
Clear Cells in a Range that May Contain Merged Cells

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2000, 2002 

Submitted by:

Jacob Hilderbrand


This macro demonstrates how to clear all the cells in a range when there may or may not be merged cells within the range. 


In some cases you may need to clear all the cells in a certain range. Now this is easy to do unless there are some merged cells within the range. This macro will first unmerge all the merged cells, then clear the cells, then remerge all the previously merged cells again. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Sub ClearRange() Dim DelRange As Range Dim MergeRange() As String Dim Cel As Range Dim i As Long 'Change this range as needed. Set DelRange = Range("A1:D50") For Each Cel In DelRange If Cel.MergeArea.Cells.Count > 1 Then i = i + 1 ReDim Preserve MergeRange(1 To i) MergeRange(i) = Cel.MergeArea.Address Cel.MergeArea.UnMerge End If Next DelRange.ClearContents If i > 0 Then For i = 1 To UBound(MergeRange) Range(MergeRange(i)).Merge Next i End If End Sub

How to use:

  1. Open Excel.
  2. Alt + F11 to open the VBE.
  3. Insert | Module.
  4. Paste the code from above in the Code Window.
  5. Close the VBE (Alt + Q or press the X in the top right corner).

Test the code:

  1. Tools | Macro | Macros...
  2. Select ClearRange and press Run.

Sample File:

ClearRange.zip 6.71KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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