
Parse a Range Address Into Its Column and Row Components

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A utility macro that will accept a standard range address and return the column and row components of that address to the caller. 


A common task in coding a VBA macro is determining the individual values of columns and rows that are contained in a range address. The macro ?ParseRange? accepts a range address from a calling macro, and returns the four address components of a range: LeftColumn, LeftRow, RightColumn, and RightRow. The caller either explicitly specifies the range address or it defaults to the currently selected range. The four address component values are returned to the caller in variables that are arguments to the ?ParseRange? macro. All arguments are optional, so the caller can request any one of the components, or all four. The attached demonstration workbook ?Parse Range Demo.xls? contains the ?ParseRange? code, details about how to use it, coding examples, and some demonstration tests to show how it works. 


instructions for use


'~~~~~~~~~ CODE FOR TESTING MACRO "ParseRange" ~~~~~~~~ Sub ParseRange_Locator() Dim SelAddress As String, LeftColumn As String, LeftRow As Long, Msg As String Dim RightColumn As String, RightRow As Long, TestAddress As String, i As Long TestAddress = vbNullString Test1: Call ParseRange(, LeftColumn, LeftRow, RightColumn, RightRow) i = 1 GoTo Result Test2: Call ParseRange(, , LeftRow) i = 2 GoTo Result Test3: TestAddress = "$J$23:$AZ$84" Call ParseRange(TestAddress, LeftColumn, LeftRow) i = 3 GoTo Result Test4: TestAddress = "K$18:$BZ102" Call ParseRange(TestAddress, , LeftRow, , RightRow) i = 4 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Result: If TestAddress = vbNullString Then TestAddress = Selection.Address(False, False) Msg = "Test " & i & vbCr & vbCr & "The values returned by 'ParseRange' are:" & vbCr & _ "Addressed parsed:" & vbTab & """" & TestAddress & """" & vbCr If LeftColumn <> "" Then Msg = Msg & "LeftColumn:" & vbTab & """" & LeftColumn & """" & vbCr If LeftRow <> 0 Then Msg = Msg & "LeftRow:" & vbTab & vbTab & """" & LeftRow & """" & vbCr If RightColumn <> "" Then Msg = Msg & "RightColumn:" & vbTab & """" & RightColumn & """" & vbCr If RightRow <> 0 Then Msg = Msg & "RightRow:" & vbTab & """" & RightRow & """" MsgBox Msg, , "Procedure 'ParseRange_Locator'" 'Clear old results LeftColumn = vbNullString: LeftRow = 0: RightColumn = vbNullString: RightRow = 0 TestAddress = vbNullString Select Case i Case 1: GoTo Test2 Case 2: GoTo Test3 Case 3: GoTo Test4 End Select End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CODE FOR MACRO "ParseRange" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/14/05 Sub ParseRange(Optional RefAddress As String = vbNullString, _ Optional LeftColumn As String = vbNullString, _ Optional LeftRow As Long = 0, _ Optional RightColumn As String = vbNullString, _ Optional RightRow As Long = 0) Dim Ary1 As Variant, Ary2 As Variant, N As Integer, Msg As String Const Title As String = "Procedure 'ParseRange'" On Error GoTo ErrMsg If RefAddress = vbNullString _ Then RefAddress = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address(, False) 'Convert the address to column-absolute, row-absolute format RefAddress = Application.ConvertFormula(Formula:=RefAddress, _ FromReferenceStyle:=xlA1, _ ToReferenceStyle:=xlA1, _ ToAbsolute:=xlAbsolute) Ary1 = Split(RefAddress, "$") Ary2 = Split(Ary1(2), ":") LeftColumn = Ary1(1) LeftRow = Ary2(0) On Error Resume Next RightColumn = Ary1(3) RightRow = Ary1(4) GoTo Finish ErrMsg: Select Case Err.Number Case 438, 1004, 9: Msg = "A range is not currently selected or specified." & vbCr Case Else: Msg = "An unexpected error occurred in macro 'ParseRange'." & vbCr End Select Msg = Msg & "Error number: " & Err.Number & vbCr & _ "Descrip: " & Err.Description Resume Contin Contin: MsgBox Msg, vbCritical, Title LeftColumn = vbNullString LeftRow = -1 RightColumn = vbNullString RightRow = -1 Finish: On Error Resume Next Erase Ary1 'Release memory On Error Resume Next Erase Ary2 End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy the code above.
  2. Press Alt+F11 to view the VBE window.
  3. Select the VBA project (or Personal.xls) for the workbook where you want the macros to be resident.
  4. Select INSERT -> MODULE.
  5. Paste the code into the module window.
  6. Press Alt+F4 to close the VBE window.
  7. Save your changes.

Test the code:

  1. Open the attached workbook ?Parse Range Demo.xls?.
  2. Read the instructions and view examples on sheet ?Main?.
  3. Press Alt+F11 to view the VBE window.
  4. In the macro ?ParseRange_Locator?, run the four demonstration tests following the instructions at the top of the code.

Sample File:

Parse Range Demo.zip 20.21KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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