Multiple Apps

File saving with embedded version or date

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2000, 2003 

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VerSaveAs will save current file with either a version number or an embedded date. 


Saving files with either a version number or the current date/time embedded in the file name is not particularly difficult to do manually. VerSaveAs does this automatically and does not make mistakes. The calling routine specifies the type of save, i.e., SaveType = ?date?, ?vers? or ??????. If ?date?, VerSaveAs will take the current file name and insert ?;yyyy-mm-dd_hhmmss? before the "dot suffix?, and then save the file with the new name. As an example, a file originally named "FileName.xls" and saved using VerSaveAs at 6:30PM and 42seconds on the 18th of August, 2004 would be saved as "FileName;2004-08-14_183042.xls" The original file is unmolested. The procedure is sufficiently sophisticated to recognize ?old? embedded dates and ?substitute? new ones. If ?vers?, VerSaveAs inserts ?;v###? where ### is either 001 if this is the first instance or the ?next?logical version number. As with ?date?, the procedure is sufficiently sophisticated to recognize old version numbers and substitute the next logical one. As an example, if the file named "ThisFile;v005.doc" were saved with VerSaveAs, the saved file name would be "ThisFile;v006.doc". At present, the largest version number supported is v999. Should that be insufficient, it is easily changed. If ??????, VerSaveAs will try to figure out what was previously used and continue with that. If no pattern is obvious, ?vers? is used. SaveType is an optional argument with ?????? as the default, so the procedure can be called from a drop down menu, command button, textbox, etc. VerSaveAs will work with virtually an application that supports VBA providing the VBA library for these applications are referenced at compile. For purposes of this KB, examples are provided in Excel, PowerPoint and Word. See comments in procedure about why certain application types (MSProject for example) are commented out. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Sub VerSaveAs( _ Optional SaveType As String = "????") ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Title VerSaveAs ' Target Application: MS applications ' Function; save current file with EITHER: ' SaveType = "Date" ===> filename with embedded date and version number ' FileName Format: abcdef;yyyy-mm-dd_hhmmss.ijk ' OR ' SaveType = "Vers" ===> filename with embedded version number ' FileName Format: abcdef;v###.ijk ' ' Limitations with date and time, proc handles: ' 1. any file type (3 letter extension) for standard MS applications ' 2. the 2 cases for the current file name: ' 2.1 just "FileName.xls" (adds todays date time) ' 2.2 "FileName;yyyy-mm-dd_hhmmss.xls" (replaces old date/time with new) ' ' Limitations with version number, proc handles: ' 1. any file type (3 letter extension) for standard MS applications ' 2. the 2 cases for the current file name: ' 2.1 just "FileName.xls" (adds "v001") ' 2.2 "FileName;v###.xls" (increments version number ' 3. up to 999 version numbers; on attempt to save file allready at ' v999, user is allowed to save file with another name ' Passed Values: ' SaveType [in, string] "Date" OR "Vers" OR "????" ' if SaveType = "???", the procedure will try to recognize ' the current file format (either abcdef;yyyy-mm-dd_hhmmss.ijk or ' abcdef;v###.ijk). If recognized, the format will be followed. ' If not recognized, the Vers format will be used. ' ' COMMENTS: ' ' the use of a version number (either a traditional version number like ' abcdef;v###.ijk or an embedded date style like abcdef;yyyy-mm-dd_hhmmss.ijk) ' facilitates storing a file after changes AND being able to go back to previous ' versions easily. The standardized formats mean that files listed alphabetically ' will make sense. ' ' The date format used, i.e., yyyy-mm-dd, is not the most common and not the ' most unambiguous. dd/mm/yy is more common and dd-mmm-yyyy or yyyy-mmm-dd ' are less ambiguous. But all of these formats have significant problems ' when used as part of a file name: ' dd/mm/yy has illegal characters ' dd-mm-yy might be a substitute, but files with that embedded date will not ' alphabetize correctely. ' Similarly, dd-mmm-yyyy will not alphabetize correctly, nor will yyyy-mmm-dd. ' ' ' Option Explicit is used at VBA module level to force explicit declaration of all ' variables in that module. Compiler errors will occur for any undeclared variables ' and any undefined types, procedures, or objects not found (at compile)in one of ' the referenced libraries. Option Explicit is very good practice and should be ' used all the time. ' ' In the code sections Step2 and Step5 below, references to specific microsoft ' application types, e.g., ' ActiveWorkBook for Excel, ' ActivePresentation for PowerPoint, ' ActiveProject for Project, and ' ActiveDocument for Word ' require that the corresponding libraries be refereneced at compile. Thus an appl ' using this procedure (VerSavAs) must explicitly reference: ' MS Excel Object Library ' MS Powerpoint Object Library ' MS Project Object Library ' MS Word Object Library ' OR cases and references not needed must be commented out (as has been done here ' for MSProject) ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim Ans As VbMsgBoxResult Dim ProcTitle As String Dim SaveType2 As String Dim strFileName As String Dim strNewName As String Dim strOldDate As String Dim strOldName As String Dim strSuffix As String Dim strVerNum As String Dim ThisPath As String Dim localVerNum As Integer ProcTitle = "VerSaveAs" Step1: ' verify SaveType Select Case LCase(SaveType) Case "date", "vers", "????" Case Else MsgBox "invalid SaveType. File not saved.", vbCritical, ProcTitle Exit Sub End Select Step2: ' parse current file name Select Case LCase(Application.Name) Case "microsoft access" Case "microsoft excel" strFileName = ActiveWorkbook.Name ThisPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path Case "microsoft outlook" Case "microsoft powerpoint" strFileName = ActivePresentation.Name ThisPath = ActivePresentation.Path Case "microsoft project" ' strFileName = ActiveProject.Name ' ThisPath = ActiveProject.Path Case "microsoft visio" Case "microsoft word" strFileName = ActiveDocument.Name ThisPath = ActiveDocument.Path Case Else MsgBox "unknown application; appl name = " & Application.Name & vbCrLf & _ "save NOT performed", vbCritical, ProcTitle Exit Sub End Select strOldName = Left(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - 4) strSuffix = Right(strFileName, 3) Step3: ' store save type; if ???? then try to match current format Select Case LCase(SaveType) Case "date", "vers" SaveType2 = SaveType Case "????" If strOldName Like "*;v###" Then SaveType2 = "vers" GoTo Step4 End If If strOldName Like "*;####-##-##_######" Then SaveType2 = "date" GoTo Step4 End If SaveType2 = "vers" End Select Step4: ' build new file name Select Case LCase(SaveType2) Case "date" strOldDate = Right(strOldName, 17) ' ' is date/time already embedded? if so, strip off old date/time ' If strOldDate Like "####-##-##_######" Then strOldName = Left(strOldName, Len(strOldName) - 18) End If strNewName = ThisPath & "\" & _ strOldName & ";" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & _ "_" & Format(Now, "hhmmss") & "." & strSuffix Case "vers" ' ' is version number already embedded? ' If strOldName Like "*;v###" Then strVerNum = VerNum(Right(strOldName, 3), 3, 1) localVerNum = strVerNum If localVerNum > 999 Then MsgBox "Next version number > 999; can not be accomodated" & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Current file will be saved with current version number." & vbCrLf & _ "You can change filename when system prompts to replace" & vbCrLf & _ "existing file", vbCritical, ProcTitle strNewName = ThisPath & "\" & strOldName & "." & strSuffix GoTo Step5: End If strNewName = ThisPath & "\" & Left(strOldName, Len(strOldName) - 3) & _ strVerNum & "." & strSuffix Else ' no version number strNewName = ThisPath & "\" & strOldName & _ ";v001" & "." & strSuffix End If End Select Step5: ' save with new name Select Case LCase(Application.Name) Case "microsoft access" Case "microsoft excel" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=strNewName Case "microsoft outlook" Case "microsoft powerpoint" ActivePresentation.SaveAs FileName:=strNewName Case "microsoft project" ' ActiveProject.SaveAs FileName:=strNewName Case "microsoft visio" Case "microsoft word" ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=strNewName End Select End Sub Function VerNum(strOldVerNum, Length, Inc) As String ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Title VerNum ' Target Application: any ' Function: creates a new version number by incrementing old number ' by Inc. Resulting number is converted to string type and ' front padded with "0"s to achieve apprpriate "length" ' ' If natural length of new version number is > length, "XXX" ' is assigned to VerNum and function exits. For example, ' orig ver number = 98, length = 2 and Inc = 3. New number ' is 101 which is longer than 2 ' Limitations: none ' Passed Values: ' StrOldVerNum [in, string] original version number ' Length [in, int/long] desired length of new version ' number (actual number is left ' padded with "0"s) ' Inc [in, int/long] increment ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim NumZeros As Integer Dim localVerNum As Long localVerNum = CLng(strOldVerNum) + Inc NumZeros = Length - Len(Trim(Str(localVerNum))) If NumZeros < 0 Then VerNum = "XXX" Exit Function End If VerNum = String(NumZeros, "0") & Trim(Str(localVerNum)) End Function Sub SaveAs_Test() Dim SaveType As String SaveType = InputBox("date or vers or ???? approach?") If SaveType = "" Then Exit Sub Call VerSaveAs(SaveType) End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy the above code.
  2. FOR EXCEL: Open any workbook.
  3. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  4. In the left side window, select the target spreadsheet [it will likely be called VBAProject(name.xls) where name is the name of the spreadsheet]
  5. Select an existing code module for the target worksheet; or from the Insert Menu, choose Insert | Module.
  6. Paste the code into the right-hand code window.
  7. Close the VBE, save the file if desired.
  8. FOR WORD: open any document
  9. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  10. In the left side window, select the target document [it will likely be called VBAProject(name.doc) where name is the name of the document]
  11. Select an existing code module for the target document; or from the Insert Menu, choose Insert | Module.
  12. Paste the code into the right-hand code window.
  13. Close the VBE, save the file if desired.
  14. See ?Test The Code? below

Test the code:

  1. Open one of the examples
  2. Click on the relevant command button

Sample File: 65.58KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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