
Using a User Defined Function (UDF) to find and analyse duplicate items

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2000, 2003 

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Function lookm will find one-row or one-column range (known as a vector) for a value or duplicate value and return a value to the same position in a second one-row or multi-column range. 


Unlike the lookup function of excel which looks for the first item match or closest match, this function will look for the exact match; you can choose the no. of duplicates you want to find and also the "last item matched". 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Function lookm(SearchItem, RangeFind As Range, RangeGetResult As Range, Optional NumDuplicate As Integer) 'SearchItem is the search item which can be text or range 'RangeFind is the range of your data you want to find for your match 'RangeGetResult is the range of your data you want to get 'NumDuplicate is the number of duplicate instance it finds and default is last duplicate Dim ctr As Integer, i As Integer For i = 1 To RangeFind.Count If SearchItem = RangeFind.Cells(i) Then ctr = ctr + 1 If NumDuplicate = 0 Then lookm = RangeGetResult.Cells(i).Value Else If ctr = NumDuplicate Then lookm = RangeGetResult.Cells(i).Value Exit Function End If End If End If Next i If ctr = 0 Then lookm = "" End Function

How to use:

  1. Create a module by pressing Alt + F11 simultaneously. If you do not see the directory, press ctrl r. Then right click the directory , add module.
  2. Open the module and put the code mentioned above. Close the module
  3. In your worksheet you can use this UDF function with the Syntax =lookm("item to be searched","the range where you want to find the data", the range where you want to get the data", the no. of duplicate instance)
  4. If you want to search for the last item matched, then specify 0 or don't put no. of duplicate instance because the default is last item

Test the code:

  1. Lookm can either be horizontal or vertical lookup as long as your "get range" is one row or column and your "find range" is also the same length . If if does not find anything, it will just produce a blank result.
  2. It is not necessary for the lookup range to be sorted.

Sample File:

lookupmulti.zip 11.38KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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