
Shape size and location list

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This routine will create a text file of the location and size of all 2-d shapes on the current page. 


Create a text file listing where the 2-d shapes in a document are located. The x and y locatons, width, and height, as well as the object's text are recorded in the .txt log. Running this from a document close event could be used to track changes made to the document. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Public Sub LocationTable() 'This routine will create a text file of the location and size of all 2-d shapes ' on the current page Dim shpObj As Visio.Shape, celObj As Visio.Cell Dim ShpNo As Integer, Tabchr As String, localCent As Double Dim LocationX As String, LocationY As String Dim ShapeWidth As String, ShapeHeight As String 'Open or create text file to write data Open "C:\LocationTable.txt" For Output Shared As #1 Tabchr = Chr(9) 'Tab 'Loop Shapes collection For ShpNo = 1 To Visio.ActivePage.Shapes.Count Set shpObj = Visio.ActivePage.Shapes(ShpNo) If Not shpObj.OneD Then ' Only list the 2-D shapes 'Get location Shape Set celObj = shpObj.Cells("pinx") localCent = celObj.Result("inches") LocationX = Format(localCent, "000.0000") Set celObj = shpObj.Cells("piny") localCent = celObj.Result("inches") LocationY = Format(localCent, "000.0000") 'Get Size Shape Set celObj = shpObj.Cells("width") localCent = celObj.Result("inches") ShapeWidth = Format(localCent, "000.0000") Set celObj = shpObj.Cells("height") localCent = celObj.Result("inches") ShapeHeight = Format(localCent, "000.0000") 'Write values to Text file starting Name of Shape Print #1, shpObj.Name; shpObj.Text; Tabchr; _ Tabchr; LocationX; Tabchr; LocationY; _ Tabchr; ShapeWidth; Tabchr; ShapeHeight End If Next ShpNo 'Close Textfile Close #1 'Clean Up Set celObj = Nothing Set shpObj = Nothing End Sub

How to use:

  1. Open your Visio document.
  2. Press Alt + F11 to launch the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  3. Select Insert>Module from the Menu Bar in the VBE.
  4. Copy the code from above.
  5. Paste the code in the right hand window of the VBE.
  6. Close the VBE.
  7. From the Visio document, select Tools>Macro>Macros (or press Alt + F8).
  8. Highlight LocationTable in the list of macros.
  9. Press run.

Test the code:

  1. Open the example file.
  2. Run the LocationTable macro per the instructions above.
  3. Add a 2d shape to the document.
  4. Run the LocationTable macro again.
  5. Notice that the shape you added is now listed in the text document.
  6. When you are convinced that it works right, place the code in your document and run it.

Sample File: 99.93KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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