
Custom Dual Progress Bar

Ease of Use


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Submitted by:

Jacob Hilderbrand


This macro demonstrates how to use a UserForm as a progress bar. 


You have a macro that takes several minutes to run. You want to have a progress bar appear to show the status to the user. This example uses a UserForm and has two seperate progress bars. One for overall progress and one for secondary status. In the example, nothing is being calculated in the loops, however, you can easily add any macro that uses a loop. 


instructions for use


'Place this code in a Module. Option Explicit Sub ShowForm() ProgressBar.Show End Sub 'Place this code in a UserForm. Option Explicit Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Application.Cursor = xlWait ProgressBar.MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass DoEvents Call CalculateData Application.Cursor = xlDefault Unload Me End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox2.Left = TextBox1.Left TextBox2.Top = TextBox1.Top + 3 TextBox4.Left = TextBox3.Left TextBox4.Top = TextBox3.Top + 3 TextBox2.Width = 0 TextBox4.Width = 0 End Sub Sub CalculateData() Dim Total1 As Long Dim Total2 As Long Dim x As Long Dim y As Long Dim MyTimer As Double Total1 = 20 Total2 = 1000 For x = 1 To Total1 For y = 1 To Total2 MyTimer = Timer ProgressBar.TextBox4.Width = (y / Total2) * 200 ProgressBar.Label2.Caption = "Calculating Data: " & y & " of " & Total2 DoEvents Next y ProgressBar.TextBox2.Width = (x / Total1) * 200 ProgressBar.Label1.Caption = "Updating: " & x & " of " & Total1 Next x End Sub

How to use:

  1. Open Excel.
  2. Alt + F11 to open the VBE.
  3. Insert | Module.
  4. Paste the code from above that is designated for the Module there.
  5. Insert | UserForm.
  6. Double click the UserForm to view the code window.
  7. Paste the code from above that is designated for the UserForm there.
  8. Add Two Labels, and 4 Text Boxes to the UserForm from the Control Toolbox.
  9. Download the attachment to see an example of this UserForm.

Test the code:

  1. Tools | Macro | Macros...
  2. Select ShowForm and press Run.

Sample File:

Progress Bar.ZIP 8.53KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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