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ProperCase with custom delimiters

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The function will convert the given string to the propercase, similar to the StrConv function, but it can also include custom delimiters other than space. 


There may be a situation where a sentence is delimited only by comma (,) or a dot (.) etc, in which case StrConv will not make the conversion properly. In that situation, ProperCase works perfectly. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Public Function ProperCase(Source As String, Delimiters As String) Dim s As Variant 'Copy the source string ProperCase = Source 'Convert each delimiter to a delimiter with space. For Each s In Split(Delimiters, " ") ProperCase = Replace(ProperCase, s, s & " ") Next 'Use built-in function to convert to proper case. ProperCase = StrConv(ProperCase, vbProperCase) 'Convert back to the original form. For Each s In Split(Delimiters, " ") ProperCase = Replace(ProperCase, s & " ", s) Next End Function

How to use:

  1. Press Alt + F11 to goto VBA.
  2. Insert --> Module.
  3. Paste the code given...
  4. Wherever you need to convert a given string to propercase, just call the function with the first parameter as that string and the next parameter as the delimiters with space between them.
  5. Press Alt + F11 again to come back to the application.

Test the code:

  1. The syntax of the function is ProperCase("Source" , "Delimiters1 Delimiter2") eg =propercase(B2,". - ' ")
  2. dest = ProperCase(" vba to the world",". -") will make the string dest as "Vba.Express-Bringing Vba To The World"
  3. In the sample Excel Workbook given, type anything in Column A and it will be converted to the propercase in Column B, considering Space, Comma, Dash and Quotes (Double and Single) as delimiters

Sample File: 8.68KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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