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Progress bar using IE

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This shows you an example of how you can have a progress bar using Internet Explorer instead of a form. 


This is most useful for vbscripts, which cannot use forms, but can be utilized by anything which uses VB and has Internet Explorer installed. It creates a new IE window with two DIV objects, allowing the user to change what is in those objects at runtime. This can be useful in a long loop, to inform the user of the progress. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit 'As this is originally designed for vb script (as you can use a userform progress bar ' in VBA/VB), the variables are not dimensioned as any specific type. If you will only ' be using this in VB/VBA, then you can use the following dimension statements: ' Dim IE As Object, vHead As Object, vBar As Object, IEOpen As Boolean ' Dim progr As Long, totl As Long, i As Long ' 'If you do this, you will have to remove the "Set ___ = Nothing" lines for the ' non-object variables at the bottom of the subroutine. ' ' Also, you can use the following function declaration lines instead of those below: ' Function SetProgText(ByVal vDocumentObject As Object, ByVal vObjectText As String, _ ' ByRef IEOpen As Boolean) As Boolean ' Function StartIE(ByRef IE As Object) As Boolean '(again, remove the Set vObjectText = Nothing as it isn't an object/variant) ' 'For formatting purposes, I put the body of the subroutine in a Sub/End Sub block, ' but as noted, if you're using in VBS then you can remove these Sub IEProgressExample() 'comment this line out if using in vbscript Dim IE, vHead, vBar, i, progr, totl, IEOpen 'Initialize IE, set variables and initial heading StartIE IE Set vHead = IE.Document.All("vHead") Set vBar = IE.Document.All("vBar") IEOpen = True 'This is how you set the text to the different parts of the progress window SetProgText vHead, "Working...", IEOpen 'example for loop to increment progress counter totl = 2500 For i = 1 To totl progr = CLng((i / (totl)) * 100) SetProgText vBar, String(progr, "|") & String(100 - progr, "."), IEOpen Next 'i 'clear variables If IEOpen Then IE.Quit Set IE = Nothing Set vHead = Nothing Set vBar = Nothing Set IEOpen = Nothing Set i = Nothing Set progr = Nothing Set totl = Nothing End Sub 'comment this line out if using in vbscript Function SetProgText(ByVal vDocumentObject, ByVal vObjectText, ByRef IEOpen) If Not IEOpen Then Exit Function On Error Resume Next vDocumentObject.InnerHTML = vObjectText If Err.Number <> 0 Then IEOpen = False Set vObjectText = Nothing Set vDocumentObject = Nothing End Function Function StartIE(ByRef IE) Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") With IE .Navigate2 "about:blank" Do While .readyState <> 4 Loop .Document.Title = "Progress" .Document.Body.InnerHTML = _ "<BODY SCROLL='NO'><CENTER><FONT FACE='arial black' SIZE=2>" & vbLf & _ "<DIV id='vHead' ALIGN='Left'></DIV>" & vbLf & _ "<DIV id='vBar' ALIGN='Left'></DIV>" & vbLf & _ "</FONT></CENTER></BODY>" .Document.Body.Scroll = "no" .Toolbar = False .StatusBar = False .Resizable = False .Width = 435 .Height = 100 .Left = 0 .Top = 0 .Visible = True End With End Function

How to use:

  1. Copy above code.
  2. In Excel press Alt + F11 to enter the VBE.
  3. Go to Insert, then Module.
  4. Paste code into the new code pane.
  5. Close the VBE
  6. Press Alt-F8 from Excel to open Macros window
  7. Choose IEProgressExample, and click Run!

Test the code:

  1. Open IEProgressExampleBook.xls
  2. Click "Run IEProgressExample" button, which runs the subroutine "IEProgressExample"

Sample File: 10.45KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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