
Merge Custom HTML Email

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2003, 2000 

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This code creates a customized HTML email from Excel, allows you to view and control it within Excel, and then tags the address as sent 


There are two macros listed here. Type both in along with creating the Excel spreadsheet as indicated below and in the attached file. Put as many names and email addresses as desired and then run the macro. Outlook's security prompt may require that you acknowledge every email that is sent. Notice that the set SafeItem = ? and the SafeItem.Item = ? lines are commented out. This is required if your system has an add-in called Redemption. If Redemption is installed, then the lines following those that have themail.Recipients (or similar text) would need to be changed to SafeItem.Recipients. This occurs seven times in the macro above. The Send_Mail is the routine that actually handles sending the mail. It looks at rows 2 and below (1 is the header) and processes the mail according to the cell contents. Send_Mail resolves the e-mail address based on your Contacts list. If it finds a contact by the first and last names you entered, it uses that e-mail address and places the word SENT in column F. If it does not find the names, Send_Mail prompts you to enter a valid e-mail address and click Send. It then places Manually Checked in column F. The Set_Body function creates the HTML formatted e-mail. This function contains HTML ?commands? that control the formatting (fonts, colors) of the e-mail to be sent. This could be changed to Set_Body = ?Test E-mail? if you prefer to create a much simpler e-mail. The Excel spreadsheet should have headers in the first row and data following that. The data columns are defined by their names (First Name, Last Name, E-mail address, ISP ID). The next column determines whether or not to send the e-mail to this person (put a YES if this person is to receive the e-mail). The last column displays the results of the send. The spreadsheet layout is below. A B C D E F First Name Last Name Email Address ISP ID Send? Sent? Steve Link slink@linkemup.us slink Yes Yes Barney Link blink@linkemup.us blink Yes If there is nothing in the SENT? column the macro will send the macro when it has YES in the Send? column Test file is for Excel 2003 only 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim themail As Outlook.MailItem Function set_body(displayName As String, ISPAccount As String) As String set_body = "<html>" set_body = set_body & "<head>" set_body = set_body & "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=windows-1252'>" set_body = set_body & "<meta name='GENERATOR' content='Microsoft FrontPage 4.0'>" set_body = set_body & "<meta name='ProgId' content='FrontPage.Editor.Document'>" set_body = set_body & "<title>New Page 1</title>" set_body = set_body & "</head>" set_body = set_body & "<body>" set_body = set_body & "<div><font face='Verdana'>To the attention of: <b>" & displayName & "</b></font><br>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana'> Your" set_body = set_body & " ISP account: <font color='#FF0000'><b>(" & ISPAccount & ")</b></font>" set_body = set_body & " </font>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana'>According to the" set_body = set_body & " ISP billing system you?have not used your ISP account" set_body = set_body & " since January 1st, 2003.</font>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana'><strong>We would like you" set_body = set_body & " to confirm by return e-mail that you have a regular use of it</strong>, <strong>otherwise" set_body = set_body & " <font color=#ff0000>your ISP account will be deactivated on May 31st, _ 2003</font></strong>?as we " set_body = set_body & " cannot afford to keep?wasting money on unused subscriptions.</font>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana' size='2'>Note: <u>Alternative" set_body = set_body & " solutions to accessing mail and Intranet</u><font color='#0000ff'></font></font>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana' size='2' color='#0000ff'><u>Using" set_body = set_body & " CGG laptop: </u>?</font>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <ul>" set_body = set_body & " <li><font face='Verdana' size='2'>Most" set_body = set_body & " of the processing centers and agencies are now connected to our" set_body = set_body & " network thus allowing you to access your mailbox through either Outlook or" set_body = set_body & " Webmail (requires a specific authorization).</font></li>" set_body = set_body & " </ul>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <ul>" set_body = set_body & " <li><font face='Verdana' size='2'>A fairly" set_body = set_body & " large number of you already have a DSL or a cable Internet access at home" set_body = set_body & " on which SecureRemote (VPN) can be used to access our internal network" set_body = set_body & " (requires a SecurID card)</font></li>" set_body = set_body & " </ul>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <ul>" set_body = set_body & " <li><font face='Verdana' size='2'>Some" set_body = set_body & " countries such as France have free Internet access (freesurf, free, ...)," set_body = set_body & " on which SecureRemote (VPN) can be used to access our internal network" set_body = set_body & " (requires a SecurID card)</font></li>" set_body = set_body & " </ul>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <ul>" set_body = set_body & " <li><font face='Verdana' size='2'>Some" set_body = set_body & " countries such as MiddleEast have only a local ISP offering (i.e." set_body = set_body & " ISP is not working) on which SecureRemote (VPN) can be used to" set_body = set_body & " access our internal network (requires a SecurID card)</font></li>" set_body = set_body & " </ul>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <ul>" set_body = set_body & " <li><font face='Verdana' size='2'>Some" set_body = set_body & " countries such as South America are better served by ATT than by" set_body = set_body & " ISP (some of you have already an ATT account)</font></li>" set_body = set_body & " </ul>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana' color='#0000ff' size='2'><u>Without" set_body = set_body & " CGG PC:</u></font>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana' size='2'>And finally, we" set_body = set_body & " are in the process of opening the access to a Webmail and intranet access" set_body = set_body & " from any Internet access (cybercaf's, hotels, hot-spots, ...), you will only" set_body = set_body & " need to carry your SecuriD card and remember your e-mail aliasname and" set_body = set_body & " domain.</font>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana'>Regards,</font>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " ?" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "<div>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana' size='2'>" set_body = set_body & " <div>" set_body = set_body & " <font face='Verdana' color=_ '#000080' size='2'><strong>IT Security</strong></font>" set_body = set_body & " </div>" set_body = set_body & " </font>" set_body = set_body & "</div>" set_body = set_body & "</body>" set_body = set_body & "</html>" End Function '----------------------------------------- Sub sendMail_click() Dim SafeItem As Object Dim i As Integer Dim nr As Integer Dim accISP As String Dim dispN As String Dim olExist As Boolean Dim emailN As String Dim olApp As Outlook.Application olExist = True On Error Resume Next Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") If Err.Number <> 0 Then olExist = False Err.Clear On Error Resume Next If Not IsEmpty(olApp) Then Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear MsgBox "Cant start Outlook", vbCritical, "Error" Exit Sub End If End If 'olApp.Visible = True nr = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count For i = 2 To nr If UCase(Cells(i, 5).Value) = "YES" And Cells(i, 6).Value = "" Then dispN = Cells(i, 2).Value & ", " & Cells(i, 1).Value accISP = Cells(i, 4).Value If Cells(i, 3).Value = "" Then emailN = Cells(i, 2).Value & ", " & Cells(i, 1) Else emailN = Cells(i, 3).Value End If ? Set SafeItem = _ CreateObject("Redemption.Safe-mailItem") 'Create an instance of _ Redemption.Safe-mailItem Set themail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'Create a new message ? SafeItem.Item = themail 'set Item property themail.Recipients.Add dispN themail.Recipients.ResolveAll themail.HTMLBody = set_body(dispN, accISP) themail.Subject = "Your ISP account (" & accISP & ")" If themail.Recipients.ResolveAll Then themail.Send Cells(i, 6).Value = "Sent" Else themail.Display True Cells(i, 6).Value = "Manually checked" End If Set themail = Nothing Set SafeItem = Nothing End If Next If olExist = False Then olApp.Application.Quit Set olApp = Nothing End If End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy code.
  2. From Word, press Alt + F11.
  3. Select file on left, press Insert -> Module.
  4. Paste code on right.
  5. Set the correct path to Custom.dic where indicated below the asterisks.
  6. In ThisDocument module, Add DocumentOpen and DocumentClose macros to call SetSpacebar and ClearSpacebar respectively (as shown in example file).
  7. Save and close the document.
  8. On reopening, the macro should start automatically.
  9. More detailed instructions for use are given in the attached file

Test the code:

  1. Sample spreadsheet is shown above and the attached file
  2. Enter the name and email address as indicated.
  3. The ISP ID is for informational and merging purposes only.
  4. If Yes is in the Send? column the email will be generated and sent
  5. It will fill in the SENT? column with either Yes or Manual

Sample File:

outlook test.zip 12.2KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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