheets(WS.Text).Range("B34:HB34")
            End If
    For Each Cell In RG1.Cells
                If Cell.Value = name1.Value Then
                    Set nameRng = Cell
                End If
            Next Cell
    For Each Cell In RG2.Cells
                If Cell.Value = date1.Value Then
                    Set dateRng = Cell
                End If
            Next Cell
    If Not nameRng Is Nothing And Not dateRng Is Nothing Then
                Total = Total + Intersect(dateRng.EntireColumn, nameRng.EntireRow).Value
            End If
    Next WS
    Productivity = Total
    End Function

  9. #9
    2nd VP-Knowledge Base VBAX Master malik641's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    Florida baby!
    Hey thanks Matt for the revision of that If block. I need this code to be as efficient as possible...I've been testing it (before your revised code) and it takes entirely too long to calculate the cells. I may have to figure out a formula instead of this function...but we'll see.

    The reason for the 'On Error Resume Next' is because if there is no match with the name1 or date1 with the cell value, then the function will not procede to the worksheet(s) following the one it's in. This ends up with an incorrect total, unless I have the 'On Error Resume Next' code there, because then it goes to the next sheet. (I noticed this while testing the function without that '...Resume Next' code).

    As for the calculations taking too long. I decided to set the workbook calculation to xlManual upon the open event. And then I set all the sheets (except for the one with all the functions that take too long to calculate) to recalculate on a worksheet_change event. Is there a more efficient way to handle this? I've tried the _BeforeSave and _BeforeClose and _Open event to calculate the entire workbook (even just the sheet with all the functions alone), but I can't decide which is the best way to handle it. And for some reason I can't get the sheet with the functions to calculate on a workbook_open event...

    Any ideas??
    BTW, I KNEW I shouldn't have marked it solved yet....

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  10. #10
    Knowledge Base Approver
    The King of Overkill! VBAX Master
    Jul 2004
    Rochester, NY
    Hi Joseph,

    I think this could use a major overhaul, depending on exactly what you're doing Is there any way you could post the workbook here?

    I'm guessing you're not using this function as a worksheet function (otherwise a lot of this wouldnt work), so I've streamlined this down even more. But I'm guessing if I can look at your actual workbook it would be a lot easier to find a better method for you. As it is, this is fast, but if you're still having problems with speed then we should look at the whole thing. I could also figure out why you're looping through each sheet of employees Either way, heres the next updated sub, and I'll try to get the Solved removed

    Function Productivity(ByVal date1 As Range, ByVal name1 As Range) As Long
    Dim dateCell As Range
     Dim nameCell As Range
     Dim NameRG As Range
     Dim DateRG As Range
     Dim Empl As Range
     Dim WS As Worksheet
     Dim Total As Long
     Const TableDate As Date = #6/25/2005#
    Total = 0
    For Each Empl In Range("Employees").Cells
      Set WS = Sheets(Empl.Text)
    If date1 <= TableDate Then
       Set NameRG = WS.Range("A4:A32")
       Set DateRG = WS.Range("B1:HA1")
       Set NameRG = WS.Range("A37:A65")
       Set DateRG = WS.Range("B34:HB34")
      End If
    Set nameCell = NameRG.Find(name1.Value, , xlValues, xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
      Set dateCell = DateRG.Find(date1.Value, , xlFormulas)
    If Not nameCell Is Nothing And Not dateCell Is Nothing Then
       Total = Total + WS.Cells(nameCell.Row, dateCell.Column).Value
      End If
    Next 'Empl
    Productivity = Total
    End Function

  11. #11
    Site Admin
    Urban Myth
    VBAX Guru
    May 2004
    Oregon, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by malik641
    BTW, I KNEW I shouldn't have marked it solved yet....

  12. #12
    2nd VP-Knowledge Base VBAX Master malik641's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    Florida baby!
    Thanks Zack!

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  13. #13
    2nd VP-Knowledge Base VBAX Master malik641's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    Florida baby!
    Quote Originally Posted by mvidas
    I think this could use a major overhaul, depending on exactly what you're doing Is there any way you could post the workbook here?
    Yeah, this could use a major overhaul...I'm going to attempt to make a formula for this instead of this function. And I'll post a dummie workbook because my work would not be happy with me posting real documents online, but I'm sure no one will have a problem with a dummie workbook.

    I'm guessing you're not using this function as a worksheet function (otherwise a lot of this wouldnt work).
    Actually I am using this as a worksheet function. But it is placed in 2332 cells and each time the function is calculated it is searching through 10 sheets. That's why it is taking so long.

    In the dummie workbook:
    -Total Productivity Rate sheet is where the calculations are made
    -Employees Names sheet holds the dynamic Named list of the sheets with the employee names
    -Employee sheets hold the data
    -Sheet1 is where I am testing formulas. The closest one (IMO) is where I'm trying to use the intersection method using Defined Names.

    If you are a formula guru, I could use your help. This is pretty difficult.
    Please take a look at this (ANYBODY ) and tell me what you think. You could even tell me to give up, as long as I know people are actually looking at this.

    Thanks again

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