
Insert a hyperlink to a Word Bookmark

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2002, 2003 

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Allows the user to insert a hyperlink in the active cell, chosen from a list of all the bookmarks in a nominated Word document. 


While Excel has a native "Insert Hyperlink" feature, it only allows a file path to other valid document types (such as a Word doc). And it's "Bookmarks" option only allows links to sheets, cells and named ranges within the active workbook. This example provides a similar interface to select bookmarks in a nominated Word document, using the HYPERLINK worksheet formula so can be used for creating linked references to different sections of a word document(s). 


instructions for use


'#################################################### '### Code for standard module '#################################################### Option Explicit Sub InsertHyperLinkToWordRange() Dim appWord As Word.Application Dim docTarget As Word.Document Dim objBookmark As Word.Bookmark Dim varWordFile As Variant 'Get path to Word document varWordFile = Application.GetOpenFilename( _ fileFilter:="Word Documents (*.doc), *.doc") If Not varWordFile = False Then 'create a new instance of Word Set appWord = New Word.Application With appWord .Visible = False Set docTarget = .Documents.Open(varWordFile) 'add all the target documents bookmark names to the listbox Load frmInsertWordHL frmInsertWordHL.lblDocPath.Caption = docTarget.FullName For Each objBookmark In docTarget.Bookmarks frmInsertWordHL.lstBookmarks.AddItem objBookmark.Name Next 'close the document and clean up docTarget.Close False .Quit Set docTarget = Nothing Set appWord = Nothing 'show the form frmInsertWordHL.Show End With Else 'if GetOpenFilename dilaog was closed with no selected file MsgBox "No file was chosen", vbExclamation, "Insert HyperLink - File check" End If End Sub '#################################################### '### Code for standard module - END '#################################################### '#################################################### '### Code for userform '#################################################### Option Explicit Private Sub lstBookmarks_Click() 'set the default display text for the hyperlink as the bookmark name 'the user can then choose to overwrite this txtDisplayText = lstBookmarks.Value End Sub Private Sub cmdInsert_Click() 'set the active cell formula by building a string using the HYPERLINK syntax ActiveCell.Formula = "=HYPERLINK(" & """" & "[" & lblDocPath.Caption & _ "]" & lstBookmarks.Value & """" & "," & """" & "Link to " & txtDisplayText & _ """" & ")" Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Unload Me End Sub '#################################################### '### Code for userform - END '####################################################

How to use:

  1. In a new workbook, Alt + F11 to enter the VBE
  2. From VBE>Tools>References, add a reference to the Microsoft Word Object Library
  3. Choose Insert>Module
  4. Paste the section of code marked 'Code for standard module' into the code pane
  5. Choose Insert>UserForm
  6. Change the "Name" property of the userform to 'frmInsertWordHL'
  7. Choose View>Toolbox
  8. Using the Toolbox menu:
  9. add a listbox to the userform - change it's name property to 'lstBookmarks'
  10. add a textbox to the userform - change it's name property to 'txtDisplayText'
  11. add a commandbutton to the userform - change it's name property to 'cmdInsert'
  12. add a commandbutton to the userform - change it's name property to 'cmdCancel'
  13. Paste the section of code marked 'Code for userform' into the code pane
  14. Press Alt + Q to close the VBE and save the workbook
  15. Open Word and create a test document that contains at least one bookmark
  16. Save the test document and close Word

Test the code:

  1. Press Alt + F8, select 'InsertHyperLinkToWordRange', click Run
  2. Word's FileOpen dialog box will be displayed, navigate to your test Word document and click 'Open'
  3. The userform will be displayed, select a bookmark from the listbox
  4. The name displayed in the hyperlink will default to the bookmark name - this can be changed in the text field below the listbox
  5. Click 'Insert'
  6. Click on the new hyperlink - this should link to the Word document and display the bookmarked range selected

Sample File:

InsertHyperLinkToWordBookMark.zip 17.93KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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