
Periodic Payment Based on Specific Initial Dates

Ease of Use


Version tested with

97, 2000 

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Syntax =monthpmt(Date of principal loan received,Start date of payment, Number of months covered, annual interest rate, amount of principal, no of days in a year 365 or 360, optional rounding) 


The excel built-in pmt function is not based on actual number of days in a month. Some users require a specific start date and actual number of days in a month. This user defined function answers the user's specific requirement with an accuracy of two decimal places. 


instructions for use


Function monthpmt(inidate As Date, strtpmt As Date, nper As Integer, brate As Single, cpv As Double, yrdays As Integer, Optional rdg As Variant) As Double 'inidate = beginning date 'strtpmt = 2nd date 'nper = total number of period 'brate= annual rate 'cpv = principal 'yrdays=number of days in a year (based) 'rdg=round off (optional) Dim pctr As Integer, marka As Integer Dim rsulta As Double, rsultb As Double, ctrb As Double Dim emi As Double, emib As Double Dim ctr As Byte If DateSerial(Year(strtpmt), Month(strtpmt) + 1, 0) = strtpmt Then ctr = 1 emi = -Pmt(brate / 12, nper, cpv) Do rsulta = Abs(cpv) pctr = pctr + 1 For i = 1 To nper If i = 1 Then If Not IsMissing(rdg) Then rsulta = rsulta + WorksheetFunction.Round(rsulta * brate * _ (strtpmt - inidate) / yrdays, rdg) - emi Else rsulta = rsulta + (rsulta * brate * (strtpmt - inidate) / yrdays) - emi End If per = strtpmt sel = testdate(ctr, strtpmt, i) Else If Not IsMissing(rdg) Then rsulta = rsulta + WorksheetFunction.Round(rsulta * brate * _ (sel - per) / yrdays, rdg) - emi Else rsulta = rsulta + (rsulta * brate * (sel - per) / yrdays) - emi End If per = sel sel = testdate(ctr, strtpmt, i) End If Next i If WorksheetFunction.Round(rsulta, 2) = 0 Then Exit Do If rsulta > 0 Then marka = 1 Else marka = -1 End If If pctr < 2 Then ctrb = marka * emi * 0.1 Else If rsultb - rsulta = 0 Then Exit Do ctrb = rsulta / (rsultb - rsulta) * ctrb End If emib = emi rsultb = rsulta emi = emib + ctrb If Not IsMissing(rdg) Then emi = WorksheetFunction.Round(emi, rdg) Loop Until pctr > 500 monthpmt = emi End Function Function testdate(dta, dtb, dtc) As Date If dta = 1 Then testdate = DateSerial(Year(dtb), Month(dtb) + dtc + 1, 0) Else testdate = DateAdd("m", dtc, dtb) End If End Function

How to use:

  1. Put the code in a module. The file must be macro enabled. I don't recommend rounding off as it will make the last payment with a balance of a decimal amount.

Test the code:

  1. If you make a amortization table, the last payment should be zero in two decimal palces except if you choose to round it off.

Sample File:

pmtdate.zip 13.86KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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