Multiple Apps

Show Userform by its name

Ease of Use


Version tested with

Excel97, Word97, 2003 

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Shows the userform that has a given name. 


Sometime you have just the name of an userform as string during runtime (so you don't have the object where you just could say Userform.Show). This method provides a quite easy way to show the userform with only a given name, which might be just what you need for dynamic navigation based on a user selection. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Option Compare Text Public Sub ShowUserFormByName(FormName As String) On Error GoTo err Dim i% ' Load the Userform UserForms.Add FormName 'Go through all loaded Userforms For i = 0 To UserForms.Count - 1 'Find the one with the matching name If UserForms(i).Name = FormName Then 'Show that UserForms(i).Show Exit For End If Next i Exit Sub err: Select Case err.Number Case 424: MsgBox "The Userform with the name " & FormName & " was not found.", vbExclamation, "Unknown form" Case Else: MsgBox err.Description, vbCritical, "A strange error: " & err.Number End Select End Sub

How to use:

  1. Open the VBA-IDE by pressing Alt+F11
  2. Copy & Paste the above code into a module
  3. You must call that one from code, as it expects a parameter!
  4. Run it giving it the name of the userform to show: ShowUserFormByName "UserForm2"

Test the code:

  1. See the example ;-)
  2. just open the example doc and click on the button in the document
  3. select a formname from the listbox
  4. press the Show-Button

Sample File: 13.39KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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