
Format cell text under VBA control

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Formats individual words (actually any embedded text string) with a cell?s text. 


Formatting an individual word within a cell?s text is fairly easy to do manually; just select the word and reformat it. Doing that under VBA is a little more involved. The substring within a cells ?characters? is identified and formats are applied. Not hard, but often messy. xlCellTextMgmt is a subroutine that performs basic reformatting on any substring within a cell?s text. Font properties supported are Name (Arial, Courier, etc), Bold (T/F), Size and Color. The default for each property is ?no change? 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Sub xlCellTextMgmt( _ TargetCell As Range, _ TargetWord As String, _ Optional FirstOnly As Boolean = True, _ Optional FontName As String, _ Optional FontBold As Boolean, _ Optional FontSize As Variant, _ Optional FontColor As Variant) ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Title xlCellTextMgmt ' Target Application: MS Excel ' Function: reformats selected text within the target cell ' Limitations: no explicit checks for acceptable values, e.g., does not ' check to ensure that FontName is a currently supported ' font ' Passed Values ' TargetCell [input,range] the target cell containing the text to ' be reformatted ' TargetWord [input,string] the words in the target cell text that are ' to be reformatted. TargetWord can contain ' anything from a single character to several ' words or even the entire text of the target ' cell ' FirstOnly [input,boolean] a TRUE/FALSE flag indicating if the ' reformatting is to be done on ONLY the 1st ' instance of the target word (True) or on ALL ' instances (False) {Default = True} ' FontName [input,string] the name of the new font. Omit if the font ' is to be left unchanged ' FontBold [input,boolean] a TRUE/FALSE flag indicating if the target ' words should be BOLD. True ==> Bold. Omit ' if the text is to be left unchanged. ' FontSize [input,variant] the size of the new font. Omit if the size ' is to be left unchanged. ' FontColor [input,variant] the color of the new font. Can be one of ' the standard colors from the Excel palette or ' can be one of the standard "vbColors". ' Omit if the color is to be left unchanged. ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim Start As Long Start = 0 Do ' ' find the start of TargetWord in TargetCell.Text ' if TargetWord not found, exit ' Start = InStr(Start + 1, TargetCell.Text, TargetWord) If Start < 1 Then Exit Sub ' ' test for each font arguement, if present, apply appropriately ' With TargetCell.Characters(Start, Len(TargetWord)).Font If IsNull(FontName) = False Then .Name = FontName If IsNull(FontBold) = False Then .Bold = FontBold If IsNull(FontSize) = False Then .Size = FontSize If IsNull(FontColor) = False Then .ColorIndex = FontColor End With ' ' if request was for ONLY the first instance of TargetWord, exit ' otherwise, loop back and see if there are more instances ' If FirstOnly = True Then Exit Sub Loop End Sub Sub xlCellTextMgmt_Test() ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Title xlCellTextMgmt_Test ' Target Application: MS Excel ' Function: demostrates xlCellTextMgmt ' Limitations: this is a demonstration or test procedure and, thus, does ' not have the checking and verification of a hardened ' application ' Passed Values: None ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim FirstOnly As Boolean Dim FontColor As Variant Dim FontName As String Dim FontBold As Boolean Dim FontSize As Long Dim TargetCell As Range Dim TargetWord As String ' ' set TargtetCell to the selected cell and test for no text ' if no text, exit ' Set TargetCell = Selection.Cells(1) If TargetCell.Text = "" Then MsgBox "you must start with a cell containing some text.", vbOKOnly Exit Sub End If ' ' interact with user to obtain data eventually passed to xlCellTextMgmt ' TargetWord = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="target word(s)" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "[target word(s) can be anything from a single character" & vbCrLf & _ " to multiple words to the entire text of the target cell]", Type:=2) FirstOnly = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="reformat ONLY the first instance?" & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "[if True, only the first instance of " & TargetWord & _ " will be reformatted]" & vbCrLf & _ "[if False, all instances of " & TargetWord & _ " will be reformatted]", Type:=4) FontName = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="font name #", Type:=2) FontBold = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="bold? (True or False]", Type:=4) FontSize = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="font size", Type:=1) FontColor = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Target color #", Type:=1) Call xlCellTextMgmt(TargetCell, TargetWord, FirstOnly, FontName, FontBold, _ FontSize, FontColor) Set TargetCell = Nothing End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy the above code.
  2. Open any workbook.
  3. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  4. In the left side window, hi-lite the target spreadsheet [it will likely be called VBAProject(filename.xls) where filename is the name of the spreadsheet]
  5. Select an existing code module for the target worksheet; or from the Insert Menu, choose Insert | Module.
  6. Paste the code into the right-hand code window.
  7. Close the VBE, save the file if desired.
  8. See ?Test The Code? below

Test the code:

  1. Open the example
  2. The example spreadsheet contains a single spreadsheet and a yellow command button. The example demonstrates font color management, but the extensions to other procedure arguments are obvious.
  3. Type in any text (several words is recommended) in any cell and hit enter. Reselect the cell and then click on the command button
  4. The user is asked for the target word(s), i.e., the substring of interest and desired color number
  5. The text in the selected cell should change as per the user?s input.

Sample File:

xlCellTextMgmt.zip 18.46KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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