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Thread: Solved: Horizantal Fields To Vertical Fields Conversion

  1. #1
    VBAX Contributor
    Jan 2007

    Solved: Horizantal Fields To Vertical Fields Conversion

    My table has 3 fields: fruit, parameter name, parameter value.
    The problem is, i want the parameter name to define the fields in a new table. Example.

    Fruit Parameter Name Parameter Value
    Apple Color Red
    Apple Taste 4
    Apple Quantity 3
    Orange color Orange
    Orange Taste 3
    Orange Quantity 5
    Orange Price Code 4

    needs to look like

    Fruit Color Taste Quantity Price Code
    Apple Red 4 3
    Orange Orange 3 5 4

    I"ve been trying to use an append query to append to a new table with predefined fields (i already know what parameters i need to extract) but have found it difficult . For example, even though the parameter name includes color, quantity, taste, but sometimes i only want to use color and quantity as the vertical fields. Attached is a sample to test with. Thanks!
    Last edited by akn112; 03-26-2007 at 07:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Hi akn112

    I'm not sure I understand your request. In my interpretation it sounds like you want to have a table that has two fields for some records, five fields for other records, four fields for yet anothet records, etc. This is not possible. A field either does exist in a table or it doesn't. There is no middle way.

    I guess I got it all wrong, and this is not what you want. Then what is it? Could you explain it a bit more?


    In the meantime you might wat to try this code. Maybe I have found out what you wanted after all.

    [vba]Sub AddTable()
    Dim Rst As DAO.Recordset
    Dim Tbl As DAO.TableDef
    Dim Fld As DAO.Field

    Set Rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT [Parameter Name] FROM Table1;")
    Set Tbl = New DAO.TableDef

    Tbl.Name = "Table2"

    With Rst
    Set Fld = New DAO.Field
    Fld.Name = ![Parameter Name]
    Fld.Type = dbLong
    Fld.Size = 50
    Tbl.Fields.Append Fld
    Set Fld = Nothing
    Loop Until .EOF
    End With
    CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append Tbl

    End Sub
    The more details you give, the easier it is to understand your question. Don't save the effort, tell us twice rather than not at all. The amount of info you give strongly influences the quality of answer, and also how fast you get it.

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Aug 2004
    London, England
    I think you could do this with a Crosstab, use the following SQL

    TRANSFORM Max(Table1.[Parameter Value]) AS [MaxOfParameter Value]
    SELECT Table1.Fruit
    FROM Table1
    WHERE (((Table1.[Parameter Name]) In ('price code','quantity')))
    GROUP BY Table1.Fruit
    PIVOT Table1.[Parameter Name];

    - add or remove parameter names from the WHERE clause to get additional fields returned.

    Or to use a more standard SQL statement, more complicated but closer to standard SQL:

    SELECT Table1.Fruit,
    Max(IIf([Parameter Name]='COLOR',[Parameter Value],Null)) AS COLOR, Max(IIf([Parameter Name]='QUANTITY',[Parameter Value],Null)) AS QUANTITY,
    Max(IIf([Parameter Name]='TASTE',[Parameter Value],Null)) AS TASTE, Max(IIf([Parameter Name]='Price Code',[Parameter Value],Null)) AS [Price Code]
    FROM Table1
    GROUP BY Table1.Fruit;

    each field follows the same pattern, so it's easy to add or remove them as required.


  4. #4
    VBAX Contributor
    Jan 2007
    hi all, sorry for my late reply, ive actually been quite sick for the past couple days. I guess what i wanted was to set up (except as an append not a cross tab) a cross tab with: Fruit as a row header; parameter as a column header (except chose only the parameters i want); and value as value. Hope thats not too confusing.. =P


    JimmyTheHand: Hey there, i tried out ur code, and i got the fields, but the entries were empty. Hehe, but with some minor modifications it could work nicely thanks

    Alimcpill: I was thinking about doing it this way, but i was not quite as familiar with cross tabs when i started and i didnt like having to export the table (it would take 5 minutes to run the query to see if i got it right and then 5 minutes to export since it always reruns the query =S) but ill start off by using this query.

    Thanks you 2

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