
A Better Sheet Management Function

Ease of Use


Version tested with

XL97, 2000, XP, 2003 

Submitted by:

Bob Phillips


Improved facilities to hide and unhide sheets in Excel 


In Excel, the built-in functions to hide and unhide worksheets is via the menu Format>Sheet>Hide (or Unhide...). In addition, although more than one worksheet can be hidden (by selecting multiple sheets), only one sheet can be unhidden at a time. This utility provides the ability to unhide multiple sheets. It adds two menu items to the sheet tab right-click menu, demonstrating how to add items to that menu as well. NB Although it would have been easy to handle very hidden worksheets, it has not been done in this code as it would be providing access to those sheets that cannot be gained in Excel, so I thought best to maintain that status quo. I leave as an exercise for the reader if so desired. 


instructions for use


'------------------------------------------------- ' frmUnhideSheets code module '------------------------------------------------- ' Function: To provide a userform showing ' hidden worksheets and giving ' a user interface to manage same '------------------------------------------------- Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i As Long With Me .Top = 0: .Left = 0: .Height = 145: .Width = 240 With .ListBox1 .Top = 12: .Left = 8: .Height = 100: .Width = 160 End With With .CommandButton1 .Top = 12: .Left = 174: .Height = 20: .Width = 54 .Default = True .Caption = "OK" End With With .CommandButton2 .Top = 36: .Left = 174: .Height = 20: .Width = 54 .Cancel = True .Caption = "Cancel" End With With .CommandButton3 .Top = 60: .Left = 174: .Height = 20: .Width = 54 .Caption = "Select All" End With With .CommandButton4 .Top = 84: .Left = 174: .Height = 20: .Width = 54 .Caption = "Deselect All" End With End With ListBox1.Clear With ActiveWorkbook For i = 1 To .Sheets.Count If .Sheets(i).Visible = False Then ListBox1.AddItem (.Sheets(i).Name) End If Next End With End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i As Long Unload frmUnhideSheets Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 'If an item is selected, unhide that sheet. If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ListBox1.List(i)) .Visible = True .Activate End With End If Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Unload frmUnhideSheets End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Dim i As Long For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() Dim i As Long For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 ListBox1.Selected(i) = False Next End Sub '------------------------------------------------- ' frmUnhideSheets code module end '------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit Option Private Module '------------------------------------------------- ' mPly standard code module '------------------------------------------------- ' Function: Hides all selected worksheets ' selected tabs that is '------------------------------------------------- Private Sub HideSheet()Dim cVisible As Long Dim i As Long With ActiveWorkbook For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If .Worksheets(i).Visible = xlSheetVisible Then cVisible = cVisible + 1 End If Next i End With With ActiveWindow If cVisible > .SelectedSheets.Count Then .SelectedSheets.Visible = False Else MsgBox "You cannot hide this sheet, as it" & vbNewLine & _ "will not leave a visible sheet, and" & vbNewLine & _ "that is not permissible with Excel", vbInformation, _ "Sheet Management" End If End With End Sub '------------------------------------------------- ' Function: Calls the userform to provide ' options on unhiding sheets '------------------------------------------------- Private Sub UnhideSheet() frmUnhideSheets.Show End Sub '------------------------------------------------- ' Function: Adds two new items to the Ply menu ' (the menu that you get when you ' right-click the sheet tag), one to ' Hide selected sheets, one to give ' an Unhide sheets dialog ' Calls: MenuRemovePly ' to remove the items if already on the Ply menu, To avoid dplication '------------------------------------------------- Public Sub MenuAddPly() MenuRemovePly With Application.CommandBars("Ply") .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton).Caption = _ "Hide Sheet(s)" .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton).Caption = _ "Unhide Sheet(s)..." .Controls("Hide Sheet(s)").BeginGroup = True .Controls("Hide Sheet(s)").OnAction = "HideSheet" .Controls("Unhide Sheet(s)...").OnAction = "UnhideSheet" End With End Sub '------------------------------------------------- ' Function: Removes the two items from the Ply ' menu '------------------------------------------------- Public Sub MenuRemovePly() On Error Resume Next With Application.CommandBars("Ply") .Controls("Hide Sheet(s)").Delete .Controls("Unhide Sheet(s)...").Delete End With On Error GoTo 0 End Sub '------------------------------------------------- ' mPly standard code module end '------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------- ' ThisWorkbook code module '------------------------------------------------- ' Function: Calls the Ply menu add routine in ' the workbook open event, and the ' Ply menu remove routine in the ' workbook beforeclose event '------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Call MenuRemovePly End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Call MenuAddPly End Sub '------------------------------------------------- ' ThisWorkbook code module end '-------------------------------------------------

How to use:

  1. This code consists of 3 components
  2. - a userform for displaying the hidden sheets and provide options
  3. - workbook event code to initiate the menu build
  4. - code to create the menus
  5. Open a Excel workbook, or use an existing workbook (such as Personal.xls)
  6. Select Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor
  7. In the VBE window, select Tools/Project Explorer
  8. Select the ThisWorkbook module
  9. Copy and paste the 'ThisWorkbook' code section above into this module
  10. Insert a new code module
  11. Name the new module mPly,
  12. Copy and paste the and add the 'mPly' code section above to that module
  13. Insert a new Userform module into your workbook
  14. Start by adding the following controls
  15. - a listbox
  16. - 4 commandbuttons
  17. Do not worry about the placement of the controls, the code resets it all correctly.
  18. Now add the code the 'frmUnhideSheets' code section into this module
  19. Now select File/Save for your file

Test the code:

  1. Close Excel down
  2. Start Excel again (to force a menu build)
  3. If you didn't use Personal.xls, open the workbook with code
  4. Open a new workbook, or any existing workbook
  5. Right-click on a sheet tab, you will see the options
  6. If you choose 'Hide Sheet(s)', it will hide the selected sheet(s)
  7. If you choose 'Unhide Sheet(s)...', it will present a dialog box showing all hidden sheets.

Sample File:

xld.ManageSheets.zip 19.11KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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