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Change number into complete words, including currency names

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Given a number and currency units, this function will return the amount in words (e.g. £5.37 -> five pounds and thirty-seven pence) 


We needed to send an email where we had to include an amount written in words. While the number itself could be added to the email through code, we had to pop up an input box for the user to manually type the number in words. This code removed that step. Note that the currency names are passed as parameters, so you are not limited to good old pounds and pence! 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Private m_dicNums As Dictionary Private m_lngHundreds As Long Private m_lngLast As Long Private m_strBigUnit As String Private m_strSmallUnit As String Public Function Num2Words(varAmount As Variant, _ strBigUnit As String, _ strSmallUnit As String) Dim strRv As String 'return value Dim objRe As RegExp 'regular expression object Dim objMatches As MatchCollection 'stores results of reg expression test Dim strNum As String 'stores string representation of number being converted Dim lngSignificance As Long 'significance of part of number being converted Dim strTemp As String 'temporary string variable Dim dblAmount As Double 'stores value passed as a double (as opposed to variant) Set objRe = New RegExp FillDic m_strBigUnit = strBigUnit m_strSmallUnit = strSmallUnit If IsNumeric(varAmount) Then dblAmount = Abs(CDbl(Round(varAmount, 2))) If dblAmount > 0 Then strNum = CStr(dblAmount) 'remove commas and erroneous chars just in case (though there won't be any) objRe.Pattern = "[^\d\.]" strNum = objRe.Replace(strNum, "") objRe.Pattern = "(\d*)\.(\d+)$" Set objMatches = objRe.Execute(strNum) 'see if we have any pence If objMatches.Count = 1 Then 'have pence. Make the end of the amount first. strRv = ConvertPart(objMatches(0).SubMatches(1), -1) & " " & strSmallUnit 'now trim off the decimal data. strNum = objMatches(0).SubMatches(0) If CLng(strNum) = 0 Then 'trim off the 'and' strRv = Right(strRv, Len(strRv) - 4) End If End If 'now we need to go through from the right, taking three digits 'at a time. 'only continue if there actually are any big units If CLng(strNum) > 0 Then lngSignificance = 1 Do strTemp = ConvertPart(CStr(CLng(Right(strNum, 3))), lngSignificance) If strTemp <> "" And Left(strRv, 1) <> " " Then strRv = strTemp & " " & strRv ElseIf strTemp <> "" Then strRv = strTemp & strRv End If If Len(strNum) - 3 < 1 Then Exit Do End If strNum = Left(strNum, Len(strNum) - 3) lngSignificance = lngSignificance * 1000 Loop strNum = CStr(dblAmount) strRv = Trim(strRv) 'just correct if only 1 big unit If strNum = "1" Or Left(strNum, 2) = "1." Then 'replace the big unit with the big unit minus the last letter! objRe.Pattern = strBigUnit strRv = objRe.Replace(strRv, Left(strBigUnit, Len(strBigUnit) - 1)) End If End If Else strRv = "zero" End If Else strRv = "Could not convert" End If 'clean up, kill objects Set objMatches = Nothing Set objRe = Nothing Num2Words = strRv End Function 'converts a 3 digit number according to its significance in the whole 'number. Private Function ConvertPart(strNum As String, lngSignificance As Long) As String Dim strRv As String Select Case lngSignificance Case -1 If Len(strNum) = 1 Then strRv = "and " & ConvertNum(strNum & "0") Else strRv = "and " & ConvertNum(strNum) End If Case 1 'strRv = ConvertNum(strNum) & " " & m_dicNums(lngSignificance) & " pounds" If ConvertNum(strNum) <> "" Then strRv = ConvertNum(strNum) & " " & m_strBigUnit Else strRv = m_strBigUnit End If m_lngHundreds = CLng(strNum) m_lngLast = m_lngHundreds Case 1000 If ConvertNum(strNum) <> "" Then strRv = ConvertNum(strNum) & " " & m_dicNums(lngSignificance) End If If m_lngHundreds < 100 And m_lngHundreds <> 0 Then strRv = strRv & " and" ElseIf m_lngHundreds >= 100 Then strRv = strRv & "," End If m_lngLast = CLng(strNum) Case Else If ConvertNum(strNum) <> "" Then strRv = ConvertNum(strNum) & " " & m_dicNums(lngSignificance) If m_lngLast <> 0 Then strRv = strRv & "," End If End If m_lngLast = CLng(strNum) End Select ConvertPart = strRv End Function 'converts a number in the range 0-999 Private Function ConvertNum(strNum As String) As String Dim strRv As String If CLng(strNum) > 0 Then Select Case Len(strNum) Case 1 strRv = m_dicNums(CLng(strNum)) Case 2 If m_dicNums.Exists(CLng(strNum)) Then strRv = m_dicNums(CLng(strNum)) Else strRv = m_dicNums(CLng(Left(strNum, 1) & "0")) & "-" & m_dicNums(CLng(Right(strNum, 1))) End If Case 3 If m_dicNums.Exists(CLng(strNum)) Then strRv = "one " & m_dicNums(CLng(strNum)) Else strRv = m_dicNums(CLng(Left(strNum, 1))) & " hundred" If CLng(Right(strNum, 2)) > 0 Then If m_dicNums.Exists(CLng(Right(strNum, 2))) Then strRv = strRv & " and " & m_dicNums(CLng(Right(strNum, 2))) Else strRv = strRv & " and " & m_dicNums(CLng(Mid(strNum, 2, 1) & "0")) & "-" & m_dicNums(CLng(Right(strNum, 1))) End If End If End If End Select End If ConvertNum = strRv End Function 'feel free to change the spelling if you disagree with mine! Private Sub FillDic() Set m_dicNums = New Dictionary m_dicNums(0) = "zero" m_dicNums(1) = "one" m_dicNums(2) = "two" m_dicNums(3) = "three" m_dicNums(4) = "four" m_dicNums(5) = "five" m_dicNums(6) = "six" m_dicNums(7) = "seven" m_dicNums(8) = "eight" m_dicNums(9) = "nine" m_dicNums(10) = "ten" m_dicNums(11) = "eleven" m_dicNums(12) = "twelve" m_dicNums(13) = "thirteen" m_dicNums(14) = "fourteen" m_dicNums(15) = "fifteen" m_dicNums(16) = "sixteen" m_dicNums(17) = "seventeen" m_dicNums(18) = "eighteen" m_dicNums(19) = "nineteen" m_dicNums(20) = "twenty" m_dicNums(30) = "thirty" m_dicNums(40) = "forty" m_dicNums(50) = "fifty" m_dicNums(60) = "sixty" m_dicNums(70) = "seventy" m_dicNums(80) = "eighty" m_dicNums(90) = "ninety" m_dicNums(100) = "hundred" m_dicNums(1000) = "thousand" m_dicNums(1000000) = "million" m_dicNums(1000000000) = "billion" m_dicNums(1000000000000#) = "trillion" End Sub

How to use:

  1. This is instructions of how to use this as a worksheet function in excel, but can be used as a function in any VBA or VB code.
  2. Start a new workbook in Excel.
  3. Open the VBA editor with alt+F11
  4. Now need to add some references to external libraries, which should be installed by default.
  5. -From the menu, choose 'Tools->References'
  6. -Scroll down the list and put a tick next to the following items: 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime' and 'Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions x.y", where x.y is a version number, as long as it is 1.0 or above it should be fine.
  7. -Click 'OK'
  8. From the menu, choose 'Insert->Module'.
  9. Copy and paste the above code into the module.
  10. Check all the references by choosing 'Debug->Compile VBAProject' from the menu. If all is well this will complete quickly with no error messages.
  11. Close the Visual Basic editor

Test the code:

  1. Select any sheet of the workbook you have just created.
  2. In Cell A2 enter any number.
  3. In Cell A3 enter the following: =Num2Words(A2,"pounds","pence")
  4. Cell A3 should now show the value of A2 in words.
  5. You can enter any number in Cell A2 up to 999,999,999,999.
  6. Positive or negative is ignored, this will convert the absolute value.
  7. You can change the pounds and pence arguments to your locale, e.g. dollars and cents, euros and cents, guineas and groats etc etc.
  8. Use a plural for the larger unit (eg pounds not pound). The s will be trimmed if necessary. (this does not apply for the small unit, this always appears 'as is')

Sample File: 22.32KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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