
Add/Remove Bullets-Dashes

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Select one or more cells with text and click the button to call the macro and bullets are added to the text. 


This is a real quick way to add bullets to your spreadsheet. I use it in my personal.xls and have a button set up to run it. If you click it once on your selection, you will get a bullet, twice will give you a dash and if you click it three times it will remove all except the original text. Credit for the original code goes to Aaron Blood 


instructions for use


Code For a module: Option Explicit Sub AddBullet() Dim Bullet As String Dim Dash As String Dim Cel As Range Dim Str As String Dim i As Long Bullet = "? " Dash = " - " 'select which cells to perform an action on For Each Cel In Selection Str = Cel.Value 'If there is already a bullet there then put a dash in its place If Left(Str, Len(Bullet)) = Bullet Then Str = Right(Str, Len(Str) - 2) Cel.Value = Dash & Str Else 'If there is already a dash there then trim back to normal text If Left(Str, Len(Dash)) = Dash Then Str = Trim(Cel.Value) i = Len(Str) - 1 If i >= 0 Then Cel.Value = Trim(Right(Str, i)) End If Else 'Otherwise add the bullet Cel.Value = Bullet & Str End If End If 'Go to the next cell in the selection and do the same thing Next Cel End Sub

How to use:

  1. Open the Visual Basic Editor by clicking Alt F11 or go to tools-Macro-Visual Basic Editor
  2. On the menu at the top of the page, go to insert then click on module.
  3. Paste the code from above into the module and close the Visual Basic Editor by clicking in the upper right corner on the X or going to File-Close.

Test the code:

  1. Type some text or numbers into a cell or two and then select them. Then run the macro by going to tools-macro-Macro's.
  2. Select the Bullet macro from the list and click Run.
  3. Bullets will be added to your selection.
  4. Run the macro again with the same selection and a dash will replace the bullet
  5. Run the macro a third time and everything returns to normal. That is it returns to your text with no bullet or dash.

Sample File:

Add Bullets.zip 8.28KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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