
Get filesize of document in kilobytes

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2000, 2002 

Submitted by:



The function will return the filesize of the specified document in kilobytes. 


You have to determine the file size of some documents. This function will help you get that data in kilobytes. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit ' \\ Test sub to return Filesize Sub GetTheSize() Dim sFilePath As String ' \\ Build path to test file in same folder as this document sFilePath = ThisDocument.Path & "\Test Filesize.doc" ' \\ Call function to return filesize MsgBox GetTheFileSize(sFilePath) & " Kb" End Sub ' \\ This Function returns the Filesize in Kb Public Function GetTheFileSize(sPath As String) As Long Dim iChannel As Integer ' \\ Get free channel (file number) iChannel = FreeFile ' \\ Input file by that channel (file number) Open sPath For Input As iChannel ' \\ Return file size GetTheFileSize = Format((LOF(iChannel) / 1024), "#.0") End Function

How to use:

  1. Open your Word document.
  2. Press Alt + F11 to open VBE.
  3. Insert-Module. (Insert -> module)
  4. Paste the code there in the window at right. (F7)
  5. Close VBE (Alt + Q or press the X in the top right hand corner).
  6. Save the file.

Test the code:

  1. From Word, press Alt + F8 to open the macro dialog box.
  2. Select GetTheSize
  3. Click Run.

Sample File:

Filesize.zip 17.02KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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