
VLookup Array Formula Extension

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Takes input search criteria, search range, exact match or not, and an array of string representations of the columns for the vlookup to return (in the form of "2","2:3","B","B:C" or any combination) and returns the resulting vlookup values to the selected range. Must select appropriate sized range for the number of results needed and enter formula with <CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER> for array of results. 




instructions for use


Public Function MEGAV(ByVal src As Variant, ByVal shtRng As String, _ ByVal ex As Boolean, ParamArray cols() As Variant) As Variant '************************************* 'BROUGHT TO YOU BY CATDADDY INDUSTRIES 'PROGRAMMER: ALEX MONSHAW 'DATE: 8/22/2012 '************************************* Dim choice As Boolean Dim spl, spl2 As Variant Dim results() As Variant Dim srchRng As Range Dim WB_check As Workbook Dim R_FINAL() As String Dim wb, sht, rng, col As String Dim i, j, s, e, r, off2, off, colI As Integer ReDim results(0 To 0) As Variant choice = IsNumeric(src) r = 0 If InStr(shtRng, "]") Then spl = Split(shtRng, "]") wb = Right(spl(0), (Len(spl(0)) - 1)) shtRng = spl(1) Else wb = Application.Caller.Parent.Parent.Name End If On Error Resume Next Set WB_check = Workbooks(wb) If WB_check Is Nothing Then MsgBox ("Workbook: " & wb & " needs to be opened for this function") MEGAV = "WB Err" Exit Function End If If InStr(shtRng, "!") Then spl = Split(shtRng, "!") sht = spl(0) rng = spl(1) If InStr(sht, "'") Then spl = Split(sht, "'") sht = spl(1) End If Else rng = shtRng sht = Application.Caller.Parent.Name End If off2 = colNumber(rng, 0) With Workbooks(wb).Sheets(sht) Set srchRng = .Range(rng) For i = LBound(cols) To UBound(cols) col = cols(i) ReDim Preserve results(0 To r) As Variant If InStr(col, ":") Then spl2 = Split(col, ":") s = 0 e = 0 If IsNumeric(spl2(0)) Then s = CInt(spl2(0)) e = CInt(spl2(1)) Else s = colNumber(col, 0) e = colNumber(col, 1) End If If i = 0 Then off = s - off2 + 1 If choice Then results(r) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CDbl(src), srchRng, off, ex) r = r + 1 Else results(r) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CStr(src), srchRng, off, ex) r = r + 1 End If s = s + 1 End If For j = s To e ReDim Preserve results(0 To r) As Variant off = j - off2 + 1 If choice Then results(r) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CDbl(src), srchRng, off, ex) r = r + 1 Else results(r) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CStr(src), srchRng, off, ex) r = r + 1 End If Next j Else If IsNumeric(col) Then colI = CInt(col) Else colI = colNumber(col, 0) End If off = colI - off2 + 1 If choice Then results(r) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CDbl(src), srchRng, off, ex) r = r + 1 Else results(r) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CStr(src), srchRng, off, ex) r = r + 1 End If End If Next i End With MEGAV = results End Function Private Function colNumber(ByVal str As String, ByVal index As Integer) Dim spl As Variant Dim col As String Dim l, j As Integer l = 1 If InStr(str, ":") Then spl = Split(str, ":") col = Left(spl(index), 1) l = Len(col) Else col = Left(str, 1) l = Len(col) End If For j = 1 To l colNumber = (Asc(UCase(Mid(col, j, 1))) - 64) + colNumber * 26 Next j End Function

How to use:

  1. 1. Open Visual Basic Editor and copy code to Standard Module.
  2. 2. Select range of cells equal in size to the number of columns to be returned.
  3. 3. Enter formula in the form of "=MEGAV(<A1 or "a" or "1">,"[workbookName]sheetName!A:F",<False or 0 for exact match, True or 1 for similar>,"2","C:D","5", ...)"
  4. 4. Hit <CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER> to enter formula ( =MEGAV(...) will be replaced by {=MEGAV(...)} )

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Approved by Jacob Hilderbrand

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