
Highlight the columns being used to AutoFilter a range

Ease of Use


Version tested with

97, 2000, 2002, 2003 

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As user picks one or more columns to AutoFilter some data, those columns will be highlighted. Turning AutoFilter off for those columns will unhighlight them. 


If you are using the AutoFilter tool to filter data, it may be desirable to print the results and show (by highlight color) which columns were used in filtering. This will also serve as a reminder to the user if data manipulation is complex. 


instructions for use


'This sub goes in code pane for the worksheet containing AutoFilter data Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() ColorAutoFilter End Sub 'This sub goes in a regular module sheet Sub ColorAutoFilter() 'This sub should be triggered by the recalculation of the worksheet and then called by a 'Worksheet_Calculate sub. You can force a recalculation after an AutoFilter by using the "trick" 'of including at least one volatile cell in your worksheet. A volatile cell has a formula using 'volatile functions like NOW, TODAY, OFFSET, INDIRECT, RAND, INFO or CELL (except when CELL 'uses the "filename" parameter). 'If more than one worksheet uses AutoFilter, then each sheet's Worksheet_Calculate sub may call ColorAutoFilter Dim FilterNum As Long With ActiveSheet If .AutoFilterMode Then For FilterNum = 1 To .AutoFilter.Filters.Count If .AutoFilter.Filters(FilterNum).On Then .AutoFilter.Range.Columns(FilterNum).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'yellow Else .AutoFilter.Range.Columns(FilterNum).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End If Next Else .Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End If End With End Sub

How to use:

  1. Right-click the sheet tab of the worksheet containing the AutoFilter data.
  2. Choose "View Code" from the resulting pop-up.
  3. Paste the first sub (Worksheet_Calculate) in the resulting module sheet.
  4. Use the Insert...Module menu item to create a blank regular module sheet.
  5. Paste the ColorAutoFilter sub in this regular module sheet.
  6. Repeat steps 1-3 for any other worksheets containing AutoFilter data.
  7. Press Alt + Q to close the VBE.
  8. At least one cell on the worksheet containing the AutoFilter must be volatile?see discussion in "Test the code" below.
  9. Save workbook before any other changes.

Test the code:

  1. This code is triggered by the recalculation of any cell on the worksheet. You can force a recalculation after performing an AutoFilter by the "trick" of including at least one volatile cell in your worksheet?such as cell I1 in the sample workbook. A volatile cell has a formula using volatile functions like NOW, TODAY, OFFSET, INDIRECT, RAND, INFO or CELL (except when CELL uses the "filename" parameter).
  2. Make sure that your data has header labels above each column.
  3. Select the data to be AutoFiltered, including the header labels.
  4. Open the Data...Filter...AutoFilter menu item to turn the AutoFilter on.
  5. Click the arrow at right of one of the header labels to apply a filter. That column should then become highlighted yellow.
  6. Click the arrow at right of another header label and apply a filter to that column too. Now two columns should be highlighted yellow.
  7. Click arrow on the first column header label and choose (All). That column will now become unhighlighted.

Sample File:

HighlightAutoFilterColumn.zip 8.09KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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