
Working with multi-selections

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After running the code different parts of the worksheet will be simultaneously selected. 


Some are unaware that various parts of a worksheet can be selected and worked on simultaneously. For instance, a procedure may require you to search for a particular value in some selected regions of the worksheet while ignoring the same value in other regions. Such a procedure is often written in the form: Select region A and search, now select region B and search, now select region C and search,....etc. With multi-select this can all be done in one go. The following code gives some basic examples of this to amuse yourself with. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Sub MultiSelect() Dim Cell As Range 'Multi-selection - separate the selection ranges with commas Range("A1:A19, A1:G3, A17:G19, C3:C9, C11:C17, E3:E17, " & _ "G1:G19, I2:I11, I10:M11, I13:M19, M2:M11").Select 'We'll add something & do a search within the selection MsgBox "This is the selection, we'll now add some values" & vbLf & _ "(x) and search the selection for these values" Range("F18, M18, H1:H19") = "x" 'Now search the selected values only For Each Cell In Selection If Cell Like "*x*" Then MsgBox "An ''x'' was found at " & Cell.Address Next Cell 'do something with the selection MsgBox "(The selection values will now be changed)" Range("H1:H19").ClearContents Selection = "HELLO" MsgBox "The selection values have all been changed" 'Clear the selection MsgBox "The selection values will now be cleared" Selection.ClearContents End Sub

How to use:

  1. Open an Excel workbook
  2. Select Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor
  3. In the VBE window, select Insert/Module
  4. Copy and paste the code into the Module
  5. Now select File/Close and Return To Microsoft Excel
  6. Select Tools/Macro/Macros.../MultiSelect/Run
  7. Now follow the prompts

Test the code:

  1. Select Tools/Macro/Macros.../MultiSelect/Run

Sample File:

MultiSelect.zip 9.39KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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