
Frequency Count of Selection

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Count and display the frequency of each unique numeric value in a selection 


Determining how often specific values in a range occur is a common need in many disciplines. This is not a true histogram, but, rather, a simple count of how many times numerical values are found. The procedure will determine the frequency count for all numerical values in a selection. The procedure was developed for integer/long type numbers. For counting purposes, numbers with a decimal portion are truncated to their integer portion using the Fix function. Note that Fix truncates independent of sign; thus Fix (1.4 ) = 1 and Fix ( -1.4 ) = -1 The results in this example are displayed via a MsgBox. Optional outputs include ?bad values? encountered and results written to the active worksheet. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Sub xlFreqCount() ' ' Function computes frequency count of unique values in a selection ' Dim Count() As Integer Dim I As Integer, J As Integer Dim Num As Integer, NumOK As Integer, MaxNumOK As Integer, NumBad As Integer Dim Row As Integer, Col As Integer, Temp1 As Integer, Temp2 As Integer Dim strBuffer As String, strBadVals As String Dim CellVal As Variant Dim Ans As VbMsgBoxResult Num = 0 NumBad = 0 NumOK = 0 MaxNumOK = 50 ReDim Count(MaxNumOK, 2) strBuffer = "" ' ' sequence through each cell in selection ' For Each Cell In Selection Num = Num + 1 On Error Resume Next CellVal = Cell.Value Select Case Err Case Is = 0 ' ' no error, examine type ' Select Case LCase(TypeName(CellVal)) Case "integer", "long", "single", "double" ' ' numeric type; if single or double, use ' Fix function to reduce to integer portion ' If TypeName(CellVal) = "single" Or _ TypeName(CellVal) = "double" Then CellVal = Fix(CellVal) End If ' ' check if previously seen ' if so, simply bump counter ' if not, increment NumOK and store value ' For I = 1 To NumOK If CellVal = Count(I, 1) Then Count(I, 2) = Count(I, 2) + 1 GoTo NextCell End If Next I NumOK = NumOK + 1 If NumOK > MaxNumOK Then MsgBox "capacity of freq count proc exceeded" & vbCrLf & _ "Displaying results so far", vbCritical GoTo SortCount End If Count(NumOK, 1) = CellVal Count(NumOK, 2) = 1 Case Else NumBad = NumBad + 1 If Cell.Text <> "" Then strBadVals = strBadVals & Cell.Text & vbCrLf Else strBadVals = strBadVals & "<blank>" & vbCrLf End If End Select Case Is <> 0 NumBad = NumBad + 1 If Cell.Text <> "" Then strBadVals = strBadVals & Cell.Text & vbCrLf Else strBadVals = strBadVals & "<blank>" & vbCrLf End If End Select NextCell: Next Cell ' ' counting done, sort data ' SortCount: For I = 1 To NumOK For J = I To NumOK If I <> J Then If Count(I, 1) > Count(J, 1) Then Call SwapVals(Count(I, 1), Count(J, 1)) Call SwapVals(Count(I, 2), Count(J, 2)) End If End If Next J Next I ' ' store count data for display ' For I = 1 To NumOK strBuffer = strBuffer & Str(Count(I, 1)) & " " + Str(Count(I, 2)) & vbCrLf Next I ' ' display results ' MsgBox "xlFreqCount" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "# cells examined = " & Str(Num) & vbCrLf & _ "# cells w/o acceptable numerical value = " & NumBad & vbCrLf & _ "# unique values found = " & NumOK & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Frequency Count:" & vbCrLf + strBuffer, vbInformation, "MWETools Utilities" If NumBad > 0 Then Ans = MsgBox("display non-numericas encountered?", vbQuestion & vbYesNo) If Ans = vbYes Then MsgBox "Non Numerics encountered" & vbCrLf & strBadVals End If ' ' write to worksheet? ' Ans = MsgBox("Ok to write out results below selection?" & vbCrLf + _ "results will be two cols by " & (NumOK + 1) & " rows", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) If Ans <> vbYes Then Exit Sub Row = Selection.Row + Selection.Rows.Count Col = Selection.Column Cells(Row, Col) = "Value" Cells(Row, Col + 1) = "Count" For I = 1 To NumOK Cells(Row + I, Col) = Count(I, 1) Cells(Row + I, Col + 1) = Count(I, 2) Next I End Sub Sub SwapVals(X, Y) ' ' Function swaps two values ' Dim Temp Temp = X X = Y Y = Temp End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy the above code.
  2. Open a workbook.
  3. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  4. In the left side window, select the target spreadsheet [it will likely be called VBAProject(filename.xls) where filename is the name of the spreadsheet]
  5. Select an existing code module for the target worksheet; or from the Insert Menu, choose Insert | Module.
  6. Paste the code into the right-hand code window.
  7. Close the VBE window, save the file if desired.

Test the code:

  1. The example contains several selections to demonstrate how xlFreqCount reacts to various cell values
  2. Open the example
  3. Select one of the worksheet arrays (or create and select another group of numbers)
  4. Click on the yellow box OR Go to Tools | Macro | Macros (or Alt+F8) and double-click on xlFreqCount
  5. (N.B.: xlFreqCount is presently limited to finding 50 unique values for demonstration purposes. Reset the variable ?MaxNumOK? to a larger or smaller number as is appropriate for your needs.)

Sample File:

xlFreqCount.zip 18.98KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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