
Copy Chart Sheets to a New Workbook

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2000, 2002 

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Copies and delinks all chart sheets in the current workbook to a new workbook 


If you ever want to copy your current chart sheets (as is) to a new file, maybe for weekly, monthy, or yearly reporting, this code will copy all your chart sheets to a new workbook, breaking the links to the originla file, leaving you with fixed charts of your data. The code allows you to select a file name and the new folder location for the new workbook also. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Sub CopyChartsToNewBookAndDelinkThemToo() Dim Cht As Chart Dim oSeries As Series Dim wks As Worksheet Dim szNewFile As String ' Do we have any charts? If ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Count > 0 Then ' if yes: ' No screen flicker, or new workbook appearance: With Application .ScreenUpdating = False If Val(.Version) >= 9 Then .ShowWindowsInTaskbar = False End If On Error GoTo ErrHandle ' This copies the charts all to a new workbook ' The new workbook becomes the active workbook ' *Amended by Jon Peltier ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Copy ' Delink all the charts from the original workbook For Each Cht In ActiveWorkbook.Charts For Each oSeries In Cht.SeriesCollection With oSeries .Name = .Name .Values = .Values .XValues = .XValues End With Next Next ' Where and under what name to store our new workbook of charts ' Initial file name is [BookOCharts], user changes to suit szNewFile = .GetSaveAsFilename("BookOCharts.xls", _ "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls") With ActiveWorkbook If szNewFile <> "False" Then ' Save it and close it .SaveAs szNewFile .Close Else ' if it was canceled .Close False End If End With ErrExit: If Val(.Version) >= 9 Then .ShowWindowsInTaskbar = True End If .ScreenUpdating = True End With Else MsgBox "No chart sheets are available to copy", 64 End If Exit Sub ErrHandle: MsgBox Err.Description GoTo ErrExit End Sub

How to use:

  1. Open an Excel Workbook
  2. Copy the code
  3. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
  4. Select INSERT > MODULE from the menubar
  5. Paste code into the right pane
  6. Press Alt+Q to return to Excel
  7. Save workbook before any other changes

Test the code:

  2. When the dialog appears, select CopyChartsToNewBookAndDelinkThemToo
  3. Press Run
  4. Any chart sheets will be copied to a new workbook

Sample File:

Delink and Copy.zip 8.73KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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