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string array search function

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InstrArray searches a string array for the occurrence of a desired string. 


VB/VBA has a rich and useful string management capability. Instr will efficiently search stringA for the occurance of stringB. But what if stringA is an array? The typical solution is to loop through stringA and use instr for stringB and each stringA(i). Easy to do, but given how often this might be done, this is an opportunity for a reusable (library) procedure. InstrArray searches a string array for the occurrence of a desired string. Optional arguments define case criticality, search for 1st occurrance only and if the sought text must be matched precisely or just occur anywhere in stringA(i) InstrArray can be used in any VBA application. The demo is Excel-based 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Function instrArray(strArray, strWanted, _ Optional CaseCrit As Boolean = False, _ Optional FirstOnly As Boolean = True, _ Optional Location As String = "exact") As Long ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Title instrArray ' Target Application: any ' Function: searches string array for some "wanted" text ' Limitations: ' Passed Values: ' strArray [in, string array] array to be searched ' strWanted [in, string] text for which strArray is searched ' CaseCrit [in, Boolean, Optional] ' if true, case (upper/lower) of each character is critical and must match ' if false, case is not critical {default} ' FirstOnly [in, Boolean, Optional] ' if true, proc exits after first instance is found {default} ' if false, proc search to end of array and last instance # is returned ' Location [in, string, Optional] text matching constraint: ' = "any" as long as strWanted is found anywhere in strArray(k),i.e., ' instr(strArray(k),strWanted) > 0, then instrArray = K ' = "left" match is successful only if ' Left(strArray(K),Len(strWanted) = StrWanted ' = "right" match is successful only if ' Right(strArray(K),Len(strWanted) = StrWanted ' = "exact" match is successful only if ' strArray(K) = StrWanted {default} ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim I As Long Dim Locn As String Dim strA As String Dim strB As String instrArray = 0 Locn = LCase(Location) Select Case FirstOnly Case Is = True For I = LBound(strArray) To UBound(strArray) Select Case CaseCrit Case Is = True strA = strArray(I): strB = strWanted Case Is = False strA = LCase(strArray(I)): strB = LCase(strWanted) End Select If instrArray2(Locn, strA, strB) > 0 Then instrArray = I Exit Function End If Next I Case Is = False For I = UBound(strArray) To LBound(strArray) Step -1 Select Case CaseCrit Case Is = True strA = strArray(I): strB = strWanted Case Is = False strA = LCase(strArray(I)): strB = LCase(strWanted) End Select If instrArray2(Locn, strA, strB) > 0 Then instrArray = I Exit Function End If Next I End Select End Function Function instrArray2(Locn, strA, strB) ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Title instrArray2 ' Target Application: any ' Function called by instrArray to complete test of strB in strA ' Limitations: NONE ' Passed Values: ' Locn [input, string] text matching constraint (see instrArray) ' strA [input, string] 1st character string ' strB [input, string] 2nd character string ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Select Case Locn Case Is = "any" instrArray2 = InStr(strA, strB) Case Is = "left" If Left(strA, Len(strB)) = strB Then instrArray2 = 1 Case Is = "right" If Right(strA, Len(strB)) = strB Then instrArray2 = 1 Case Is = "exact" If strA = strB Then instrArray2 = 1 Case Else End Select End Function Sub instrArray_Test() ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Function: demonstrates use of function instrArray ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim CaseCrit As Boolean Dim FirstOnly As Boolean Dim Location As String Dim N As Integer Dim Rtn As Long Dim strArray() As String Dim strToFind As String CaseCrit = Cells(4, 9) FirstOnly = Cells(5, 9) Location = Cells(7, 9) N = 1 FindNextWord: N = N + 1 If Cells(N, 1) = "" Then N = N - 1 GoTo GetStrToFind Else ReDim Preserve strArray(1 To N - 1) strArray(N - 1) = Cells(N, 1) End If GoTo FindNextWord GetStrToFind: strToFind = InputBox("text to find?", "Demo of instrArray") If strToFind = "" Then Exit Sub Rtn = instrArray(strArray, strToFind, CaseCrit, FirstOnly, Location) Select Case Rtn Case Is = 0 MsgBox "text to find = " & strToFind & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "return from instrArray = " & Rtn & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "[ this means that the text was not found in the array" & vbCrLf & _ " as constrained case matching and location matching ]" Case Else MsgBox "text to find = " & strToFind & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "return from instrArray = " & Rtn & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "[ this corresponds to row " & (Rtn + 1) & " ]" End Select GoTo GetStrToFind End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy the above code.
  2. Open any workbook.
  3. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  4. In the left side window, hi-lite the target spreadsheet [it will likely be called VBAProject(filename.xls) where filename is the name of the spreadsheet]
  5. Select an existing code module for the target worksheet; or from the Insert Menu, choose Insert | Module.
  6. Paste the code into the right-hand code window.
  7. Close the VBE, save the file if desired.
  8. See ?Test The Code? below

Test the code:

  1. Open the example workbook.
  2. The example sheet contains some ?words? in col A, definitions of the optional parameters in cols E to I and a yellow command button to execute the test procedure.
  3. Green areas are for the user to play with ?test data?
  4. When the yellow button is clicked, the words in col A are read into an array and the user is prompted for ?test text?. When the user enters the text text and clicks on OK, the test procedure grabs the current optional values in cells I4 and I5 and then call strArray. The value returned by strArray is displayed via MsgBox.

Sample File: 20.68KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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