
Import notepad and wordpad text files

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2000, 2003 

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Use the right-click menu to run the code. Browse and select a file, the selected text is then imported to the worksheet 


You may have collected data in a text file to be inserted in the workbook for processing or you may simply want to keep a selection of text files in the one location. This procedure allows you to import notepad files of type .txt, .bas, .frm, .cls, .log or worpad files of type .frx. The files can be imported either to the next vacant column or to a specified location by selecting a start cell. 


instructions for use


'****************************************** '<< CODE FOR THISWORKBOOK MODULE >> Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) '//remove the right-click controls Run "RemoveFromMenu" End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() '//remove any previous right-click controls Run "RemoveFromMenu" '//now add new right-click controls With Application.CommandBars("Cell") .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton). _ Caption = "Import text (column)" .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton). _ Caption = "Import text (selection)" '//assign procedures to these controls .Controls("Import text (column)"). _ OnAction = "Import2NextCol" .Controls("Import text (selection)"). _ OnAction = "Import2ActiveCell" End With End Sub '****************************************** '****************************************** '<< CODE FOR STANDARD MODULE >> Option Explicit Sub Import2ActiveCell() Dim Filt$, Title$, FileText$, FileName$, N& '//check that only one cell's been selected If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then MsgBox "Please select one cell only", , "Starting-Point is Unclear..." Exit Sub End If '//show dialog to import file '{Note: Office 2000 requires that '(*.bas; *.frm; *.cls;*.txt;*.log;*.frx) 'be written twice, for later versions you 'can delete the second instance} Filt = "VB Files (*.bas; *.frm; *.cls;*.txt;*.log;*.frx) " & _ "(*.bas; *.frm; *.cls;*.txt;*.log;*.frx)," & _ "*.bas;*.frm;*.cls;*.txt;*.log;*.frx" Title = "SELECT A FOLDER - DOUBLE-CLICK OR CLICK " & _ "OPEN TO IMPORT - CANCEL TO QUIT" FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename _ (FileFilter:=Filt, FilterIndex:=5, Title:=Title) '//check there is a file to import If Dir(FileName) <> Empty Then '//import the text Application.ScreenUpdating = False Open (FileName) For Input As #1 N = ActiveCell.Row Do While Not EOF(1) Input #1, FileText Cells(N, ActiveCell.Column) = FileText N = N + 1 Loop '< Loop until end of file Close #1 '//tart up the spreadsheet ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False With Cells .Font.Size = 9 Columns.AutoFit Rows.AutoFit End With '//goto the start of the imported text & exit sub ActiveCell.Select End If End Sub Sub Import2NextCol() Dim Filt$, Title$, FileText$ Dim FileName$, N&, FirstEmpty& '//show dialog to import file '{Note: Office 2000 requires that '(*.bas; *.frm; *.cls;*.txt;*.log;*.frx) 'be written twice, for later versions you 'can delete the second instance} Filt = "VB Files (*.bas; *.frm; *.cls;*.txt;*.log;*.frx) " & _ "(*.bas; *.frm; *.cls;*.txt;*.log;*.frx)," & _ "*.bas;*.frm;*.cls;*.txt;*.log;*.frx" Title = "SELECT A FOLDER - DOUBLE-CLICK OR CLICK " & _ "OPEN TO IMPORT - CANCEL TO QUIT" FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename _ (FileFilter:=Filt, FilterIndex:=5, Title:=Title) '//find first empty column On Error GoTo IsBlankSheet '< Error = nothing to find FirstEmpty = Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _ LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious). _ Column + 1 '//all columns contain text If FirstEmpty = 257 Then MsgBox "Sorry, no more columns on this sheet" Exit Sub End If TextEntry: '//check there is a file to import If Dir(FileName) <> Empty Then '//import the text Application.ScreenUpdating = False Open (FileName) For Input As #1 N = 1 Do While Not EOF(1) Input #1, FileText Rows(N).Columns(FirstEmpty) = FileText N = N + 1 Loop '< Loop until end of file Close #1 '//tart up the spreadsheet ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False With Cells .Font.Size = 9 Columns.AutoFit Rows.AutoFit End With '//goto the start of the entered text & exit sub Application.Goto Rows(1).Columns(FirstEmpty), scroll:=True End If Exit Sub IsBlankSheet: '//start in column 1 FirstEmpty = 1 '//clear the error & continue import Resume TextEntry End Sub Private Sub RemoveFromMenu() On Error Resume Next '< error = no controls '//remove right-click controls With Application.CommandBars("Cell") .Controls("Import text (column)").Delete .Controls("Import text (selection)").Delete End With End Sub '******************************************

How to use:

  1. Open an Excel workbook
  2. Select Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor
  3. In the VBE window, select Tools/Project Explorer
  4. Select the ThisWorkbook module
  5. Copy and paste the ThisWorkbook code into this Module
  6. Now select Insert/Module
  7. Copy and paste the Standard module code into this Module
  8. Now select File/Close and Return To Microsoft Excel
  9. Dont forget to save your changes...

Test the code:

  1. Close the workbook and re-open it
  2. Select a cell and right-click to choose the action you want

Sample File:

import text.zip 13.11KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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